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What was the last Movie you saw ??


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I'm currently in the process of going back and rewatching all of the Disney canon. I started fairly recently; I just finished Dumbo. I didn't like it as much as I did Pinocchio and Fantasia, but my goodness, is it sad. :( Like most old Disney films, it's a masterpiece.

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I just watched the Perks of being a wallflower and I loved it. Really really loved it. I will definitley be buying the book.

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Boys Don't Cry.


So tragic.


I just watched a trailer for "The Philosophers," and it looks really interesting. Except I never go to the movies, so I'll probably forget I wanted to see it by the time the library gets a copy (if it ever even does).

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Saw the 2011 version of Jane Eyre. Twice. My goodness, it was fantastic. It showed a few perspectives that I couldn't pick up on in the book, but added so much to the movie. And I hardly noticed the things that were left out.

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Anna Karenina. The recent British adaptation.

Sad to say I was a little disappointed in it, it didn't carry the tone of the story as I would have liked. They added far too much "style" into it which came off a little sillier than the darker themes of the story. And being a fan of the book, it made me feel like I was robbed of 2 hours >_<

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The last movie I watched was Here Comes The Boom starring Kevin James. The movie was actually very good, much better than I thought it would be.

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Murder With Pictures (1936) old b&w flick. Not very good.


Public domain newspaper flick starring Lew Ayres! My kinda movie.


Last film I watched was Thirteen Days (2000). About the Cuban missile crisis and the closest we ever came to blowing up the world. Could be more accurate of course, but reasonable and reasonably terrifying. The United States and Russia still have enough nukes to cause nuclear winter. Dear President Obama: get serious about arms reductions again. Good luck getting much past Congress, but please try. A small deterrent is one thing, but it is positively insane that there is still even the tiniest chance of destroying the planet with nuclear weapons.

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I watched The Hobbit saturday? night!! As I read the book finally over winter break I was eager to watch the movie but of course like most of the watchers totally crestfallen that there wasn't an end yet. x) I think 3 movies is a bit preposterous but nonetheless it was incredibly well done!

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