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Giovanni Gale

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Oh, Spritzie, that's exactly what I do with my Habi! I have a row of nests blocking entrance to storage, and my workers stay put where they are in front of the resource. My computer seems much happier with the P3's not running around everywhere. x)


I've also been focusing on getting more avvies - mostly the random and game ones, though I have started requesting item lends through the ALP (which actually nudged me to join the forum and meet the community).

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I did pretty much nothing. I worked 6 hours today, then bummed around home the rest of the day.


For Habi, there's some tricks that make it easier and more efficient. Like, blocking off your storage buildings. Or blocking your workers at their resource. You can place a decoration item in the space square as your workers after you've placed them, and that will stop the pests from spawning in those places.


Thanks so much for telling us that! I would've never thought of that and it really is making a huge difference! It reminds me of what I used to do on cafe world with my stoves lol.

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I read about the idea of blocking off the storage buildings here. It's definitely reduces the lag, to not have them roaming across the screen.


Eevee is the one that told me about blocking the workers in at the resources and placing a decoration under them to stop pests. One day she helped my stream-line my Habi to make it prettier and work more smoothly. I haven't changed anything since then, because it works so nicely.


Eris, how is your avatar hunt going so far? I've kinda hit a stand-still myself. The majority of avatars I still need are game ones (which I'm having no luck with. I've been working on Faerie Bubbles for a long time now. Maybe it's time to skip it and try another one.) daily ones, like the Wheel of Knowledge and Snowager, stamp ones (Which is never going to happen) and different site ones like the Neopian Times, Random Contest, and Caption Contest.

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(this question wasn't for me but I'm answering it anyway)


Well, I suck at game avatars, and I've gotten a few random ones and all of the Pet of a certain color ones. and clickable ones. except for Darigan Pteri.

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I'm in a stand still as well. I'm still trying to poke that Snowager every chance I get, but he is still very stingy and will not give me the avatar. One of these days, that avatar will be mine!


I don't have the wits for the Caption Contest or the patience for every 100th contest either since a lot of people are going to submit their captions on every 100th Caption Contest since they want the avatar for it.


I don't have the potential or the skills for those site-themed contests in general. I'd rather just go for some of the game avatars (anything that doesn't require Shockwave).


I'm happy with whatever avatars that I do have, especially that Meepit Juice Break avatar that took me 12 hours one Sunday to obtain, and the TDMBGPOP avatar as well. I'm not really huge on obtaining avatars on Neopets.

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I enter the Caption Contest when something jumps out at me, but I've yet to make it in. I've had thoughts for the NT, but never put them into action. And I do plan to enter a Random Contest someday, when the theme really strikes me.


I don't know when I'll ever get Meepit Juice Break. I've been casually trying here and there, to improve my score on normal, since I don't know when I'll have 10-12 hours pretty much uninterrupted to try on Zen. When I'm off work, there's generally enough going on that I wouldn't be able to get it done.

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If I could just get either the Typing Terror, Faerie Bubbles, Dice A Roo or Lever of Doom avatar sometime in the near future I'd be happy. Just 1 of those would make me happy because I feel like I've been trying for all of them for so long.

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I remember getting the Dice-A-Roo avatar shortly upon my return to Neopets back in August of 2010. Getting the jackpot in that game is not very easy, especially after a lot of Game Overs throughout the process.


I may try the Lever of Doom again when I saved up a lot of Neopoints, that is one of the costliest avatars if you're not lucky.

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See some people tell me dice a roo is super easy. I really think it just all depends on luck. I've been spending 2000 per day on the lever of doom just hoping to get it.


Ashbash I'm the same but been spending 5k on that stupid lever in vain hope of getting it. Dice a Roo I have given up with totally as I don't have nay luck with that one. Im trying to focus on the Hide and Seek smile avatar now as thats another annoyance for me!

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@Kaito: I do! I love it. :) Have you seen the new Elders React?


I'm watching it now. I already saw the Nyan Cat Elders one xD I've recently started to watch Teens React starting with MLP. :D

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Hahahaha same, I'm pretty much addicted to watching them now XD.


What else do you guys watch on YouTube? Have any particular favourite videos?

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Not generally. I just watch stuff from BikdipOnABus, GalacticElliot, and GiantAnt456, and occasionally Chuggaaconroy or TheRunawayGuys. (not linking to all of those)

I also watch random crap that's all over YouTube and also Vocaloid. never too much vocaloid.

and MLP. never too much MLP.

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Anything I watch on Youtube? Pretty much anything having to do with Neopets, vintage gaming (NES, Game Boy, Super NES, etc.), as well as assorted cartoons and anime (though I watch some of those elsewhere).


Did you know that The Daily Neopets had their own Youtube channel? It's defunct now, but here it is: http://www.youtube.com/user/thedailyneopets


Only thing really awesome is that Shenkuu River Rush video guide that Ian posted for the channel. I'm not sure if I can pull of these score-boosting tactics, whoever posted this for TDN must be really good with consecutive timing.


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Ha :P

I accidentally started playing Snake while watching that and got to the point where i could do a lap around the screen and would catch up to my tail. xD


I also watch TAS videos by SwordlessLink, FractalFusion, and others. one in particular I like is the Pokemon Ruby one:



Basically what he does is get a Taillow with guts (double attack with a status condition), gets Paralyzed, and sweeps the whole game. when he gets Facade, a move that doubles to 140 power when the user has a status effect... yeah.

This is TAS, so the RNG and stuff is manipulated so he only runs into a pokemon when he wants to, gets luck items with Pick-up, and gets a critical hit whenever he needs it to KO something.

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Hahaha nice :D. I usually just look at music videos online, because i can't be bothered listening to the radio and i'm too poor to download off of iTunes XD. But honestly, $2.30 for 1 song? That's just a bit steep...

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Off topic.

But I just 100%'d Kirby Super Star Ultra in 4 and a half hours.

I am so proud. :')


Even The True Arena? That puts your Kirby skills to the supreme test, I only beaten it with Stone Ability (Stone = Invincible while in stone form).


I start Summer School in two days. Not looking forward to it, at all.


Last time I had summer school was when I was in 1st or 2nd grade (forgot when exactly). Summer school is especially a pain if you were in my high school, you'd have to pay to go to summer school if you got failing grades and/or some uncompleted portfolio assignments (or at least did not meet the minimal amount of completed portfolio assignments required to move on). Luckily however, I made it through high school without having to go to summer school, that would make things worse for any of my past summers.

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Even The True Arena? That puts your Kirby skills to the supreme test, I only beaten it with Stone Ability (Stone = Invincible while in stone form).


I beat it with hammer in the decent time of 6:14. I got better time in all of the arenas then i do in my normal files. I'm gonna try to do it in stone now :P


Helper to Hero: 4:56

The Arena: 6:18

True Arena: 6:14

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Once a week is sort of what I come here too, maybe twice, but yeh because I've been playing neo for so long I don't really feel the need to talk about it much :P

But when I want to it's nice to be able to go here ^^


edit: oops this was a respons to what we were talking about few pages back :P

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