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    Novelista got a reaction from Azurablue in Forum Customization Contest!   
    I'm the first one to enter this round? :O

    I saw it on Hert's cheering thread and I thought, "Hey, cool!" I thought I'd use the sort of things I used to one, but I actually used two "used to" (the naginata and the warrior boots), one "current" (the wig) and the rest is new.

    The naginata (the staff she's holding) is a traditional Japanese women's weapon...they'd use them to defend the home when their husbands were off to war. (Learned that a couple of years ago.)

    I think it would be cool if TNT had "fighting fans" like Kitana in Mortal Kombat. As far as I can tell, they're like tessen, only tessen are usually folded all the time and don't open into fans (according to Wiki).

    Okay...enough Encyclopedia Daya. xD


    Updated the next day...

    ...augh, I lost all my customizations from yesterday, 'cause I edited the wrong copy. *sigh*
  2. Like
    Novelista reacted in Forum Customization Contest!   
    Thanks for entering everyone! :) It's so interesting and fun to see the different Warrior styles so far. I'm still getting my customization together. xD
    Novelista- Lovely entry, and thanks for being the first! I love the information you provided about the naginatas. It was interesting to think about while looking at the custom! If I come across something that looks like a "fighting fan" in DTI, I'll let you know the name. That is exactly the point of the contest. :) Everyone can show their own unique creativity through their customization, and I love that there are no restrictions from the main site. xD You can edit your entry during the entry dates, if you ever want to change something.
    Lady Lyuba- I'm glad you found the contest! :) Wow, your tiki theme looks awesome! I can see the staff pretty good. :)
    Shelley- Your custom really does remind me of Snow White! xD It looks like she is going to go slay the witch! I didn't even realize they left her revenge out. lol
    Totu487- A zombie warrior will be fun to see! =) I can't wait to see what you come up with!
    Yeahlatte- Woe, another awesome custom! :) I think it's a good representation of an Illusion Warrior. I really like her wig/shield/sword combo! Thanks for entering, and welcome to the forum!
    Georgeringo- That is just cool!! I feel like it's a scene from a zombie movie lol, and it's such a unique approach! Well done! :)
  3. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from georgeringo in Forum Customization Contest!   
    Mine looks so tame!
    Of course, I've never been a fan of using every last spot available. Sometimes, when I look at the customs for the site, I think, "That is so gaudy!"
    But isn't that the point of a contest like this? To show off our individual styles without the restrictions of the main site? ^_^
  4. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from lithium_kissed in The Cat Thread   
    Mistress Ella looks like she has danty black gloves on. :D
  5. Like
    Novelista reacted to ice cream man in What Are The New Caps?   
    yeah I also hit the cap for yooyuball, but now I'm rank 2 and I don't think I have ever ranked up twice in one day before.
  6. Like
    Novelista reacted to tomeander in Which faction are you joining for the 30th round?   
    Last day for the skirmish battles, get those last fights in. :)
  7. Like
    Novelista reacted to leverhelven in The Cat Thread   
    When I first met Emilyat the shelter, I was actually poking my finger thru the cage to play with another kitty... but then she just came to me and HELD my finger with both her paws! She didn't let go either. It was on that moment that I knew: she was THE one! <3
  8. Like
    Novelista reacted to lovedwallflower in Why does trading post even exist?   
    I give neomail requests a day to respond - 24 hours because of the different time zones, then offer on another lot. If they don't want to sell, it's their loss :)
  9. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in The Cat Thread   
    My favorite is the "lick-scratch"...Lauren will wrap her arms around my wrist and lick while I'm scratching her belly. It feels funny, but we both love it! :wub_anim:
  10. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in The Cat Thread   
    Aww! Someone needs her belly scratched! *gigglefit*
  11. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in D'oh! It's the Ultimate Simpsons Thread!   
    I think there's a bit of irony in putting Ralph next to some psychology books. xD
    And that kitten is adorable. ;)
  12. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in D'oh! It's the Ultimate Simpsons Thread!   
    I was going to catch up on all the seasons once upon a time, but we're talking twenty-four(?) seasons now and...eek. (I salute you, Lev, as I always have.)
    This Bud...er...Duff (see what I did there?) is for you: ;)

    (Clean/color version here)
  13. Like
    Novelista reacted to kaybee92 in Interesting cultural habits from your country/state/area!   
    Mexico, too - all my friends' mothers are my "aunts," but in Spain calling someone aunt/uncle would be basically like calling someone "dude" unless they're ACTUALLY your aunt or uncle...aka it's not respectful at all.
  14. Like
    Novelista reacted to erato_ in Neopets vs real life confusion.   
    I had something like that too
    My dad was planning a trip to England not so long ago, and he was telling me about a place they wanted to visit called Beddgelert, which means "Gelert's Grave" and that Gelert was the dog of a prince. In the legend the prince comes back home from a hunt, but he can't find his newborn anywhere and all he sees is the cradle overturned, and the dog with a blood-smeared mouth. Immediately he thinks the dog killed the baby and he draws his sword and kills the dog. But when the dog is dead he hears the baby crying and turns the craddle over only to see a dead wolf, which had probably tried to attack the baby but had been killed by Gelert. The prince feels so guilty that he buries the dog and the spot where he lies is supposedly Beddgelert.
    It might just be an urban legend, but it sure as hell raised my fondness for my own Gelerts :)
  15. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Wildbreeze in The Cat Thread   
    *squeals*: IT'S SO ADORABLE!
    Oh my goodness.
    Well, I'm lazy, so I'll copypasta part of a PM (from me) from another site. :P
    (1:28a ET, this morning)

    My dad's cat (Ani) has--up 'til this point--been in the basement all night. About 12:30, I went to check on her and saw something moving on the wall when I was about to leave.

    "Oh my god...is that a mouse or a really big spider?!"

    I waited for it to move and it was a mouse! I've never seen a mouse climb up the wall! (Our basement walls are rough and cut to look like brick, so I guess it's no wonder it was climbing to get away from her!) I said, "Hello!" and talked to it about getting it outdoors. I grabbed a box (we reuse shipping boxes) and tried to coax it in, but it wouldn't go. I looked around and saw a mop handle and tried to knock it in...I knocked it off, instead.

    I encouraged Ani to get it, but she just chased it into the big room where we store stuff. | She cornered it and it started climbing the walls again...and Ani starts wrapping around my legs, purring up a storm.

    Meanwhile, I'm laughing to beat the band and swearing my dad is going to wake up because I'm cracking up so hard and talking to both the mouse and the cat!

    A couple of times, I said, "Stop, cat! I'm going to pee my pants!"

    Finally, I managed to knock it off the wall and into the box. I took it upstairs and chucked it outside...and I'm wondering why I didn't just use the walkout door in the basement. (Although Ani probably would've gone out after it, if I had.)

    That doesn't sound quite as funny on paper, but I thought it was hilarious. xD
  16. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Bright ^_^ in Good NT Comic   
    I gave up on kadding, but this is so true!

  17. Like
    Novelista reacted to Shelley in Novelista's Latest Both   
    YAY!!! good for you!! :D I think they yay's definitely outweigh the nay's ;) looks like you have an exciting adventure ahead of you
    haha I've been a pin cushion for quite some time...this medication I'm taking (I just got an infusion today actually :D) requires a vaccine for everything that there's possibly a vaccine for...not to mention I had to redo a bunch lol. The TB test I found the least painful out of everything! haha I would get it over with, it does have that "ick" factor though. :p
  18. Like
    Novelista reacted to blueberrykiwi141 in Nay for Too Much of a Good Thing   
    I understand the not wanting structure thing, but again it is definitely needed.
    There are boards you can make that are just 'whatever' type boards :)
    I did not know it was possible to have them auto merge, that would definitely be nice for the staff of TNDF :)
  19. Like
    Novelista reacted to Ruto in Reasons that can lead to banning   
    Bans are usually for more serious infractions, like something that would get you immediately iced on neo.
    Basically, if you're being at least a decent member of the forums, you have nothing to worry about. ;)
  20. Like
    Novelista reacted to leverhelven in Good NT Comic   
    Uproar? Bah, it just makes sense to me! I'm glad they did it. It's hard to feed now as it is, I can't even imagine how it was back in those days! :P
  21. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from AJ11 in Good NT Comic   
    I gave up on kadding, but this is so true!

  22. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from herrashmoo in Good NT Comic   
    I gave up on kadding, but this is so true!

  23. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in Funerals and Our Culture   
    Their patriarch, died, Lev...I haven't heard yet if they've done any protesting since.
    Here in the States, the procession is allowed to keep on driving right through the red light, primarily because everyone stops for them.
    I could imagine how freaky that box would be. My dad uses body bags when he goes to pick up clients, so I'm sure that's not much better.
  24. Like
    Novelista reacted to Desertfreak in Lost Desert Support Thread! 2014!!   
    I'd like a trailer better then a tent as well! We should do something like create a clan of TDN Members who play for Lost Desert!
    EDIT: We could call it PORTAL (Players Of the Riveting The daily neopets And Lost desert)
  25. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in Funerals and Our Culture   
    I think a lot of times, when it's a church funeral, there's a ladies' group that does the food. (I'm certain that was the case with the last one I went to.)
    In some cases, yes, the decedent's family provides the food. When my Grandpa Prescott passed away, it was in January and we didn't have the celebration of life until summer. My uncle grilled a lot of bratwurst, my grandma and I made pies and a bucket of potato salad...I don't know if the church ladies provided any food, but they definitely helped with the serving so we could spend time with our guests and eat.
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