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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. My daughter in law LIVES on there lmao I would love to give one (or however many) to her.


    But alas with as many posts as I have I'm pretty sure I don't have a squeeky clean record :( Especially when I was just starting out and trying to figure it all out lol

  2. The down right simple answer to WHY they want to isn't hard to find.


    They want the same rights as any other married couple. To file taxes together, to have medical benefits for their partners, and to have rights to any children the couple chooses to deem so.



    As of current day laws:


    Gay couples cannot file married and it be recognized by the federal government.


    If a gay partner passes away and is the biological parent to a child , the surviving partner has no rights to the children even if they adopted them. Federal and State governments will place the child with family, and if none are to be found, they will go to a foster home and the other parent will not be allowed to have them for at least 7 years, and even then they have to re-adopt and re-certify they can care for the child. And that's still saying the foster facility will even allow a gay person to adopt. (That's another debate entirely)


    And plain and simple they are people that are protected under our constitution to have equal rights as everyone else and there are state laws put in place specifically to keep them from that right.




    There. Can we end this topic soon? -blah-

  3. I hate it when you turn your head suddenly and your neck pops, leaving a painful feeling. x_x



    Actually it's called a twang of the muscle, or twinge. It's the act of one muscle removing another from it's location in the process of it's own direction. Blah.





    I know way too much random and useless information.

  4. Has everyone forgotten that men being with men is etched into our history? That it was common place. Roman, Greek, and many other cultures it was found to be common practice since the only reason a man was to be with a woman was for the purpose of baring a child.

  5. Well I started my first health class in college today and well it really got me thinking.


    I have more health problems than I can shake a stick at and one of my biggest issues that makes it all worse is that I have an addiction to salt, vinegar, and anything bitter (GO LEMONS!). Because of this the acid level in my body is way above normal (Like off the charts on a PH Test). My doctors are trying to get me to eat more "base" foods to counter act it.


    Anyway, there's the lesson for the day.


    However, a friend of mine who is a health nut (with lack of a better term) showed me this site that I just fell in love with.


    It's NOT a diet it's a change in what you consume, not saying you can't eat what you do already.


    This is totally personalized to you and I've followed it for a while now and I have more energy than I've had in years. So for me, it worked. It might not for everyone but it's fun to read none the less.


    So if you're curious what you should be doing to improve (detox) your body (in two weeks no less) then check it out.





    There's my rant for the evening.



  6. and oh thank you for saying welcome totally cool and really friendly here whcih is really neat


    That's what keeps me coming back here time and time again ^_^ I got the same kind of welcome not long ago myself.


    Can't wait to see you active on the boards!

  7. No I mean I use and adblock and my games always load immediately. There's no waiting or anything. I use FF3 with ABP.



    Okay then I seriously need your assistance in setting up my ABP 'cause I have the same stuff and the adds show first screen but wont play.



    >> And I still don't have anything that will work on flash ads

  8. You can always risk them or you can always eat them..it's really up to you ultimate what you want to do with it.


    I always keep my first ones to myself or even in some cases I cash them in for tokens, but 21K is a good asking price for a Negg.

  9. U: Th reason we didnt say that Levana is because there really is no cookies


    (has cookie crumbs all over my motuh) <_< >_> There never was either..



    steals the pouch of cookies off of your belt





    runs like mad

  10. [Ok, I will wait for someone else to try this one. Can you say it in one second? :P Just so I know.]


    Remember that if you have forgotten the previous sentence to type, here it is:


    SympliG0thic is completely random, and if she can say this in one second, you are too.




    I love to eat cookies


    and it actually takes about 1.6 seconds >.<

  11. Some of the codestones are more expensive; around 7K according to shop wiz. Don't you use different types of codestone for each attibute you want to increase?



    Sort of but not really. You can be required to only need one codestone at first and it will go up to combination of codestones (still at common levels)


    I have needed a Main Codestone for endurance and level training, so I'm not sure how that system works really.




    theres not really any set in stone list of what you will be required for what level

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