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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. All the sources a quick search digs up say it's random. :yes: So yeah, TNT is probably just confusing us. xD


    It does serve the purpose of driving book prices up pretty well though...


    So different colors are like a rarity index?

  2. I'm not really sure where to look for this so figured I'd ask here.


    When you read a book to your pet, it will puff in a cloud of smoke. But each book has a different cloud of smoke!


    I'm assuming this has to do with the "alignment" of the book, or character it's about.


    But what does it actually do or stand for? Or is it just something they do to confuse us? lol

  3. Welcome to the forum! I'm new as well but everyone here is friendly so i feel like family now b) See ya around! :)

    OMG I LOVE your avatar! hahaha ^.^ Sorry just had to say that


    ~*~Welcome Zoe~*~

    Since your new to the forum, let me link you to some of the highlights and most important pages:



    New Members Guide

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    View New Posts <-- also located on the right hand side of the top tool bar


    If you have any questions or comments about absolutely anything, please don't hesitate to PM me.

    I'm on here constantly, and helping new members is my absolute favorite forum activity.

    Stick Around & Stay Active; next thing you know you’ll be addicted like the rest of us.


    p.s. You seem to be in want of a custom forum signature? Might I offer my services?

    You can check out my Graphics Stand link in my signature, and PM me if your interested.


    One day I will get that whole introduction down as well as you have it lol




    And to the lovely Zoe, welcome to the insane house!!

    We look forward to seeing more of you!




  4. Your reply was so much more helpful, LOL, I just deleted mine. I was babbling anyway cause I'm tired.

    I totally misunderstood what you were talking about Chaotic Fission, sorry for not carefully reading before replying.



    lol it's fine hun, I try to keep it simple as possible because custom toolbars can be confusing as heck to begin with.

  5. TNT wont help because it's not their release of the addon.


    I have never had a problem with my tarla bar, and they have updated recently so you might just try an uninstall and re-install of it.


    A direct link I don't think will cause you to have any repercussions since that is essentially what the addon does for you.

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