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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. wow this is gonna get big quick!


    In my bag I packed and Avatar and a Brown Paint Brush and a Cool Lord Kass Plushie and a Draik Egg and an Eye of Jhudora Fountain and a Fountain Faerie Quest and a Gigantic decorated Christmas Tree and a Hippalop and an Icy Negg and a Jeran action figure and a Korbat and a Lord Kass Pencil Case and a Magical Blue Draik Plushie and a Neocash Mall and an Orange Grundo and a Peophin and a 1 million neopoints! Quigquig Plushie and a Red Pteri and a Shop Wizard, and a Techo.

  2. You rawk :)


    Thank you! That's made it much easier now that I can actually get a link!!!


    The orange thingy kept coming up and tormenting me about an alert waiting :D



    LOL you're welcome!! I wasn't thrilled that they didn't just create it like a normal toolbar, but with it being that way you can customize it (including the images) how you want it to look and where u want it to sit :)

  3. Since I upgraded my FF, obviously the toolbar doesn't work.


    However have since found the add-on for the newer FF version, however don't have the link for when I get an alert?


    Can anyone help me? Please?!?!?


    Have tried looking everywhere! :(



    In FF:


    Click View > Toolbars > Customize and drag and drop them from that box onto your toolbar. (As long as they are installed properly they should be at the bottom of the option box)

  4. My husband is prior military, my mother, grandmothers, father, uncles, you name it all of my family has served in the military. I was intent on joining at one point.


    I think it is simply a freedom of choice thing.


    If you want to serve, you should be allowed. I wouldn't really break it down so far as men vs. women. :/

  5. Oh there's tons of those!


    Kiwii's and Quebles are the most popular since windows messenger uses them


    otherwise, it's best to find a doll maker site, they would probably be the easiest to navigate you to what you're looking for.

  6. doesnt seem to have a drop down to use to paint and the rainbow fountain is all "used" up..


    how can i use?


    You have to go here: http://www.neopets.com/pool/


    and if you have a pet that has the option for Snow it will appear under neath it and you select it, then select paint them.


    If you do not have a pet that has the Snow option, it wont show up.


    if that is the case, it's best to sell the pb to earn points towards one you can use.


    You can see what color options each pet has here: http://www.neopets.com/pool/all_pb.phtml

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