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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. Well, if your egg died, you can't bring it back to life. I think, if your hatchling dies, you can try to bring it back to life, but it's a small chance that you'll actually succeed. :/


    Okay but how? Getting it more views? That's where I'm lost.


    EDIT: Okay they just dropped and scared me half to death. Did they get slammed from the freak out? Lol

  2. Well, they were obtainable for a short time in November, so who knows...it used to be that you can kill a dragon or hatchling, and when you try to bring it back to life, there was a small chance that it would be a zombie. But, since they are retired, DO NOT TRY THIS STUNT. Your scroll might be burned (meaning you'll be banned) if you kill too many dragons.


    You can bring it back to life? I missed that part somewhere, please clarify 'cause I have one that's sadly passed and if I can get it back I'd love to! lol

  3. i just have to sell it quickly before the perfectionist in me realizes what im doing.


    Goodluck with that lol You'll have to let me know how that works out for you!


    I got the petpet lab map for dirt cheap but there's no way I'm paying out for the regular map. It's not worth it to me personally. But with the added access and being able to do it as often as you can I guess in the long run it makes more sense. But I'd rather wait for the random gatherings lol

  4. To add to what Chaotic said another thing is to make sure your system is cleaned up and tuned up so that you don't have a lot of extras bogging you down. You can have the most powerful comp in the world but if you are running too much for it, all the speed in the world wont help.


    I recommend Tune-Up Utilities. It's a simple 1 click fix that will optimize and help clean up your system and it's not overpriced for what it does. (Swears by it)

  5. OMG My Dragons!!!


    Where did my beautiful babies go? lmao


    I have to share for those that need visuals::


    QhMs.gif yd15.gif Z5FK.gif

    FQsq.gif vAgu.gif


    Please tell me they will go back some day!


    I don't have all of the ones listed so I guess if someone has a Split or something they could share? I'm curious what those look like too!

  6. Welcome to the insanity!


    I even posted it on my look-up that I'm NOT too old for NeoPets lol the day you think you're too old to have fun heh it's going to be a very boring life from that point on.


    Plus it's the simple pleasures lol (but I have a bit of a competitive streak with hubby and so far I think he's the oldest I know that plays)

  7. Okay I have to ask since now that makes about 10 ppl I know getting PBs on KQ and I haven't hit 1 yet >.<


    What board are you guys playing on that you are getting them? Or does it matter?

  8. Well I have stocked up on glowing jelly. It's cheap and even if it's random I'll take my chances.


    I have a lovely Xweetok that I want to paint white, but until then I will play around to see what she turns into :)


    Yes, for those of you who have been following me YES I have given up on the Shadow and the White is the one I want now. Lmao ya I know I can't make up my mind. But I have a beautiful petpet and thus far all my pets and petpet's match except for my poor Xweetok. So here we go lol

  9. I'm usually the one where my browser just says "Eh I'm not gonna do this anymore" then poof.


    But it's getting better. Sadly I only have me and hubby to play KQ with atm. Teaching my g/f but that's slow going.


    I played Xepha once and she slammed me lol I'm always looking for new people here to play against tho :)

  10. Welcome to the craziness! We are always glad to welcome new people :) We are a tid bit crazy but nothing too insane..well as of yet =^_^=


    Hope you enjoy your time here! Just make sure to read the rules and you'll be just fine!


    (YAY I got first welcome!!!)

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