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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. 0 guests, 9 members, 1 anonymous members

    SympliG0thic, Google.com, porrco_rosso, lilpirateninja, Soundbot, Katy, Dante the Snowman, micamone, Ultimate Happy Negg, The no one

  2. This is actually a very good question. I've debated on doing this before (but having my hubby help me) by putting some items in our shop for an outrageous amount to move the NP. I do want this avatar, but they aren't really specific enough to let you know what cases of doing this are okay and which aren't.


    I'm slowly figuring out I'm one of the few that doesn't have a side account O.o

  3. I was going to really read through this because this debate has personal grounds with me and I've done a few hundred speeches on the matter.


    However, it doesn't really matter, the debate may never end.


    I just look at it from a very simple point of view. If you can't be happy in life, life is not worth living. So do whatever it takes to make yourself happy and screw the rest as long as you aren't out to hurt anyone.

  4. True, but I hate to hear the members moaning about when Ian's going to arrive and post the grand clue to where one of the hidden scrolls lie... XD


    I think the biggest reason members are having a hard time is because they come to TDN for help or answers to puzzles and games. And now that TDN is having their own, they don't have anywhere to look.


    So far I love the game, once I figured out a method for myself I'm finding them much faster now. But it still doesn't save me from having to sift through every possible page. And thus far I have learned more about NeoPets than I ever thought I would. So I'm taking advantage of this not only to complete the puzzle but to also figure out stuff.


    I guess not everyone sees it as such an opportunity!

  5. Honestly it's probably lag on your part. I would suspect that before cheating.


    I've learned that Opera runs the flash much faster.


    I thought my system didn't lag too badly but then I played against our infamous Xepha and she way-layed on me and she flew through everything. So then I realized that my system just wasn't running as fast as it could.


    That could very well be your case.

  6. It's pretty simple really. If you have an account with someone, they have access to your information. Even if they can't see your pw they have admin rights and could change it at will.


    No one would ever have just cause to see your password or pin numbers when they run the site it's on.

  7. ChezaRayne's fishing skill is 34. You reel in your line and get...gar_cinderblock_fungus.gifCinder Block Sea Fungus!


    BBA_3_3_3_3's fishing skill is 36. You reel in your line and get...vor_landfish.gifLandfish!


    Aerin_Star's fishing skill is 11. You reel in your line and get...gar_red_kelp.gifGiant Red Kelp!

  8. Just an update since I don't know if I can give clues or not since I"m not a staffy >.< but I have 4/5 but no clues from Taelia yet :(


    If you are working in standard reading order tho it may take you twice as long to find them. (That's as much as I can try to help hopefully without getting in trouble!)


    EDIT: 5/5 found.

  9. Meuka Pinata: 105+K

    Balthazar Pinata: 105+K

    Vira Pinata: Est. 90K

    Hubrid Nox Pinata: 120+K

    Turmaculus Pinata: Unknown (Estimated around the same as the others, only one on TP tho)

    Boochi Pinata: 250K

    Grundo Pinata: 150K

    Chuckles Pinata: 130+K

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