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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. Alright, since everyone else is going back and forth here's my 2 cents.


    If the only point for feeding them is to get the avatar then I think it's unfair for those that have it to continue doing so.


    However, NeoPets is an equal opportunity employer so there is no way to regulate who can do it without TNT stepping in.


    So until then, GL to getting to them!

  2. Codestones are where you start training and they are reasonable in price for what you can get. around 3K a piece on a good day.


    Dubloons are more expensive and harder to get your hands on at times, but they are just as good for training.


    It's more what the trainer wants for their pets I think.

  3. Rainbow porpoise gas bi oyroise vyt ti ubcebt utsekf afaub,


    Yep, that was a hard one...


    Type: SympliG0thic is completely random, and if she can say this in one second, you are too.

    [ Will let someone else have at this one but I just had to take the moment let you know I officially laughed my arse off and now I can't find it! ]

  4. I haven't opened one personally, but the highest rated candy I've heard gotten from it is 9K :/


    But I know there is a chance for a very high rarity index as well. So like everything we love, it's random.

    I think most people that get those open them for the rarity of the food inside because they are going for Gourmet Club

  5. I'm definitely intrigued at the prospect of easy profit handed to me on a silver platter, but what exactly will we be dealing with?


    We (that is, I) require the following information:

    - Does this proposition in any way violate a TNT rule?

    - What sort of product will you be dealing with?

    - From where will you be acquiring said products?

    - Will I be under any sort of commitment, whether explicit or implicit, to continue doing business with you for a set amount of time or will I be free to terminate our dealings anytime?

    - What kind of profit margins am I dealing with?


    I have to second your statement here. Sounds way too good to be true. I have gotten into the habit of not doing anything unless Ian says it's legit.

  6. I like that one being small much better, but more for sigs here than on the site but it could work great for both.


    I'd change it a little tho::



    I'd do several varieties on that, white and other colors. I am an Aero style fanatic >.< lol

  7. no no no, the other way around. since you know that the 4:1 will most likely win, you would bet on that. but to maximize your winnings, you would combo that with another bet.


    here's a sample situation



    Ally 13:1

    Sam 13:1

    Joe 2:1

    Alex 12:1



    Sam 7:1

    Felix 2:1

    Ashley 10:1

    Adam 13:1


    in this case, we would want to place a pet on Joe for Shipwreck (since it's a "sure bet").

    we would also want to make combo bets on Joe + Sam, and Joe + Felix (since it's too close to only bet on Felix--Sam has a chance of winning and not giving us a payout).


    so, if you're making 1k bets, you have placed a 3k bet so far. your payout will most likely be 2k (first bet) + 7k (if Sam wins) or 2k (if Felix wins). either way, you come out at least 1k richer.



    is this starting to make sense?


    GOT IT! haha the light went off >.<

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