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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. Um, yeah! I didn't want to ask cause I didn't know how big a project it was,

    but I think a reflection of that quality might be slightly beyond my skills...

    So sure if you really don't mind, I would totally take you up on that offer.




    Edit: I'm moving some pets from side accounts, and I'm not sure what to do about the lab rat pet,

    so maybe you could PM me when you are working on it, and I could decide how I want to handle those kinks.


    sneaks behind you and draws some glass on ur butt and leaves you a note

  2. I personaly like the mac style reflection XD


    It's actually called "Aero Reflection" :P yes Mac uses it but alas they didn't invent it >.<


    Wow, you really did a good job with those! :O

    The reflection looks so clean but rather stunning.


    Thank you! It took me a while to get it just right.

  3. Leaves


    (song sung by B*Witched on their Awake and Breathe album)

    OMG I'm not the only one that knows who they are! I MISS THEM!!! -cries-


    Fast... And Arent We Breaking Forum Rules Here Posting Under 6 Words? And Why Was Levy Banned?


    In the game forums they have different rules.







  4. :D I think these people have or had extraterestrial knowledge lol, it sounds wird but its possible... because knowing what they knew simply as looking at the stars... very hard to belive lol but I'm not sure... tomorrow I'll go to the library and investigate something about this...



    Just watch the History Channel at around 1 am to 3 am lol they are alll over him and the new program that has been written to test his prophecies as well as make future ones.



    The fact that all calendars (regardless of culture) ended on the same date is hard to debate.

  5. It was Hister is what he said. Which is the raw pronunciation of Hitler.


    I believe him because he was not the only one and the others were decades apart and had no knowledge of each other.


    I do believe a big disaster will occur and soon. WW3 will happen and I have a feeling it will be the last WW.

  6. Very nicely done! :yes:


    Out of curiosity, what font are you using? *inquisitive*



    It's Zapfino ^_^


    Of course graphics wise it's perfect.

    Clean, simple, and still has a strong impact.


    I might change the color of the font on your wish list...

    Maybe red? There is more red in your pets then teal. I dunno just a though.


    I actually don't want to be a copy cat, but if you wouldn't be offended....

    I would love to do something similar on my profile, I think it's a great idea.


    No go ahead! And I was having issues picking a color so I went with one I liked lol but I'll try red ^_^


    If you want one just like it I can make u one ^_^

    The Zapfino font is a pay font, that's why I offer.


    sneaky ways however make it rather easy to get

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