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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. I'm sure I'm just as ancy as anyone else that submitted a guess to know who won.


    But I have to say that this was probably the most challenging quest I've done of sorts, but I think my pinky is now officially the strongest finger I have after all of that.


    Congrats to everyone who managed to find them all and to the others that are still looking: There is always a method to the madness. Lol.


    GL Everyone!

  2. I didn't even realize you could force a hatch until this holiday extravaganza.


    I've seen a few Christmas ones that were forced to hatch on the clicks site.


    And as far as that being the thred, I see they're talking about them but cant' actually see one.

  3. I really wish that the Lab Maps were cheaper. I really need them. :(


    You're definately not alone on that one. But they are just outrageous so I will wait. They may never go down tho. But I have the inherit issue that there's stuff I want to get for my pets, and in some cases, need to get for them. So I am not the best saver out there. Plus I have a few close friends that I have a bad habit of buying PBs for because the ones they want are much cheaper than the one I want (White)

  4. I don't know about the first stage hatchling. But here's a second stage: hatchling2.gif



    here's the first stage: http://dragcave.net/viewdragon/sP1N


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  5. 16 guests, 11 members, 0 anonymous members

    SympliG0thic, Google.com, Crusher, Anime, Bob_the_Bunny, princessmelody539, Stephanie~, Grizmoon, Unstream, Xweetoxkeeper, sarebeary, Princessmoon

  6. Me and my hubby both got something from a total stranger (and not the same person). I checked it's value before accepting just to be careful but we're still clueless and I, of course, accepted it before managing to click on their name to view who they were :(

  7. All my dragons are females and only two males! GAH Help! lol talk about breeding hell. And one of my males still refuses to breed. My Skywing is too finicky.


    Question: And yes I know this has probably been answered a million times but searching for it is making my head hurt.


    If you have an egg with softshell, you have to remove it from getting hits to make it better right? no? maybe?

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