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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. there's thousands you can "borrow" on DeviantArt.com, just search pixel avatar.

    Also in the description of the avatar it will tell you if it's free for use without needing to give credit.


    Google is where I find all the sites and the japanese ones are the best.

  2. Lol it says I'm a Pitta, when half of the description doesn't match me. Shows how well these quizzes work!


    Nothing is an exact science and remember to answer with what someone else would say, not what you think.

  3. Well it that isn't the case then I at least hope whoever is behind it comes forward and explains how. It would require some form of hacking to get those petpages edited in the first place unless it's some sort of group thing with a few people doing all this.



    I've seen larger sites get hacked in worse ways :/ this is just a flaw someone figured out how to take advantage of.


    Same thing with viruses on Windows. It had a flaw someone figured out how to take advantage of.

  4. I just spent way to long discussing this and once again I've been exposed to people who can't seen to read basic English and assume that when I say "well I think" that means I'm proclaiming it as fact. Is very frustrating. But I at least figured out the cause. Whoever is behind it and why is a mystery. I'm tempted to make a conspiracy theory thread just because I desperately want this to be a plot device for TNT to start something with the Pant Devil.


    Herm..TNT planning something like this doesn't sound like something I've ever heard of, especially to use such harsh methods without anyone having a clue.


    This isn't the first mass attack against users and I'm certain it wont be the last.


    I'm just going to wait it out and play it safe because it sounds too off to be on purpose by TNT.


    (Unless Ian was behind it..then..maybe...but even that is a stretch)

  5. I like ^_^_--->^ _ ^

    Its just that i always find a common use for them.

    Where as for @_@, I use o_O instead XD


    I use =^_^= more so, but I always figured that was happy or really happy and @_@ was shocked..so not even the same emotion?

  6. Muahahaha! I go to University of Phoenix. Instead of 16 weeks for 3,4, or if you're insane 5 classes at a time. I take one class at a time, but it only lasts for 5 weeks.


    I have no exams, no finals, nothing of the sort. So I give luck to all of those who have them!!



  7. Active Users 16 guests, 10 members, 0 anonymous members

    SympliG0thic, kindii, cartoon1234, Blue_maroo, Google.com, Stephanie~, Dante the Snowman, pipdoubledip, Quackers, savvi_syd, livvy

  8. After talking over it a while in private as well a point was made that I think kinda puts a mute point to this all.


    Religion is fighting over marriage saying it's theirs.

    The gays are only fighting for rights.


    They're not even fighting over the same thing so there will never be a winner. Everyone is going to get hurt no matter what decision will be made on this.


    As far as I see it, marriage is just a word. Gays don't give a chit about "marriage or partnership", it's the RIGHTS they want not the title.


    Blah okay I'm done for the night.


    Have fun.





    EDIT: Btw those of you saying that we "aren't in the Roman" days. Ahem. If you're christian, who do you think INVENTED Christianity? O.o they are the ones parading around trying to convert everyone and THEY are the ones that started the "male love male" thing too.


    Please note I'm not saying that Christianity was an invention of some crazed person. But Roman's were the first noted culture to bring the religion into light. Please don't misinterpret that I don't want that debate to start lol.


    Love IRONY in history.


    And even then monestaries and other religious figures still actively participated in homosexual acts. Gay being anti christian was never even a thought in their minds.

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