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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. This isn't entirely a Random Event however, it is at the same time, at least I think so anyway :P:


    Something has happened!

    hall_petpet1.gif You have received 100 Neopoints from what seems to be a very rich Slorg. That was nice of him. Anyway, thanks for visiting the Shop of Offers today! *triumphant music*

  2. My intro is not near as fantasmic as our TXGovernor lol however!


    Welcome to TDN!

    Please make sure to check out the rules, a lot of simple little things that can be missed.


    We are always happy to welcome someone new into the craziness!


    I look forward to seeing more posts from you!



  3. Obviously you have not witnessed the hypnotic powers of the baby fox.

    The person below me has no time to post.


    Urm baby fox? That's a Xweetok O.o




    True. But cheeseburgers are the best!



    TPBM Likes Cheese Its



    I have put a limit of requests I can take at one time for my own sanity!


    I currently have two spots left to be done this week.


    Please PM me with your details so I can get you in if you want one!




  5. I'll keep mine short ( I have a tendency to spam the forums enough as is, the internet is my social life >.<)


    Welcome to TDN! It's fabulous to have another total geek aboard! And it's a GIRL!!!!!!!!


    YAY I'm not alone!!!



    Which Department did you want to apply? (guess I should just mosey over to the application forum eh?)



  6. For those of you that didn't quite understand the way it was worded lol


    Brother 1: Deaf, Dumb, and Mute

    Brother 2: Blind


    Brother 1 has to tell Brother 2, that the Father is dead.


    How does he do it?


    Can't use Sign language, he's dumb so one would assume he couldn't know how to do braille. However that would be the easiest solution ( A braille typewriter is pretty easy to use even for someone with a low IQ)


    So that would be my first guess.


    But, the answers to these are usually so simple is sickening.

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