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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. I am wanting to finally fill up my pet list. I am looking for a pet (preferrably red) to be totally decked out for this coming valentines but I'm having a hard time deciding.


    I'm not sure if anyone is adopting any pets that need good homes so I figured I would ask first. I can paint it if it's not red already. However, if it's a rare paint I prolly wont change it.


    Otherwise suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    (now jubjubs or weird insecty thingies >.<)

  2. I've had all of the blackberries, and the original HTC Titan. I have the Delve right now, soon to upgrade to the HTC Titan Pro/Diamond (haven't picked yet). The fact u can't sync contacts with Delve was a major let down.

  3. When I tried to download the neopets toolbar to firefox it said as the message box title incompatible something and for the actual message it said that it wouldn't allow it to be downloaded because the toolbar doesn't provide secure updates...???


    Yes they only made it for up to FF 2.0




    You have to use this one and manually add it. If you need specific instructions I can provide those.

  4. Ok so how exactly does the neopets toolbar w/the tarla alert work? I had it for like 1 hour a while ago but I noticed it was lagging my computer, but I may put it on anyways again.


    and omg I think my dragon may be dead soon. edit-nvm it hatched.


    The addon for firefox works. Or at least to the best of my knowledge it does. I haven't missed any that I know of yet.


    But it will flash when she's back from her warehouse and has something to give you.


    You have a time frame to click the alert and it will take u to her (as long as cookies keep you logged in to the browser you use it on) and you wait for the random spin and viola you have a rare item.


    Most of her things are worth a decent price, especially for getting them for free!

  5. I normally don't battle these things because the healing springs fixes it. But alas something has beaten me.


    My beautiful Acara, Cheza, got stuck with Reptillioritus!


    I can't find the cure anywhere or even praying for a decent rate the few times I've seen it.


    If anyone would be interested in helping it would be appreciated. -blah-


    Thanks everyone.


    BTW the cure: Cactopus Cream

  6. throws my name in the pot for a silver or gold if anyone is feeling so generous


    I have a skywing, but I never really thought of it being rare. lol


    Guess if someone really wants one I can get one for them. She's pretty good at getting me one or two

  7. HELP!


    panic attack. I went to do the quest and I got this!


    I can't believe you did one of Illusen's Quests!!!


    Come back later and maybe... just maybe... I will decide to give you a quest...


    I haven't touched Illusen's in over a month!


    just cries a lil

  8. Frog eggs??? Geez, I still have a lot to learn about this site!


    On a different note, I've been fighting to name my dragons, and it won't let me. I assume the names I've been trying to choose are already taken. Do I have to name them??


    You don't have to name them, most just like to

  9. Ok, my PellaPew the speckled Acara is up for adoption, kind owner please! I'm online alot, and i'll be watching these forums, you can also neomail me! :)


    Maybe SOMEONE will want a speckled Acara? :P





    --- I posted twice, I wasn't aware that I posted last here, so sorry. I don't know how to delete ! >< haha


    Omg Cheza would LOVE another Acara plzz!


    okay didn't mean to beg so bad but I have every plush version of Acaras I could get my hands on (waiting to get the halloween one still grr)


    They are the BOMB when it comes to pets (sorry Gov bailing on ur Xweetoks for this one lol)


    I would love the opportunity to have another one speckled no less!


    You can view my other pets and my profile if you want to see what I have so far.

  10. well I am stll chasing my splits almost got a paper in the process.


    Im not going to worry about it because I cant' find that link at all apparently I'm blind without a screen shot of it or I just don't have it. :(


    No biggy tho :) As long as they stay I'm good lol

    Thank you all tho!




  11. -has too many dragons now to post anywhere-


    Evil ppl that have the awesome dragons :P





    I just snagged some newbies, please click! Ya I know it's spamish.


    7stb.gif <<< Silver? Did I actually get a silver!!!!!?

    Kziw.gif qdxW.gif



    So now my scroll is..heh crowded..




    And just now looking at it I realized I don't have a split! omg

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