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Posts posted by *SG*

  1. I know this isn't the normal posting for this but I want it to have a good home if I can.


    I have a pure bred Frill egg if anyone is interested.


    Attempting a rescue for the first time lol so any help is appreciated since he's so close I'm not used to this yet lol




    Thank you Livvy for getting me hooked lol

  2. *hides the two gold ahtchlings behind my back so you can live up to it faster*


    Anyways, I might give out a gold or two tomorrow. Never know.


    follows on your heels like a lil lost pup because two is my goal and to get one in your bloodline would be heaven

  3. Don't feel bad!!!

    I would always love to take care of one of yours!


    And give it time hun they will work out for you I'm sure they will!

    -gives cookie-


    *feels a little bad*


    Great that you finally got a gold, SG! Good thing Katy's dragons are a little more cooperative =]

  4. 2003 is easier to learn because there are more tutorials for it because it has been out for so long.

    2007 runs smoother in transferring information between the programs and does have more features.


    Downgrading: As of yet I have attempted one downgrade for a customer that took about a week because the systems are designed to keep you from doing that. It can be done but the headache may not be worth it and it isn't a process for the average user.


    Price: I don't know about in your area but here, it is cheaper to buy the Student version and get the full upgrade than it is buying the office suite outright, that may be an option for you there.


    Worth the price? As of current discussion, 2007 is going to be a standing model for at least two years because they have left it available to open source additions which makes it customizable for long term use and adaptable to the new demands it may come against. I personally think all of Microsoft's products are overpriced, however, their only competition in the market right now (that I know off) is Open Office, which is more of an extension for office itself than a stand alone.


    Not sure if this helps, but they are my thoughts.



  5. *tries to coherently explain that Albrecht is being really uncooperative* But I'll keep trying! Some day he'll give me a gold!


    *gasp* Look, my Geode has wings! They're so... blue... *is pleased*



    -taps my Geode egg and grumbles at it-


    lol and he knows we want him to give us one so badly

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