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    lojoco49 got a reaction from emily_speck_15 in General Battledome Questions   
    If you look here you can click on each opponent to see what prizes they give (I don't think it's 100% correct but it's pretty close). Players prize preferences vary, depending on what they want them for e.g. selling for profit, filling up their SDB with allsorts until they can do a big donation to get the avatar, @jellysundae's Charity Corner collecting etc. My favourite (easy to fight) opponent Harry The Mutant Moehog. I think he gives great prizes (for onselling) and doesn't use Throw Pillows or Lens Flare against you.
    I'm a relative beginner in the battledome myself, but this is what I've learned - that Thistleberry Pingrenade is awesome, shame it's only one use per battle but if you use that + another decent weapon + Lens Flare on your first turn, you should be able to take out most of the low level opponents. I'm also a fan of Scorchstones for in battle healing, but having said that, I'm not hugely familiar with weapons and healers available 
  2. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah

  3. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Valentine Chia' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Me too!
  4. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened!
    You are now eligible to use ' Fiendish Formations ' as an avatar on the NeoBoards.
    Wow, that was an intense 8 days. 
  5. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'HT - Richer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Took advantage of discount day at the Hidden Tower to get this today.
  6. Haha
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
    This was already covered on page 391, of this topic. Take a look. I think my post explains it well.
    And now you have your own "theme song":
    However, this version is a personal favorite:
    Oh, yeah! I know you are dancing to this now! Admit it.
  7. Haha
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Pretty sure Bart just gave me an Advent Calendar prize . . .   
    Well, they are apples, and Bart does like giving apples as gifts. And Plate of Wintery Caramel Apples was released in 2011, so Bart giving 7 year old apples would also seem his style (Working in the Haunted Woods, Gross Food and all)...
    It does sounds like a coding mistake, where they were trying to award any type of Neo item with the word "apple" in it, but forgetting to restrict the category. But, at least they are trying to update the prize pool. And, if JS didn't make a mistake while doing so, we might start to worry...
  8. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to kayahtik in Avatars: What have you got?   
    I won second place in the Random Contest!
  9. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in General Battledome Questions   
    I like fighting the Chia Clown in the Central Arena, because that area gives a lot of yummy food. I mean garlic cheese toast and veggie lasagne? Yes please!
    People do say that fighting the red opponents gives better prizes. Which is why I stuck with the Chia Clown long after I could have moved onto someone tougher. But then because of my brain issues the BD confuses me easily, so I really need to stick to someone I can K.O. in one shot. Plus, THE. FOOD. I'm all about food prizes because I hoard stuff for Charity Corner.
    I fight the Koi Warrior now though, because my pet's strong enough for the single shot K.O. for the red level Koi. The Dome of the Deep is good once you can beat the opponents in one shot, as it has less prizes, so you consequently get more codestones. You def need to be able to get him with one shot though, because he uses the Throw Pillows ability on you otherwise and wipes you out.
    Good to see you're not training movement!
    I'm clueless about weapons so I'll leave that to others, but if that's a Yooyu knuckle-duster I know others like that. I'm using the nice new shinies the plot has given us. Blazing Embers is GREAT
    What faerie ability level are you at? And what are you using? I just LOVE Lens Flare.
  10. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    I am here and now going to vow to not complain about the ending (*spoiler alert* this might be a lie) because I'll just be THAT happy that it'll all be over!
    Well it's the LEAST they could do, right?!
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  11. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from GillyTook in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    I concur, and then add more words so my post is longer than 7 words 
  12. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from queen_hatshepset in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    I concur, and then add more words so my post is longer than 7 words 
  13. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    I concur, and then add more words so my post is longer than 7 words 
  14. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence - finally coming to and end.   
    I'd love to like that but seem to have used up my quota in a minute just after midnight NST - don't seem to get many allocated!
    Yeah I know 
  15. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from kayahtik in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    We most definitely will get another cat (or cats if my husband has his way)  just not quite ready yet.
  16. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'HT - Richer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Took advantage of discount day at the Hidden Tower to get this today.
  17. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Unreleased Pirate Petpets!   
    Haha, I thought that too. They would be great for her pirate gallery - so cute they are!
  18. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to acmerasta in Avatars: What have you got?   
    This is the other avatar (so far) from the current plot. It's missing from the avatar list on TDN tho. I missed out on the Fiendish Formations one tho...  One of (Every) Kind
    Were you an alchemist in a previous avatar, by any chance?

    Completing this helps you move up the ranks in the Resistance.
  19. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to BEE. in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Grarrl Keno' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Bless you, Shoyru.' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Also got Shoyru - Tough! today
  20. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to maypls in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Werelupe' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Thanks ALP :)
    Too bad I missed out on the two plot avatars, just completely burnt out on the plot. Hopefully I get at least some kind of trophy for participating as far as I did
  21. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from hpb63094 in Yay for TNT responding to my ticket within 12 hours!   
    It was actually to try to retrieve a long lost neopet account for my son. Couldn't get a password reset link because the email address attached to the account no longer existed.
    I really didn't think they would treat it with any urgency at all 
  22. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from hpb63094 in Yay for TNT responding to my ticket within 12 hours!   
    I was hesitant about sending in a ticket to neopets because of all the things I've read about people waiting months to get a response.
    So imagine my delight when they had responded to and fixed my issue within 12 hours - YAY TNT!!  
  23. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to rntracy1 in Yay for TNT responding to my ticket within 12 hours!   
    It all depends upon what the issue is.  They can and have fixed issues very quickly, and other issues, people still have tickets open years later.  I finally closed mine out after 1-1/2 yrs.  I could tell by the way they had responded to my other issues, that they felt it was a "nonsense" issue. Other issues have been responded to and fixed within hours.  But don't ever let the worry of them possibly not answering your ticket in a timely manner, determine whether or not you send a ticket in.  I would bet that if you are having an issue, chances are, others may be having that very same issue as well.  The more tickets they receive about a particular issue, the more likely they are to address it quickly.  The worst that happens, you have an open ticket for a year. lol.  If you don't send a ticket AT ALL, your issue can't ever get solved.
  24. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Unreleased Pirate Petpets!   
    I know a certain person @rntracy1 who'll be coveting these fellas!
  25. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to granny63020 in Show off your galleries!   
    I want a fruit gallery! Can we have galleries on our side accounts?
    Also, I was gifted a pair of socks for my gallery. I have already put them up. Problem is I didn't pay attention to where they came from so I couldn't send a thank you. I was in such an excited state! I'm sorry but I do want to thank you for the gift. They were/are very much appreciated. I guess this should be a reminder not to be so hasty when closing web windows.
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