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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. I'll probably get the mushroom spikes when the price goes down a bit. Definitely not interested in the eyes. Thanks to a fountain faerie quest, my chomby is painted toy. Fitting as he is named after a toy my sister and I played with. Now he needs to go fight the Lab Ray Scientist and put on some clothes. JellyNeo needed a model for a female toy chomby. 


  2. I got out of bed a little before 4AM my time after tossing and turning for an hour. I then noticed that I finally had a chance to paint my usul magma like I've been hoping to do. I wish my magma pool time wasn't between 12:51 and 1:01 am NST. Meet Synthetic_Cactus! I had fun naming him and his petpet. My favorite real cactus was lost to spider mites, so it's a tribute to it. That being said, I hope I can sleep soon because I have work tomorrow.



  3. I already have the avatar, but this is a nice gift.

    Q: What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?
    A: A can't cup of aubergine Back to School Buzz bushes!


    You've done it! King Skarl is in hysterics!

    King Skarl Says:
    *hehehehehe* That was a really great joke! I give it a 781 out of 1000.
    You're brilliant! You must take this gift from me.


    King Skarl hands you:


    King Skarls Robe

    He also gives you 240 Neopoints!

  4. Either that or my computer is having problems. Every time i try to sort my latest items, the page freezes. I have 2294 food items in there, the last 30 are unsorted despite many attempts. The NC mall keeps freezing as well, which suggests it's not necessarily how much I've collected. When i get home from work i'll try my phone. Maybe I just got carried away 🙂  Here is a link, if you want a look. https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=squirrely520


  5. Got another lab cookie so I have two extra zaps. I dreamed last night that my lab rat was zapped into a yellow quiggle. Thankfully, not true. I'm trying to get more usul bows. Eventually I'll wake up at 4am and dip her magma. then she will  no longer be a lab rat.



    The ray is fired at Synthetic_Cactus...

    ... and she goes down to level 1 😞

    ...and she changes gender

    ... and he gains 2 defence points!!!!



  6. The past few months I either clicked the monthly freebies by accident or just didn't feel up to making a compilation image. But today I'm back to my monthly routine of judging my neopets for picking out gross food. Lokking at you, Disaster_2, Mayhem_5_5_5, and Lil_shade_tail. Yuck. 

    November 2022 resized.png

  7. I had managed to avoid Covid until now. My dad tested positive on Sunday, then one by one over the past few days the rest of us got it. I just tested positive this morning. I'm fully vaccinated, so chances are it won't be too bad. Just got a runny nose now. Being inside is not going to be fun, I love taking walks and there's a pokemon go event soon. But it could be a lot worse. 

  8. I never have to spin the Wheel of Extravagance again!


    You found an avatar! Yay!

    Edit on August 8th. Just got the Blumaroo Court Jester avatar by telling King Skarl the following:

    Q: What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?
    A: A can't cup of aubergine Back to School Buzz bushes!


  9. I have no interest in debating on this forum because I use it to destress from the tragedy that is our current political climate. But I will say this. People will die as a result of this ruling. Our nation already ranks badly when it comes to maternal mortality compared to other developed nations. There is no justification for forcing people to carry to term. People will die; living, breathing, feeling people. All in the name of the "pro-life" movement. I'm just sickened by this whole mess. 

  10. I can't believe it's taken me this long to collect my freebies. I wanted to do it at a time when I could take and put together the screenshots. Then I got a new game for my birthday on the tenth. oops. I've fallen behind on the Altador cup too. Anyways, only one gross food this month.

    June 2022 resized.png

  11. Check to see if it loads when other pets are active. When that happened to me it only affected one of my neopets. I sent in a support ticket, and TNT removed the wearables from the pet I couldn't dress. Then it worked fine. It was something to do with wearables that hadn't been converted properly yet. Still don't know which ones. 


    I got a Broken Blue Fuzzle from Tarla's Shop of Mystery. I took it to the nearby repair shop and got this. It's worth about 275,000 NP apparently.

    Donny is unable to repair the item, try as he might.

    "Well, I couldn't fix it, so here's somethin' I had lyin' around the shop."

    You have received:

    The view of the night sky from Mystery Island is second to none.

    Star Gazing


  13. image.png.b4b316b703f5bacd0bcecd5ea71afe45.png


    A strong electric current fills the room, crackling with powerful energy. When everything has settled, you see that there is something quite different about Anarchy_3_3. It looks like their attack has gone up by 9! Wow!

    Spent less than 1000 np, and got plus 9 attack. Good deal!

  14. 1 minute ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    Ah ok, thanks man! I'm still trying to decide between Eventide and the Spring petpet. lol

    You are welcome. I impulsively chose the spring one, then remembered I had a spring slorg attached to a pet already and I dislike repeating colors. So I sold it and bought the unpainted one. Choose carefully.

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