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Everything posted by midnight_spell360

  1. Tressa, you should bet all of the 10 in hopes of getting at least one to pay out. As risky as FC betting is-Garet is the most conservative bettor and makes me feel the safest when it comes to betting. 72:1 was great and their 28:1 yesterday turned into 42:1 for me bc I accidently did the last bet "wrong" and got an extra 14:1 with it. Sometimes my accidents actually pay out? *lol*
  2. Today, 11/18/2020 The ray is fired at flingsourus... ... and he changes colour to Checkered!! Really? Meh! I hope we could get Desert too! (But I am open to Dessert-always!) Today, 11/23/2020 and she changes colour to Stealthy!! I already took 01_whoot_1z4_9 the cool Stealthy Clothes. Ah well, we can try for Desert. Today, 11/25/2020, and she changes colour to ElderlyGirl Well, there are clothes involved- Old, Librarian Clothes? It's a change alright! Today, 11/26/20 ... and she changes into a Yellow Chia!! Color AND a Species change?! Ok Ray, we're in for a wild ride for sure! Today, 11/30/20 The ray is fired at flingsourus... ... and she changes into a Yellow Gelert!! Well, it IS a different Species...got to admit I find Chias a bit strange so maybe a Gelert will have better luck for a better color? Down, girl!!!
  3. WHAT GIVES???!!! You thieving Yooyu Ball Rejects!!! You WON AC XV-but you had to take my One Hundred Dubloon Coin?!!! NOT COOL!!!! So glad Kokariia wolfed down her Silver and Purple Doughnutfruits this morning before you came sneaking around. REVENGE!!! I say KI should go plundering on Kiko Lake! Who's with me to get our pilfered items BACK???
  4. Where my Bro goes, I go-Order it is! Let's suit up our BUNS! Good Luck to Everyone!
  5. Yep! Never trusted that Granny Hobgoblin either! Thanks for explaining that Dacardia is just a cover for Granny's evil deeds of hiding poor Elderly Neopets that she used & needed to bury. We're on to you, Granny!
  6. Phew! Glad I decided to check my TDN Battle-our-Buns-Off Buddies before making a pick. I love the idea of getting a stamp so I, too, will go with the Order of Red Erism! This is how I picture the Order opponents fighting and my Neopets' reaction to the Order's proper ways.
  7. Is the Edit Button gone now? I don't want to double post, so I'm going to pretend that since there has been so many days that my Lab Rat , lucas_c_m, was Grey but now... The ray is fired at lucas_c_m... ... and she changes colour to Blue!! Well, I prefer for him to be the color Blue to acting blue. 10/16/2020 The ray is fired at lucas_c_m... ... and she changes into a Green Zafara!! Very interesting, but still not an exciting color. Perhaps a Zafara is better suited for the petpet lucas has Layla the Island Geb and she dresses up nicely too! On 10/24/2020 I used a Spotted Eyrie Morphing Potion and got then Today on 10/28/2020 The ray is fired at lucas_c_m... ... and she changes colour to Purple!! I guess Purple is better than no color or back down to Level 1. Today on 11/08/2020 The ray is fired at lucas_c_m... and as you can see above, she changes colour to SNOW! HoHoHo! Who wouldn't know that lucas is getting ready for Advent Calendar Time. Today on 11/09/2020 The ray is fired at lucas_c_m... ... and she changes colour to Stealthy!! Wow! The clothes for Stealthy are so amazing!!! Very tempted to send lucas to 01_whoot_1z4_9 (my Pink Eyrie on my ALP side acc).
  8. I hope this counts as a Random Event, using a Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie, bc the Faerie I get every day is random... IF anyone knows me a little, they know that I have a LONG standing feud with Little-Miss-I can't be bothered to listen to the higher up faeries & Queen Fyora in the Wraith Resistance Plot but I really, really wanted the Jade Snowbunny and I got it-for a flopping pizza slice!!!! Maybe I can let go of this grudge...hmmm, let's just say I can start trying to let it go.
  9. The ray is fired at lucas_c_m ... and he changes colour to Grey!! WOW! A color right off the bat? Are you feeling ok, Ray???
  10. 10/01/2020 3rd Zap of the Day (thanks FC)! The ray is fired at falceyrie108... ... and she changes colour to Dimensional!! I have to say Dimensional is pretty cool for an Acara! with this little guy I bet someone would be happy to pick this Acara up from the Pound.
  11. The creepy Kookith quickly grabs Schnukums and runs straight into the laboratory. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. You should come back tomorrow and try again! No, a Purple Triffin is just fine!
  12. Hi! Thanks for such a generous offer and I'm overwhelmed with your 89 gift boxes (so jelly)! If the Jeweled Skull Wand is still available, that would be awesome! Please and thank you & my username is the same here: midnight_spell360 I am sorry, you gifted that wand to another. How about the Bone Tights ? If they are still available and thank you just for offering!
  13. This is what your Eyrie looks like? Purple AND Halloween combined??? This is pretty cool-not what you wanted ... but still pretty cool
  14. Playing games won't help. I wanted to get my FC Bets in! If I can't get donation points in today-you really couldn't let me put FC in? Can't win at anything today! @Tedhaun "CC this year has been nothing but a shipwreck." EXACTLY!!!!
  15. Well I just got a text from my sibling, hexagon_dragon, and they had donated 2442 points worth, finished manually filling up the De-Clutter Tray with 15 r80+ items, pulled the lever to see Granny's Speech bubble to say they got 30 donation points, and went to the Prize Shop to verify that this amount was added on (they were recording their amount on Sticky Notes-thank God!) and it showed 0 donation points!!! Everything was 'erased'??? WHAT? I think everyone should just stop donating to CC until this glitch gets fixed!!! How will we know when TNT/JS will fix this? ... IDK!!!
  16. As I was signing into my guild, The Kindness Project.... I am MUGGED by a...ghost? FOR HOW MUCH? over 1000 np? You don't even have pockets, Ghost Boy!!! And I love the irony that while I am trying to "fall into Kindness", Ghost Boy is being UNKIND by stealing from me! So not cool! Happy Wednesday everybody! Well, Ghost Boy, just goes to show you that stealing from a Pirate doesn't pay...YOU!!!
  17. The ray is fired at falceyrie108... ... and she changes into a Green Uni! Talk about a Species change! falceyrie108 was a great name for an Eyrie, but for a Uni? Certainly a different look! So I was trying to use up my CC Perk Points, and I got the chance to do Limited Edition Again (made an MSP Poogle for a guildmate with the 1st one back in Oct. of last year). So I had the Uni a Pirate Aisha morphing potion, thinking I'll just change the Pirate Aisha into another Aisha-totally forgetting the "Limited Edition" means Jetsams, Chombies, Lutaris, etc. and realized that this Aisha is not going to get a new color and whatever species I was going to pick was going to be a Pirate. So-totally panicking, I picked Lutari figuring my Candy Lutar, Ehlam_Warrior, would love the Pirate clothes and eventually this guy will change into another species by the Lab Ray. Except, the Lab Ray is ...cruel bc he just changes colors... Yellow and now The ray is fired at falceyrie108... ... and he changes colour to Maraquan!! It will run away if I try to transfer him, right? 09/18/2020 The ray is fired at falceyrie108... ... and he changes into a Green Acara!! Well, Lab Ray Scientist seems to be keen on Green for this guy! Don't worry dude, a cool color change is just around the corner! Hang in there! 09/30/2020 The ray is fired at falceyrie108... ... and she changes colour to Electric!! Well, Electric IS a color change... maybe not a very exciting color but it IS a CHANGE!
  18. FINALLY!!! AFTER 5 YEARS OF VISITING THIS DUDE and throwing my wisest words out to him... Wise Old KingKing Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom..."Never trust honour like the honor of a mischievous Kyrii," you utter thoughtfully.He ponders all that you have said. Wow! King Hagan is very impressed. King Hagan Says: Ahh, brilliant! It's good to know there are intelligent Neopians out there. I give you an A+! (766 out of 1000) You must take this gift from me. King Hagan hands you: Advanced Learning He also gives you 132 Neopoints! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - King Hagan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! TA-DAH! THE COVETED AVATAR!!!
  19. Ok @Secre, you have swayed me to through in with the Sway! And who can resist this ancient Relic...er...um...Beauty?
  20. OH NO! The curse of the Tuskaninnies When the Lab Scientist decides you need to go BIG but you'd rather go HOME!
  21. Yes to the Robot Noil! No that randomsilliness became Camouflage and NOT Desert. But at least she is still an Eyrie.
  22. The ray is fired at Aisha_6042... ... and she changes into a Red Tuskaninny!! Completely unexpected! A Tuskaninny named Aisha? Well Aisha does mean "full of Life". 08/24/2020 The ray is fired at Aisha_6042... ... and she changes into a Blue Moehog!! Why Lab Ray Guy? How is this making any sense? HAPPY MUTANT DAY 08/25/2020 Well, Aisha_6042, the Blue Moehog had a purple gikerot to an 8-Bit Noil. Pretty cool for a "plain" Neopet! 08/26/2020 You are NOT going to believe this but AISHA_6042 the blue Moehog has been zapped 8-BIT matches Frankie the 8-Bit Noil!!! I think someone would adopt this unique pet. Look for her in the Pound if you are interested in 8-Bit Pets!
  23. Ok, me too! One more order for Red Order, please!
  24. Ankheton might not be a Lost Desert Prince, but he'd make a great SPACE GHOST!
  25. @jellysundae What's up with your Fir? It looks like it barely survived a forest fire!
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