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    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from Nielo in It's Mutant Day!   
    This is exactly what I would imagine a Nimmo would look like after living in the sewers for however long...I think it's really well done! :D
  2. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to Musical_Shoyru in And maybe things have turned around   
    To those of you who have been praying for me and kept me in their prayers since my last post (http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/46940-well-here-it-goes/) I just wanted to update you a little bit on what's been going on in my life.
    My last comment stated that I had been called in for an Arraignment on the 9th of this month. I went it for that and stood before a judge who read me my rights and what I was being accused of. At the end of it he asked me how I plead and I said guilty. He looked at me very strangely for a moment and then said "I'm pleading "not guilty" on your behalf." 
    I was a little shocked by this and wondering what it meant, I really hoped it didn't count against me as I was NOT the one saying I didn't commit this crime. I then was given a date to come in for a Pre-Trial conference two weeks later (the 23rd, yesterday). This was the LAST court date I would have before I found it if I was going to jail or not.
    Everything actually seemed to be going good besides this lingering "what's going to happen to me?" question. Things are going great with my job, I got a roommate to move in to our second bedroom so even if I didn't go to jail and had to work on this HUGE fine and restitution I would have the money to do so with rent and all utilities being split. I also am almost caught up on all my bills with the exception of electric and my car payments (with electric being caught up tomorrow and my car payments in a couple of weeks)
    I went in for my Pre-Trail and was super on edge and nervous. The lady that was doing the Pre-Trail Con. seemed really nice, but also unprofessional as everyone she called back to talk to she would have the door WIDE open and you could hear everything she was offering people. I got a really scared as it seemed everyone before me was getting offered plea deals with no jail times and I felt that if she's giving that many away that my odds might not be that high.
    So I got called in the first thing she said was that they WERE offering me a plea deal, what that entailed I had no clue yet. She then went on to saying that they were going to go with resolution of what I stole with no jail time, NOT ONLY THAT but she didn't even ask for 3x the amount which would have been well over 2 grand without court fees. I do however have it on my record as I just missed the age of being able to qualify for the program where you can take classes to get it to stay off you record, but she said with no previous record I can get it expunged in 5 years as long as I don't commit another crime (and lord knows I'm never doing that again).
    I then went before the judge who released me of my bond (so now I can leave the city and state freely) and gave me till mid-January of next year to pay it back. With court fees I'm looking at around 1,300 in total, which is way less than I was preparing myself to pay. I just have to save $275 a month for the next few months and I'm golden.
    I think a beautiful thing about this is I can now start to forgive myself. I can pay back what I took slowly and regain my sense justice there and I can actually start to live a life now. The last 4 months I had no idea how to respond to people who wanted to do things with me for holiday's or have to think about the fact that I'd spend my birthday in jail and possibly miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family or even the birth of my niece or nephew and my new sibling. I know it seems small to the grand scheme of things but I highly cherish those things (not so much my birthday) and missing them would be devastating.
    I by no means believe life will be easy from now on as I know things hit you out of no where, but this has made me appreciate things more than I already did. It also makes other trials I've faced throughout my life not seem so bad. I made it over a HUGE speed bump, now it's time to keep driving :)
  3. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to jellysundae in When you accidentally make your pet sick...by trying to be nice   
    They totally should have pets going into anaphylaxis from eating peanuts, it's educational if nothing else.
    They should also get massively constipated if all you ever fed them was omelette, I mean, come on! :laughingsmiley:
  4. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to rntracy1 in When you accidentally make your pet sick...by trying to be nice   
    That made me laugh out loud.  "Enabling you to actually up your neglect level" :laughingsmiley:.  I always keep my non-primary pets in the lodge, just for the food, AND I don't feel, as some of the comments stated here, like I am 'kenneling' them, because they actually say things like, "whoo hoo, I am going on a vacation!", "I love vacations, you are the best owner ever!", "going on a vacation, see you soon!"  So, they LOVE it!  That way I only have to focus on feeding my gourmet/battle pet.  I have something I focus on with each pet.  One is my gourmet/battle pet, one is my intelligence pet who gets read to first, then the others get the extra copies if there are any left, and one pet gets the customizations.  So they all get their focus.
    Very clever, and very real life.  I guess neopets tries to emulate real life as much as possible. :woot:
  5. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in When you accidentally make your pet sick...by trying to be nice   
    Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: 
    I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D
  6. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from rntracy1 in When you accidentally make your pet sick...by trying to be nice   
    Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: 
    I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D
  7. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from mcsneezy in When you accidentally make your pet sick...by trying to be nice   
    Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: 
    I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D
  8. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from nicolelouise in When you accidentally make your pet sick...by trying to be nice   
    Haha! That is truly terrible, and I know exactly how you feel - my entire life involves me making things worse by trying to help :laughingsmiley: 
    I know the feeling of not wanting to spend actual NP on food to feed your pet, but might I suggest the Neolodge? All it costs is 140NP per pet for 28 days, and it keeps your babies fully fed with literally zero effort from you :) at a cost of 5NP per day per pet, and with the added benefit of the lodge never feeding your pet things that make it sick, it's the best way to make you feel like a good owner, while enabling you to actually up your neglect level :D
  9. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 86!   
    Pick me! Pick me! Order for the win :D :D Scoobert's indigestion is on Order's side too so I'd say Order's chances are looking preeetty gooood :rolleyes_anim:
  10. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 86!   
    I'm with you, AlwaysProcrastinating. If someone needs help with an avatar, I'm in. Plus, my gut is telling me it's time for The Order to have a win, or it could be indigestion. My gut's track record isn't really great. I'd probably have better luck at "Test Your Strength", than going with my gut. Anyhow, have fun battling, don't forget to battle, and good luck all!
  11. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 86!   
    I'm crossing my fingers and toes for an Order win - that'll be my last avatar :D :D :D
  12. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to jellysundae in Altador Cup Prize Shop Open and Results are In!   
    Ha, yeah. The prizes are as disappointing as we were all hoping they weren't going to be. >_<
    Hairy butthole cactus, anyone?
    I like the vases of flowers, that's about it to be honest.
  13. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to jingfah in Need the Darigan Pteri avatar?   
    Simiun will be 644 days in ~8 hours.
    I'm not sure if anyone needs this, but I figured I should at least put it up!
  14. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from jagocianka in Happy Quiggle Day!   
    I like the wraith but they did something strange with the eyes, they don't fit in. And the chin line ruins it for me. Dimensional is okay :) an okay colour, but overall, not as great as some dimensionals have been turning out recently
  15. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from zulia in Frustration with Ads on NP   
    Have you tried installing an ad blocker? I installed AdBlock Plus and never looked back. It blocks 98% of ads, on every website...I love it :)
    EDIT: I was not paid to advertise them, I just genuinely think it's a great...thingy :woot: :woot: :woot:
  16. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from ladycanary in Frustration with Ads on NP   
    Have you tried installing an ad blocker? I installed AdBlock Plus and never looked back. It blocks 98% of ads, on every website...I love it :)
    EDIT: I was not paid to advertise them, I just genuinely think it's a great...thingy :woot: :woot: :woot:
  17. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to Nielo in Altador Cup XI Staff Tournament - Make Your Picks!   
    Me too. As a Dutch person, I have to have Stroopwafel on my team. :laughingsmiley:
    Same here. Lots of ladies to pick from this year too. :)
  18. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Thanks to writing myself a reminder last night...
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Jub Zambra' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    I'm on a roll here! :laughingsmiley: Got another note written for Wednesday so I can get the Chomby and the Fungus Balls avie too, lol.
  19. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to herrashmoo in Avatars: What have you got?   
    I finally picked up both AC avvies this week -- I've meant to get to them for years, but June has never been a great month for me to take up Neo, and I inevitably forget.
    But my past self managed to put reminders into my phone to pop up when the AC started up, and I logged in to knock the two out, and even went a bit beyond the required playing (I think I'm at level 4 now?) so who knows, if I keep playing, maybe I'll try for all-star this year? c:
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    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    ANNND I hit 200 avatars! :D
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Kiko Ninja' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  21. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Am I the Only One?   
    You aren't the only one. I've read several posts on the Neobords (Games, Help) about games not loading due to ads. And there is another topic here, on TDN: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/46897-frustration-with-ads-on-np/#entry812894. Try an ad blocker. I'm sure it will help. At least, you will not have to watch that cat ad anymore and the games should load. I use an ad blocker and have never had the pleasure of watching the cat ad.
    Now, I'm not going to get into the dilemma of using an ad blocker or not. I know it generates revenue for sites. But, when there are so many ads that makes the site almost unusable, I'm going to use one.
  22. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Frustration with Ads on NP   
    Also switching ad blockers now, thanks for the advice! And will definitely make an effort to whitelist sites that need the support :) I'm so glad this topic was raised :)
  23. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to Wildbreeze in Rank goals and current rankings for Altador Cup XI!   
    I actually hit Rank 3 yesterday, oops. Played way more than I thought I would. I'd like to rank up twice today, but once will satisfy me. May as well bump my goal up to 12 for now. :P
    It does become a pretty awful grind after a while. I recommend playing while you watch a movie or listen to music, so you can focus on something else other than doing the same thing over and over and...
  24. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to jellysundae in Hoarding   
    This, 10 times over!
    Plus, Charity Corner teaches us regularly to NEVER throw anything away. :laughingsmiley:
  25. Like
    AlwaysProcrastinating reacted to Steve in Frustration with Ads on NP   
    As other people have pointed out, an adblocker is really handy. I wouldn't recommend AdBlock Plus though, as they were recently bought by a company that sells your information to other companies. uBlock Origin is a great one that is light-weight and keeps your information private.
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