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Everything posted by Musical_Shoyru

  1. There's a free Goodie Bag in the NC Mall to celebrate Neopets Birthday! FREE CLAIM NOW!
  2. Maraquan Instrument
  3. I think I made about 500k or so. Happy with any amount of profit above 100k honestly xD
  4. COFL is at 67 right now! Just sold some of mine
  5. There was a huge issue going on with them and TNT went through and pretty much awarded everyone the weekly item from last week straight to your inventory. I don't know if the Weekly item not changing is a glitch, but I would assume so cause I STILL have the Space Faerie Doll as my weekly even though TNT gave it to me last night and my days reset.
  6. Got my weekly finally and some of the other items I got from the last couple of days!
  7. Got this items in my daily quest today; The rest of my dailies were just NP, I think I got a petpet and something else yesterday! Still super excited for my weekly item though! Item is worth 40m, I know the value will go down as I'm sure other people have it, but it's going straight toward my Faerie collection! Was sooooo happy to get something that went toward that! I've seen some people have gotten the Toy PB and the Krawk petpet so am hoping sometime in the future I can get one of those for my weekly. Need the Toy PB for a custom and the Krawk petpet to finish up my Fluttershy Uni
  8. Oooo nice! Flossets are so cute! I love em!
  9. You get so many random events! I hardly got any the entire Faerie Festival, I did get sever over the last couple of days though! LOL
  10. Figured I would create a thread for people to post what their weekly and daily quests and items were As always keep to the TDNF rules! Have fun!! DAILY QUESTS GUIDE TUTORIAL QUESTS GUIDE
  11. Not sure if you got your answer but the Neopian Shop has always meant site shop, there is another quest later on that says to buy from a user shop Also doing your daily quest seems to count toward your weekly now, it did for me anyways. As soon as I finished my daily it checkmarked me for my weekly
  12. SHRX is at 75 and ACFI is at 77 right now
  13. The Haunted Mansion has returned for another year! Get on over to the NC Mall to start participating! VIEW OUR GUIDE
  14. Thank ya! I’ll be posting this weeks thread sometime tomorrow, today was yet another busy Friday, been really crazy at the end of the weeks for me lately LOL
  15. You have given Epuni to User 'cuddlesoftness'. Enjoy!
  16. **SORRY IT'S A DAY LATE, FRIDAY'S HAVE BEEN INCREDIBLY BUSY FOR ME LATELY!** General Rules This will be ran every Friday! Should it gain enough participation a section will be created for it, for now it will remain here (posted in Neopets General Chat). Make sure to read everything before posting! All TDNF rules will still need to be followed in this thread! (No double posting, spam, etc.) Please no posting wishes for pets in this thread, strictly for items/wishlists/shop links ONLY. This is not an item-grab nor a spot for you to beg for items. It is fully expected that if you post your wishlist here that you will gift at least one other user. Do not expect that another user will specifically choose you to gift to or that all your wishes will be granted. No DMing users begging for things & please do not be ungrateful for what you recieve! Let's have fun with this! Due to only being able to edit you post up to 30 minutes after posting it's not required to keep everything in one post anymore, just try to keep all you updates in as few of posts as possible & per TDN rules no spamming. Guidelines This thread is about more than just posting what you want but to also to spread kindness and learn about each other! Every week there will be a question/prompt that is asked that you will need to provide with the rest of your info! If your username is not listed under your profile picture make sure to list in your post who people will be gifting. If you chose to put your shop link up instead of a wishlist please make sure to have a wide variety of items stocked in your shop for donations/shopping. (Junk items with different prices, different range of priced items, etc) This is P.I.F.F for a reason, if someone spreads some kindness to you make sure to do the same! If you want to list a bunch of items to a TP lot for a user please DM them with the link to the lot or the lot #. Please post in this format; Etiquette Be respectful and kind! No harassment of any kind! Proceed with caution when it comes to new users on Neopets & on the forums. Gift at your own discretion. Just because you gifted a specific user does not mean that specific user will gift back. If you wishlist is mainly high-priced items or Neocash items there is no guarantee you will be gifted. Weekly Question; What petpet could you see yourself owning if it existed in real life? How come?
  17. A lot of the pets we have are actually member created I believe the Shoyru was and a few others were too! I always love when they use fan-made things and make them official
  18. TNAH is at 62, not sure if I should sell or hold, I don't have much 3,500 so part of me wants to hold, but not sure xD SHRX is also at 50. I bought NATN today for 15 NP each
  19. Yeah I hadn't seen a lot at that prize for a few days either! Just got SMUG for 15 just now too, I sold mine the last time it went up so I didn't have any, so glad to be able to build back up on it
  20. Sent one to you! Good luck! No problem! Glad you liked it
  21. Sent a Christmas Cofferling! I love the christmas petpets! Love the Cofferling too, reminds me of Mimics in dungeon like games
  22. Bought 1000 shares in DROO today for 15 NP each
  23. General Rules This will be ran every Friday! Should it gain enough participation a section will be created for it, for now it will remain here (posted in Neopets General Chat). Make sure to read everything before posting! All TDNF rules will still need to be followed in this thread! (No double posting, spam, etc.) Please no posting wishes for pets in this thread, strictly for items/wishlists/shop links ONLY. This is not an item-grab nor a spot for you to beg for items. It is fully expected that if you post your wishlist here that you will gift at least one other user. Do not expect that another user will specifically choose you to gift to or that all your wishes will be granted. No DMing users begging for things & please do not be ungrateful for what you recieve! Let's have fun with this! Due to only being able to edit you post up to 30 minutes after posting it's not required to keep everything in one post anymore, just try to keep all you updates in as few of posts as possible & per TDN rules no spamming. Guidelines This thread is about more than just posting what you want but to also to spread kindness and learn about each other! Every week there will be a question/prompt that is asked that you will need to provide with the rest of your info! If your username is not listed under your profile picture make sure to list in your post who people will be gifting. If you chose to put your shop link up instead of a wishlist please make sure to have a wide variety of items stocked in your shop for donations/shopping. (Junk items with different prices, different range of priced items, etc) This is P.I.F.F for a reason, if someone spreads some kindness to you make sure to do the same! If you want to list a bunch of items to a TP lot for a user please DM them with the link to the lot or the lot #. Please post in this format; Etiquette Be respectful and kind! No harassment of any kind! Proceed with caution when it comes to new users on Neopets & on the forums. Gift at your own discretion. Just because you gifted a specific user does not mean that specific user will gift back. If you wishlist is mainly high-priced items or Neocash items there is no guarantee you will be gifted. Weekly Question; What is something you value the most in a friendship?
  24. Bought 1000 shares in CHIA today for 15 NP each
  25. Haha meant to only buy a couple things but found some stuff I need for my various collections in your shop!! LOL
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