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Everything posted by Musical_Shoyru

  1. We only received one entry in the two weeks allotted for the submission time, I'll extended it for another round to give people more time, if we don't get any I can try to start this sometime in the summer when people have more time Be sure to check out the rules as some things may have changed since the last time we ran this contest (or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge of them). They can be found right here. Current theme: Cozy & Cuddly Description: With all this cold weather going on who doesn't love staying inside and getting cozy and cuddly! Whether that's near a fireplace, with your favorite slippers or blanket, a cup of coffee or cocoa, the possibilities are endless! What might that look like for our Neopets friends? Any pet and species is allowed! Lets see entries that just give you that cozy, warm & cuddly feeling! Entering period: Sunday, January 28 - Saturday, February 10 (@11:59p NST) Voting period: Sunday, February 11 - Saturday, February 24 (@11:59p NST) If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message*. *And if my inbox happens to be full (again), just tag me in a post here and I'll get right on that.
  2. We're at the half-way mark for entry submissions! Make sure you get your entry in before this upcoming Saturday evening!
  3. The code "NEWYEAR24AMA" was announced via the NC Style Pet Livestream and is only available until January 19th at 11:59 PST! Redeem here before it's too late!
  4. According to Dom from the first live they did (one just before the Christmas one) they’ll be doing some type of cycling throw UC pets, he mentioned this time around they’re doing Faerie pets first. Super excited to see them again. I’m not sure if I want one just because I know you can’t dress them or whatever, but there are several Faerie pets that I find to be so cool with their artwork, so who knows maybe!
  5. Be sure to check out the rules as some things may have changed since the last time we ran this contest (or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge of them). They can be found right here. Current theme: Cozy & Cuddly Description: With all this cold weather going on who doesn't love staying inside and getting cozy and cuddly! Whether that's near a fireplace, with your favorite slippers or blanket, a cup of coffee or cocoa, the possibilities are endless! What might that look like for our Neopets friends? Any pet and species is allowed! Lets see entries that just give you that cozy, warm & cuddly feeling! Entering period: Sunday, January 14 - Saturday, January 27 (@11:59p NST) Voting period: Sunday, January 28 - Saturday, February 10 (@11:59p NST) If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message*. *And if my inbox happens to be full (again), just tag me in a post here and I'll get right on that.
  6. You're even allowed to use things like fiddler, which I've found to work 10x better than ruffle, but it takes some patience to set up! xD
  7. They look like Llamas/Alpacas with those clothing pieces! xD I love it!
  8. I always forget to do mine, mainly cause I don't entirely need them anymore LOL but it's nice to do to see what your pets pick lol
  9. Hello! As some of you may know Nielo & I were talking about the future state of The Runaway toward the end of last year. With some discussion we agreed that I would start running the contest again & Nielo would hop in and help here and there whenever she is available! That being said some new things are coming to the Runway! We are allowed to give out prizes now! Back in 2018 TNT changed the rule they had which did not allow for anyone to give out prizes for contests ran. This meant that prizes were now allowed to be given out. I also had personally spoke to Alice back in that year to clarify and ask some questions about the announcement made in that editorial & she answered with this; because the Runway had started in 2015 this was something that developed many years after the start of this contest. So we're excited to announce that the winner(s) of each round will be receiving a NC item prize. This may change to being a mix of NC item prize and NP Wearable item prizes in the future, but for now we're sticking to NC I would like to try to keep the contests more anonymous to keep it fair so I will be finding way to make the contest fair & fun for everyone that wants to participate The contest will be ran essentially once a month, with two weeks for submissions & two weeks for voting. I've also created a poll above regarding the "story" option for the runway. I wanted to see if people would still like to keep this as an option going forward with The Runway in 2024. I do think it's a really neat option, but with only so many people actually using it & everyone having different writing styles I think after awhile you'll begin to know who is writing what & the contest would not remain anonymous. If we'd like to keep that story option available another thought is maybe turning that section into a "Winner's Story"; in which you can submit a story to be displayed/showed on your entry if it places. THE RUNWAY WILL BE RETURNING ON 1/14/2023 I look forward to getting this going again with all of you and can't wait to see the creative things you guys come up with again!
  10. TDN welcomes you to the month of January! Links: Home | Battlepedia | Customisation | Items Database | NeoAvatars | Forums This month, we have these events: Aisha Day on January 3rd Gnorbu Shearing Day on January 6th The Festival of Buzz on January 11th Sloth Appreciation Day on January 14th Elephante Day on January 16th Kacheek Day on January 29th Other things to do: Dailies | Monthly Freebies | Faerie Crossword | Pet Transfers
  11. It's from The Witcher it's Geralt of Rivia I got excited when I saw it! Love the games and the show!
  12. The code "HOLIDAYMAGIC" was announced via the Neopets Holiday stream on YouTube and is only available until December 16th at 11:59 PST! Redeem here before it's too late!
  13. Yup that's right! I got today's prize; the balloons and although I like them, that's not a very christmas like one xD LOL They are really pretty though!
  14. Okay that's adorable xD I love it on almost all my pets too! SOOOOOO CUTE!
  15. Today is the last day to get your stockings hung up before the event begins! You can purchase Stocking Stufftacular tickets from the NC Mall! Once they're purchased they'll show up in the NC section of your inventory, from there you'll click on them and activate the ticket(s). You can then head here to choose which day(s) you want to hang your stockings up for. Make sure to hang your stockings up before 11:59:59 PM NST tonight if you are interested in participating in all of the days as they release. If you do happen to miss a day you can purchase a SS Missed Day Prize Claim Ticket, however they are about 200 NC more than getting a regular ticket. We will be updating coverage as the event progresses. Happy Holiday's TDN! VIEW OUR GUIDE
  16. FISH is at 60 right now, I went ahead and sold all mine just because I don't know if I'll be around to catch it go higher xD lol
  17. Seems petpages are still broken right now Shame cause I was trying to update my pages throughout my guild. Sooooo annoying, and I mean ALL petpages! Betting pages for FC are down too O.o and other pages people kind of rely on. Pretty crazy.
  18. I just posted an announcement about it on the News, hopefully it's fixed soon!
  19. At around 8am NST this morning players were experiencing some concerning account issues. It was allowing users to see information from accounts that were not their own such as other player's site themes, pets, inventory, SDB, bank accounts & more. Whether users were able to actually DO anything with the data they were seeing is still unknown. It's not confirmed whether people were able to pull NP from bank accounts or send items to themselves from the inventory data they were seeing for example. There was also issues with multiple pages throughout neopia giving a 404 Page Not Found error. The site was put into maintenance around 8:56am, you will not be able to access Neopets till TNT has solved the issue and has brought the site back online.
  20. This code was announced via the Neopets stream that went live just a few minutes ago! Only available for the next 72 hours! Redeem here!
  21. Lots of neat stuff going on in Neopia today! By heading over to the Neopets homepage this window will pop-up & you will receive 750 NC for free! If you're already logged in & have not had this pop up you may need to logout & log back in. Once you've pressed "Thanks!" within a few minutes you should receive a message that says you have been sent a NC grant in your notification section, click on that & wait up to 30 minutes for the NC to appear in your account. On top of this generous amount of NC you also can get a discount in the NC mall up until the 30th of November. Just put in Y25BIRTHDAY at checkout with 1000 NC worth of stuff in your cart & you will be given a 150 NC discount off your total purchase! If you don't have the "Happy Birthday" Avatar already make sure to head over to the News Features to receive it! The avatar will only be available today, otherwise you'll have to wait till next year to obtain it. Last, but not least! A new color has been released for the Poogle in honor of Neopets Birthday! Toy
  22. I believe it's more than one day any ways, but I think there has been other times where the NC Mall would not load because so many people were claiming the free item and they extended it, here's to hoping!
  23. I definitely am considering getting one, that's for sure! So pretty!
  24. POWR is at 64 Just sold mine, though about waiting but not sure I'll have time to check it today/tomorrow.
  25. Yup pretty much any free NC mall stuff can be, the cakes too
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