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Everything posted by Musical_Shoyru

  1. Bought 1000 shares in NAKR today for 16 np a piece! TOP 5 STOCKS; (Minus KSON & VPTS) MPC; @55 PEOP; @49 ACFI; @45 UNIB; @40 POWR; @29
  2. Not horrible today as far as price, x2 Tchea Fruit, x3 Rotten Omelette & x1 Landfish (about 4k-ish)> Not the best outcome though lol;
  3. No MPC for me, think I sold it last time it went up, didn't have much of it and it hasn't been around 15/16 np on days I've gone to buy stocks (or more so times I've gone to buy stocks), my stock that I have the most stocks in is EEEEE with 9,333. I just started doing it everyday when I started posting here again for the motivation, so building up again haha Bought 500 shares each in KAUF & SHRX for 15 np each today TOP 5 STOCKS; (Minus KSON & VPTS) MPC; @71 PEOP; @51 ACFI; @37 POWR; @37 UNIB; @36
  4. Got ya! How do they really know though? Besides you actually posting your plays on the board or the like, I am not sure how they would know 100% because couldn't someone lie? Although now that I think about it isn't there like a top scorers board or something? I can't remember, I think that was for the players themselves though (in Yooyu)
  5. I was sorely mistaken on the price of this stuff, the first day I tried again I got 2 items that were about 9-10k each and he wanted three of each! Today's wasn't horrible, but he asked for Semolina again today (1 instead of 3), 3 bland fish & 2 Yellow Growth (I got lucky and someone had one listed for 10 np, but if not they're normally 5k+ a piece), I wonder if what you get is based off something? I skipped the first one I got, wasn't paying 60k for a possible bad thing LOL
  6. What is AC Head Hunting? Also Are the maxes for each game the same still or did it change?
  7. Bought 1000 shares of YIPP today for 15 np each TOP 5 STOCKS; (Minus KSON & VPTS) PEOP; @57 MPC; @57 UNIB; @39 CYBU; @38 POWR; @38
  8. Bought 500 shares each in SHRX & TSRC for 15 np each today TOP 5 STOCKS; (Minus KSON) PEOP; @45 CYBU; @41 MPC; @41 UNIB; @39 TPP; @38
  9. I figured it out if you're still interested; here's my shop with the ,sidebar hidden Here's the code I used; } .sidebar { width: 0px !important; height: 0px !important; border: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; overflow: hidden !important; float: left; } I also have #ad-slug-wrapper, .brand-mamabar, #footer, hr, .user, #pushdown_banner_btf, #ban, included in there, but the first one is the exact one I used to get rid of it
  10. Finally reached 20m, I probably would of reached it month's ago but I'm always doing the Pay-It-Forward-Friday on Reddit and I just love gifting people! (Plus by helping others out in their shop I'm getting my own collection items haha)
  11. It's finally over.... I don't even want to talk about the amount of NP I spent on this one lol I had gone to only spending 2k a day on it, but so many days it took xD Missed the actually screenie cause I was going so fast, but I saw it when closing the page and freaked LOL
  12. Only two STR up for my lab rat today, however my petpet changed to; CLOUD ZEBIE! So gosh darn cute, why do I keep getting ones I don't want but that are adorable xD This one is UB too, hasn't been on TP in a minute.
  13. Bought 500 shares each in COFL & SHRX for 15 np each today! CYBU; @49 PDSS; @46 PEOP; @41 TPP; @40 UNIB; @40
  14. Bought 1000 shares in EEEEE today for 16 np each today!
  15. It's actually nice to hear this as I had stopped doing it, also didn't know it could possibly raise a battle stat by 9, that's pretty neat. I think whenever I did it they'd ask for the fish, Semolina & that Yellow Growth. Granted they're not like 20k+ a piece, but it adds up even at 5k xD Might start trying it again, especially now that I don't do the Edna's quests anymore after getting that avie.
  16. 500 shares each in STFP & NATN for 15 np each Happy Friday all!
  17. Got a Gwortz today, been trying for a Golden Petpet zap, but this is kind of cute, don't know what to do now xD LOL
  18. She looks like a certain shy animal loving pony I know, minus the horn. EDIT; Pegasus actually xD
  19. 500 shares each in TPEG & NATN for 15 np each today Nothing super up there as far as stocks, think PEOP is at 40??
  20. I went with Sway myself, there was one boon in Thieves I was interested in, but there's two I like in Sway so I went with them
  21. Bought 1000 shares in TNPT for 15 np each today
  22. Bought 500 shares each in TNPT & PDSS for 15 np a share
  23. Bought 500 shares each in KAUF & TAG for 15 np each
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