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Everything posted by Musical_Shoyru

  1. A new set of Dyeworks items have been released and they're Void themed! Get yours now at Dyeworks! VISIT OUR DYEWORKS GUIDE!
  2. If anyone is planning on signing up you can use my code to help me get some entries! Make sure to post your referral code as well so others' can help you out! Remember to post both referral codes as they are different! My codes have been used! Thank you! Check this thread for someone else's code now
  3. TNT announced a NC giveaway they are hosting via Gleam! They will be giving out a total of 150,000 NC! You can enter the giveaway here! VISIT OUR GIVEAWAY GUIDE!
  4. Yup just one comic per chapter it looks like, pressing next will give you the prize for that chapter
  5. The Void Within plot has officially launched! Head to The Void Within headquarters (located on the Neopets home page) to begin the first steps! THE VOID WITHIN COVERAGE
  6. Odds are it will be around news time! There also was another defaced poster posted on their social media of Faerieland
  7. July 17, 2023 Official announcement from TNT about the plot via the A New Era of Neopets! YouTube video. (timestamp 2:40) October 18, 2023 (Faerie Festival 2023) The plot was teased via a comic at the end of the Faerie Festival. Visiting the Faerie Festival 2023 page will prompt the comic to pop up. October 25, 2023 (Trick-or-Treating 2023) While hunting for the Trick-or-Treating bags during the 2023 event you could find stories that mentioned multiple Neopian villains and their dealings with the void. Most interestingly Vira was featured in one of the stories (who was also featured in the Faerie Festival comic) along with a Vira Trick-or-Treat Bag. (You can view the stories featured with each Trick-or-Treat bag found) Darkest Faerie Trick-or-Treat Bag Dr Sloth Trick-or-Treat Bag Scarblade Trick-or-Treat Bag Shadow Usul Trick-or-Treat Bag The Three Trick-or-Treat Bag Xandra Trick-or-Treat Bag Xandra Trick-or-Treat Bag December 26, 2023 (Advent Calendar) During the Advent Calendar there was occasional dialogue between Orion & Reina where he urged her to stop hosting the advent as he feared something was coming. These dialogs took place on Day 6, Day 15, Day 26 and Day 30 of the advent. You can see the dialogue coverage here. Starting on day 25 thru day 29 we were given yet another teaser comic which introduced to us two new characters Nyx the Aisha & her Faellie petpet (name unknown). These comics were Orion's visions that he was able to share with us using a mysterious lyre he obtained. You can view the comics here. During the days of the comic being featured in the advent, these items were also given out having to do with the plot/comic. March 18, 2024 (The Greying begins) This was the beginning of multiple shopkeepers & dailies around the site starting to turn grey. With no way to reverse the effect. The first to be hit by the curse was the Unis Clothing Shopkeeper, Ellia You can see a list of all the dailies or shopkeepers before and after look here. March 21, 2024 An announcement was made pertaining to the next Neopets AMA, which was labeled The Void Within Edition. It was set to go live on the 27th of March. Grooming Parlour shopkeeper turns grey. March 26, 2024 The Bakery/Breadmaster shopkeeper turns grey. March 27, 2024 During the AMA a code was given out "THEVOIDWITHIN" which could be entered at the Grundo Warehouse and it gave users a Void Negg The AMA also touched a bit on the plot and answered a few questions that fans had while not giving too much away. (YES THE FAELLIE COMPANION OF NYX IS ALIVE!) March 29, 2024 Hubert's Hot Dogs shopkeeper turns grey. April 8, 2023 Kari at the Neopian Neggery turns grey. April 14, 2024 Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop shopkeeper turns grey. April 15, 2024 Across all of Neopets Social media a Diary entry was posted from Baelia, the Grey Faerie talking about something rather suspicious, could Baelia of been the real first victim of this Grey Curse all along? See the diary entry here! April 16, 2024 The first two defaced Neopian posters were posted for Brightvale & Meridell. April 18, 2024 The third defaced Neopian poster was posted for Neopia Central. April 20, 2024 The fourth defaced Neopian poster was posted for Haunted Woods. April 23, 2024 The fifth defaced Neopian poster was posted for the mountains between Altador & The Haunted Woods. With this post users across the social media started to see there was a sort of paths these poster had took. Looking at the map of Neopia that whoever has been defacing these poster took a path starting in Meridell, going to Brightvale, then Haunted Woods and then through the mountains to the left of the Haunted Woods. April 26, 2024 The Bank Manager turns grey. May 9, 2024 Coltzan's Shrine turns grey. May 14, 2024 The sixth defaced Neopian poster was posted for Altador. May 16, 2024 The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity turns grey. May 23, 2024 Giant Omelette turns grey. May 30, 2024 The Wheel of Knowledge turns grey. The Wheel of Knowledge was also the first daily to feature new grey themed prizes what could be won from spinning the wheel. June 3, 2024 TNT posted an official board for the Plot on the Neoboards labeled The Void Within along with a 50x50 image of the mysterious "grey" paintbrush we've been being teased that is the cause of The Greying. June 6, 2024 The Money Tree turns grey. The Money Tree was the second daily to feature new grey themed prizes what could be found at the tree. June 11, 2024 TNT started to post more teasers about the upcoming plot which was now slated to start on June 17th with a close up of Nyx and a logo for the plost. That can be found here. June 13, 2024 Trudy's Surprise "kinda" turns grey. Trudy's was the third daily on the site to feature another set of grey themed prizes that could be won by spinning the wheel for 7 consecutive days in a row. June 14, 2024 Another image of Nyx & her Faellie were posted on Neopet's social media platforms. This time Nyx appears to be on some type of ship or space station in everyday clothes. The post also prompted users to make assumptions about the new character and her origins/background for a chance at on-site prizes. The post can be found here. June 16, 2024 The Neopian Hospital also got a new layout and the Elephante, Nurse Glee seems to of taken over for the original Gelert you would previously find there. While there is no confirmation as to why this was updated to a new visual layout or if it pertains to the upcoming plot, many users believe that it may be used during the plot itself. June 17, 2024 The whole of Meridell has turned grey along with King Skarrl! A seventh defaced poster was also posted for Faerieland! The plot is said to start today! We'll keep this post updated on anything that might happen before the start of the plot! Stay tuned on TDN for plot news as well!
  8. The grey curse strikes again and this time it's Trudy's Surprise! New grey items have been added to the prize pool! Spin Trudy's Surprise!
  9. Should be able to now. I thought it would be automatically clicked from the last poll on here (as it’s the same post) but I guess not xD
  10. Poll is back up with the missing entry! Sorry it took so long, hopefully DTI will not go down that long again!
  11. Posts just have to be 7 words or more is all. The phrase itself was fine Also I second that the tyrannian Hissi is gorgeous!
  12. The items will appear at the money tree itself at random and will be donated by the Mysterious Yurble. I don't know what you should expect to see them (timewise) or if it's complete at random, but I do know they're there as I've seen the plushie and couldn't snag it and they're also all over TP (expensive of course xD)
  13. The grey curse has spread to yet another famous landmark, The Money Tree! Some brand new grey items have also been discovered! Vist the Money Tree!
  14. No, unfortunately, I didn’t forget, I was still waiting on the other entry up until the end of Monday night and never got it from the last user, and then when I went to go put them up dress to impress has been giving me issues and I couldn’t open up the webpages of the person that sent me their entry for the event, I was going to check again tonight and see if the page would load for me. Dress to impress was also having issues all weekend as well. I couldn’t even do my own customization for my own pets because things not loading. Wish it wouldn’t have issues so often , though, I do understand that this is a free thing that these people are putting out for us lol
  15. I am in LOOVE with the outfits as well! Incredible design and color choice! Looking forward to adding those to my collection!
  16. There's a few wheel exclusive items for the Wheel of Knowledge. the Brightvale Usuki Doll, Brightvale Guard Plushie & Brightvale Berry are all prizes you can get from it, along with the Brightvale job coupons
  17. The art is definitely better, the Uni I thought looked nicer as well
  18. The grey curse has spread to the Wheel of Knowledge and with it some new prizes have been discovered! Spin the Wheel Now!
  19. I am still not seeing a message from you, I have ones from the other entrants but not from "planlysastrata" Edit Sunday 2nd; I've still not received a new message from you, I'll attempt to start a new thread and see if you can respond to that with you, but if I don't hear back from ya I'll unfortunately have to resume the contest with the current available entrants to me. I'll post everything sometime tomorrow so you'll have till then
  20. I'm sorry I may have missed it let me see. Edit; Okay I just checked and I am not seeing a message from you for this round. If you by chance sent it as a reply to a previous round than that may be why I didn't get it. I've been clearing out previous rounds messages so I don't get them mixed up with last rounds entries. In doing this it essentially removes me from the message thread and I won't get the message. I had another user message me and this same thing happened. So what I'll do is go ahead and stop the votes for now and re-add your guys entry and we'll change the dates starting this Sunday. If you can just re-send it to me in a new message I can make sure to get it added this time around
  21. Important note: Voting for yourself is NOT allowed. Doing so will result in disqualification. Please double check your votes before submitting them, to avoid mistakes, because they can't be changed afterwards. MULTIPLE CHOICES HAS BEEN RE-ENABLED DUE TO INTEREST IN THIS. YOU CAN NOW VOTE FOR MULTIPLE ENTRIES. PLEASE KEEP VOTES TO 2-3 CHOICES, DO NOT VOTE FOR EVERY ENTRY. Current theme: Opposites Attract Description: In this round you'll will need to create TWO customs that are opposites of each other. For example one of your customs could represent night while the second custom could be day, one custom could represent evil while the other could represent good. Entering period: Monday, May 13 - Monday, June 10 (@11:59p NST) Voting period: Tuesday, June 11 - Saturday, June 22 (@11:59p NST) If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message*. Be sure to check out the links beneath each entry to check out the animations, there will be a button that says Paused/Playing above the image that you can press to play the animation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voting has concluded and winner is announced! Congratz! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Place - thepurplehippo001 + Dream & Nightmare "We are romanced by sleep, though a sound and peaceful rest is never promised." Entry Link: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3062811 & https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3062812 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Place - GillyTook + Chombette's favourite thing to do is tell her great (x5,000,000) grandmother all about her day. (Old & Young) Entry Link: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3058371 & https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3058372 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd Place - preposter_ + Black & White Entry Link: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3055736 & https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/3055735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th Place - ------- (Please message me if this is your, message was deleted and I accidently copy and pasted the wrong username) Young & Old Entry Link: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3058386 & https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/3058387
  22. Have you been re-rolling each day? There's still a little bit of time to try and get it possible if you kept changing out the prize. But yeah I understand, I was hoping to get the books, Gourmet food and any faerie items (Water Faerie Doll specifically) for my collection
  23. You're telling us xD We have to update all those guides when they change things and sooooo soon too! LOL However as of right now you do have time to get whatever weekly prize you have in there, just double check if it is worth doing after you've gotten through this current one and if you have enough time Also according the the Neopets Ambassador group the only thing that won't be rotating out is the Codestones. Everything else, daily and weekly will be entirely new. My main frustration on this is I normally buy the rest of the stuff I don't get as weekly prizes as the prices go down and now EVERYTHING has skyrocketed cause all the snipers bought everything to be able to make a profit. So all those new weekly prizes that I was hoping to get eventually to complete some collections are now back to being out of reach O.o
  24. Geeeeez, I didn't have nearly that much! xD lol
  25. I have been having some issues as well, the submissions will be open for a bit so you guys all have time, if there are still some MAJOR issues with DTI by the time they are close to closing I can always extend it
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