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    nicolelouise got a reaction from siniri in Would I be too skinny?   
    One last comment about guys. Whatever changes you make to your diet and lifestyle have to be done for yourself; that's a given. But don't assume that all guys find 110 pound women 'aesthetically pleasing'. Some men like their women with a little more meat on their bones. Some men like their women with a lot more meat on their bones. Find a guy who likes you for being you and who will love your body whatever shape it is. Be proud of who you are, be confident in yourself, and you will be able to weather the fluctuations of weight that just seem to come with life. My husband is a self confessed chubby chaser and my weight has fluctuated over the course of our marriage (particularly through two pregnancies). He still loves me.
  2. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to lizzyjane101 in Doctor Who Series Eight!   
    I haven't been on TDN in a while, but as long as I'm alive, this thread will continue to be relevant.
    Yep, this has been confirmed as her last series. She got two, so about average really.
    Moffat is good at scary. I think I mentioned earlier his one offs in series' 1, 2, 3, and 4. They're all fantastic. The problem he has, I think, is character development. When he was using other people's characters he was phenomenal, but when he's left to write his own some holes appear. His ideas are fantastic. I would've been about 9 or 10 when series 1 aired and that was when I discovered my phobia of gas masks. I couldn't watch the second episode, I was just too scared. It's the only time I've ever had nightmares because of a t.v show.
    Yes! It just got so boring. I'm excited to see who the next companion is. I really really want River to be a proper main companion and she would be perfect for 12 because they're better age-wise. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen.
    Capaldi is a fabulous actor and I adore him to bits <3
    Don't even get me started on this one. I don't quite know how to explain it, but there seems to be a trend lately in film where a hero has to make a terrible decision along the lines of 'one versus many'. Rather than making the difficult decision, the hero backs down from the responsibility and basically goes 'okay, well I guess the world will just have to burn'. Take 'The Wedding of River Song' for example. I thought that whole thing was so ooc. As if River would put her own suffering before the fate of the entire universe. It always just so happens that it works out in the end and both the one and the many are saved. If actual physics applied in Moffat's world, then that episode would have gone completely differently. People were dying already from the tides. Clara chose one creature, albeit an important and majestic creature, over the lives of every single person on Earth. I'm sorry, but the way it just hatched, flew away, and left us with a convenient new moon was just unrealistic. I didn't like the way that decision was portrayed as a choice between selfishness and compassion, because that's not what it was.
    Anyway, sorry for the rant. Such negativity. I'm super excited for the next season, I think it could be marvellous. So many possibilities.
  3. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in Cool Idea for Neopets   
    I like this idea. I remember a Facebook game I played years ago where you could go and do things for your Facebook friends who were playing the same game, and I enjoyed it. Mind you, I like the idea of being able to do it for random people on neopets, so there is no onus of expectation on you and friends being offended if you didn't go and do something for them.
    This is a really good idea, something you have to opt into, rather than opt out of. But if it was something that was going to be an option, it would be good if it was included in the introductory tutorial, so that people at least have heard of the idea, even if they do get a bit information overloaded on first signing up and don't take a lot of it in. I know I didn't.
  4. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from Lamppost in Mina is in the Beauty Contest -- Seeking votes!   
    Voted! All the best for the contest. Fingers crossed, eh?
  5. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from siniri in What's your Achievement today?   
    I just won my Gormball avatar and it only took me about 7 tries to get it. Feeling lucky.
  6. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to hrtbrk in Battledome Errors Fixed!   
    Battlers will be excited to learn that the errors the Battledome sustained during the transition have now been fixed. Users will no longer receive an error message while attempting to send a move and prizes now show up after the battle.

  7. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from Avia loves Chias in Snowager Hibernates for month of Celebrating!   
    Hi guys,
    I just discovered (to my joy) that the Snowager hibernates for the entire month of December, I mean, Celebrating. That's a guaranteed prize everyday, no blasting, although it also means no avatar opportunities. But I'm so glad to be able to actually get something from the Snowager, and something decent too. I just got a book. Normally I get nothing, more often than not I lose hit points, and if I do get something, it's rubbish.
    Yay for the month of Celebrating!!! Let the celebrating continue!!
  8. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from frogadelic in Snowager Hibernates for month of Celebrating!   
    Hi guys,
    I just discovered (to my joy) that the Snowager hibernates for the entire month of December, I mean, Celebrating. That's a guaranteed prize everyday, no blasting, although it also means no avatar opportunities. But I'm so glad to be able to actually get something from the Snowager, and something decent too. I just got a book. Normally I get nothing, more often than not I lose hit points, and if I do get something, it's rubbish.
    Yay for the month of Celebrating!!! Let the celebrating continue!!
  9. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Shane for Wax in Kind of back?   
    A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. So long as you're reading you're learning. :) Good to see other people with an interest! Thanks.
    Thanks! I love Tyrion Lannister as much as I do Shane McCutcheon so it seemed fitting I change things as my interests changed. :)
    Nice to meet you too! I was kind of around last year. Kinda lost my interest in neopets in 2013 so ya.
    Hah I don't see myself being uber active on the forums posting wise, but my name will probably be on the online list more often. And yeah, with the Advent Calendar starting soon it's a good idea to be more active.
  10. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Spritzie in Hi all!   
    Welcome to TDN and back to Neopets :) I was off Neopets for a long number of years before rediscovering it (and discovering TDN) back in 2009.
    When you're just trying to get back into the swing of Neo things, especially in the middle of an event, it's hard to remember when you're supposed to be doing what.
  11. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Bloods_Mistress in What if.....(junk items Neopets should give better purpose)   
    lol. save up 10 left boots, 10 right boots. combine and get a left and right wellington boot. then combine again to make the WEARABLE PAIR!
    eta: or they are wearable individually and you can be that weird person wearing mismatched shoes
  12. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to eileen_kelli in What if.....(junk items Neopets should give better purpose)   
    I wish more items could be combined together to make different things. like the cooking pot, but for toys or any random stuff. like a cup of water and a plushie, makes a soggy plushie.
    There is just so much junk stuff out there, I can't imagine anyone wanting or caring about. But I suppose, there is a collector somewhere for every junk item.
  13. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to TheNeonHyena in What if.....(junk items Neopets should give better purpose)   
    I've very many times considered obsessively trying to collect a million of a single kind of junk item... but I always end up just discarding it. Except omelets, which I guess aren't really junk since you can feed them to your pets, but I still collect them.
  14. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Games Master Challenge 2014 Begins!   
    WOOHOO!!!!! Finally!! Couldn't get past 800, then all of a sudden I had a score of 1213 and I was stoked. And I didn't cheat, in the end. Took me several hours though. It's not a game I find easy at all! I would much rather keep aiming for that gold trophy. It'll be my first proper one, if I get it.
    I have hardly any game avatars. Now I get why you guys are all saying these games are easy. I've not logged the man hours like all you avatar holders have.
    Well, that's not quite true. I've put a lot of hours into Snowmuncher but not for the avatar (which I don't have, I'm pretty sure). I just really enjoy the game and it's one of my go to's when I want to relax or earn points.
    EDIT: Well, looky here. I tell a lie. I do have the Snowmuncher avatar. All the hours I put into it must have paid off at some point!
  15. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Bloods_Mistress in i felt so connected....gawsh im old   
    hubz runs anime conventions. its fun, but energy-draining.
    I always thought it would be awesome to work for a convention. then I was with him.
  16. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Bloods_Mistress in What if.....(junk items Neopets should give better purpose)   
    usuki sims: no one dies, no building anything, just put your dolls in and they do stuff. or not. your choice. lol
  17. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Wildbreeze in Games Master Challenge 2014 Begins!   
    It might take away a gold. You'll still be able to do it later, but you might end up with a silver if you complete it after today. Good luck! I hope you can get it.
  18. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to battlegirl87 in Sugar Skull NC fortune cookie   
    Thanks everyone, but sorry I've already sent it to 2 people, that's the number of gifts it gave me...but I'm thinking about buying another one :P so if I do, I'll keep you guys posted.
  19. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from Angeló in [CC] Let's Make Beautiful Music Together   
    Ah! I'll give it another go.
    OK. Clicking the link now just takes me straight to the error page, whereas at least last time I got taken to the page with everyone's entries on it. I don't know why it's doing that. *pouts* It doesn't like me. :sad01_anim:
    I'll have to try again later, when four hours have passed. Is there an eye rolling smilie here? Ah, yes. :rolleyes_anim:
  20. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to neopets98 in Time Zone   
    I think you choose your time zone when you start your account. But I don't remember. My time zone is based on my timezone in real-life.
  21. Like
    nicolelouise got a reaction from Angeló in [CC] Let's Make Beautiful Music Together   
    I followed that link and tried to vote and got an error message saying "You can only vote very 4 hours". I have to go drop my daughter at a friend's house but I'll try and nut it out when I get back.
  22. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Kute in Hey all :)   
    Thanks :laughingsmiley: I think i'll add an avvie counter like yours :) My posts are a little bland
  23. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to tk421beth in Pakiko!   
    I was playing Pakiko right now, and got a really high score...which was exciting for me, since I am not great at the games! I wanted to share with you all:

    Silver Trophy 
    # 7 -
    12,790 I didn't get a trophy on my page, but was thrilled at my score. Yay!! :thumbsup: :dance:
  24. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Singingacara in Goparokko!   
    I FINALLY got the Goparokko Avatar, I ended with a score of 12,440 and am actually in the top 100 highest scores! Woot-woot! Now to work on the Destruct-O-Match III avatar. Does anyone have any tips for getting a high score in that game? Thanks!
  25. Like
    nicolelouise reacted to Lamppost in Prizes every battle?   
    Just to clarify, just because you don't win anything in one battle doesn't mean you've stopped winning for the day. You might win nothing in your first battle but win 2 prizes in the next one. So don't give up until you've won all 15 of your prizes for the day!
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