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iyavi last won the day on October 5 2020

iyavi had the most liked content!

About iyavi

  • Birthday 11/30/1993

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Interests
    Reading, Drawing, Video Games

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  1. Whoo nice! That garapiktu avatar is one that I’ve been trying to get for a long time too, congrats on getting it!
  2. Food club and fighting Jetsam Ace if you have premium have been the best ways to make money for me. Restocking is still the absolute best way to make NP but that’s super competitive for the good shops
  3. Congrats on finding your krawk! It’s amazing that nowadays you can find krawks and draiks in the pound.
  4. Hannah needs SOMETHING to do since her games are unavailable haha
  5. Aw yeah, I was buying a ton of them too last year, this CC sure was a mess, I hope they fix it for next year.
  6. I like that korbat customization, you wouldn’t normally think of a zombie being the scientist lol
  7. Geez that’s terrible! The fact that you can get REs anytime should make tnt rethink about item stealing REs- what if you’re on your items page about to safely put away your items when you get it? They should at least not steal anything that goes above a certain rarity.
  8. This gives off a really good fairytale vibe, this crosspaint is super cool, I love it!
  9. Nice! An alien aisha was one of my dreams as a kid, they’re such a good color/species combo. That little spacesuit customization is adorable!
  10. Aww that’s too bad, I really wish they would lower the scores needed for the avatar games, so many of them are so overly difficult!
  11. Unfortunately it doesn’t give a notification, but I got the coconut shy avatar the other day. Congrats on the aisha scallywag one! I’ve been trying to get that one for ages
  12. I’m almost certain that it’s against the rules to use the lab ray on more than one account, though the account in question doesn’t have to be your main. I would double check that!
  13. Technically it was yesterday, but I finally got the coconut shy avatar after years of trying to get it, in so excited!!
  14. Nice, these are some really good profit margins! I’m stubbornly refusing to sell anything because I’m trying to get the avatar, but that’s easy since I haven’t gotten anything too amazing either
  15. I just used mine to get a faerie fortune cookie lol, I have so many of those stockpiled up.
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