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Posts posted by .Brianna.

  1. The good news is TNT has stated that they are working on revamping the current rules and outlining more concrete rules.  They haven't given us a timeframe as to when we can expect this update, but at least you're not alone in feeling like some of the rules need addressed and we know they're getting some attention!



     Hello! I saw in a recent editorial that you mentioned something about the rules being worked on? Are you guys planning on updating us with rule changes anytime soon? I was so happy and excited when I read about a possible update on the rules! :) Please remove my name! ~ vernaze
    Yes we are! It's being worked on, but taking all of the written and unwritten rules and compiling them into one relevant list is quite the daunting task. We'll let y'all know as soon as it's ready for ya!


  2. I don't fully follow what you're asking...

    You logged back into your old account and found a pet that you don't remember having but the name is correct?


    There used to be a Random Event that would turn your pet into a baby, but that has since been disabled. It wouldn't have changed the species though.


    I would change your password on the account just to be safe.

  3. I plan on morphing my biscuit kacheek into whatever cybunny  I can afford. After that, I intend to paint her royal. I have the royal paint brush in the safe on that account.


    If I can do what rntracy1 says, what color cybunny morphing potion would you suggest? I don't want it to be island. The whole project would be stopped right there. I love island pets!

    I usually go for whatever is cheapest hahaha But I used to have a Faerie Cybunny and I loved the colors!

  4. Yeah. If you remove a petpet from a pet then your P3 does not return to your inventory it just disappears. They're intended to work this way - it's not a glitch. So if your petpet vanished then your P3 would have gone along with it. Sorry!

  5. Hey there! I'm trying to collect avatars and am looking for a bag of peanuts for my elephante. JN says 97K, but the TP has them for 200K +. Are there any on the SW for 99,999K or lower still?

    Searching for 'bag of peanuts', matching 'Bag of Peanuts'...

    no items found.


    Sorry! You'll have to try the auctions or the TP. The prices on JN are helpful, but they're not always current.

  6. You are correct. You can have up to 4 side accounts to host pets on.

    You cannot do dailies, open a shop, or anything else that rewards NP there, but you can claim any NC freebies that pop up in the NC mall.


    I would suggest creating your side ASAP though. Accounts less than a week old cannot receive any pet transfers and accounts less than 4 months old can't receive any pets that are painted colors other than: blue, brown, checkered, glowing, green, invisible, orange, pink, purple, red, shadow, silver, skunk, speckled, split, white and yellow.

    They also can't receive pets level 3 or higher or any LE pets.


    I find the best way to transfer NP to be through the trading post since you can't have a shop. Send a junk item or two to your side then put those up for trade and offer on them!


    Hope this helps!

  7. I've noticed that the dailies that "close" tend to change the time at ~1 week increments. So if Tombola is down from 7-8 it seems to be that way all week and then it will change. I think it's just how the programmers designed those dailies to work. Check later in the day or you should be back to normal next week ^_^

  8. I'm having an issue login into neopets now too. I'm usually login all the time but the other day i used another computer to login into neopets and it didn't work so i just amused it was the computer and didn't think nothing of it but when i finally got onto my computer which i now had to re login into because it kick me off when i tried to login somewhere else it won't work either. My usuername and passwork is correct. I don't get any sort of message when i try to login all it does when i try to login is refresh the page. I tried clearing cookies, deleted history, check for outdated software nothing seems to help. i tried on my ipad as well it does the same thing. I tried the forgot password and forgot user name option but i don't get an email either. I don't see in spam. I've had the same emails since the day i got email so i know i wouldn't used a different one. I think i have a side account but i haven't used it in years so i can't remember anything about it and i think i used my mom's old email to create back in the day. Does anybody got advice on how to fix the problem. i've been looking online for similar problems and tried things but nothing has helped so far. Can somebody see if i got frozen some how. Username is Funnylacie. i hadn't been on for a couple of days before this problem because i was out of town and didn't bring my computer with me and that's the only device i use to play neopets.

    User Lookup: funnylacie question_mark.png

    This account has been disabled.


    You'll want to create a side account if you don't have one already so that you can submit a help ticket. Be sure to include as much information as possible about your account to prove it is yours and hopefully TNT can help you out.

  9. The only reason I stopped zapping my pets was because I reached a point where I loved the colors I had and couldn't decide what I would sacrifice to continue zapping.  I don't have room for any more pets and I don't want to create another side/move any of my pets so I'm just done.  



    If you're not 100% committed to how he is now then I would say keep zapping ^_^ Especially if you've got a color in mind you think you may like more.

  10. Hey! Could someone please SSW Star Gazing Background for me? Thank you :)

    Searching for 'Star Gazing Background', matching 'Star Gazing Background'...

    No items found.


    This one is pretty rare and I'm pretty sure the current selling price is ~10M + so odds are you won't ever find one on the SSW unless someone REALLY messes up.

  11. Draiks do not work the same way as other limited edition pets - you cannot create one on their pet day. However, if you want hatch your own check the auctions or trading post. Pirate Draik Eggs are given out through the forgotten shore so the price isn't too bad anymore. You could also morph an existing pet - Pirate morphing potions are considerably cheaper than most of the others as well.

  12. This is definitely a stretch, but are there any Vengeful Scrolls on the SSW right now? I want to use it to get one of my dream pets.

    Searching for 'Vengeful Scrolls', matching ''...No items found.


    Sorry! If you want me to check every once in a while just PM me a reminder and I'll check for you!

  13. Woohoo! Christmas gifting time is my favorite time y'all.




    My wishlists are here: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/bck32808/


    I also casually gourmet feed so gourmet foods are welcome too.


    Oh my username is bck32808 - just realized I don't have it listed on here anymore.




    Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season so far!


    Thanks so very much to:





























  14. Ok!I also just checked my mail again to see if I had any luck of the forgotten password mail coming by chance lastnight turns out nope nothing..should I use the same email I used for my main for my side account or make a new email all together?Sorry if I ask so many questions..but from what I have read many other players have their main accounts frozen if they make a side account or so..I just dont wanna put my main account at risk you know?Sure it is all online but heck I grew up with NP..even had much older accounts which became lost due to email changes years upon years ago so the account I have now has been my main since then.I hate to ask this but does TNT track accounts by use of IP addresses?I was thinking that if I cannot remember a whole lot of my account since I didnt store any info of it that I could send an email to them saying my IP addresses location and if they do use IP as a way of tracking(on other games Ive played this is one huge way of banning players who constantly break the rules)..also does TDN have any lists of like random NP items like grooming, toys etc?I know they have Advent Calendar Dailies listed from the years ago..I have a TON of random junk+some good old Advent stuff in my Safety Box..over the week end I will try to find as much as I can and see if I can make a side account as you suggested and send in a ticket with as much info as my main as possible

    This page has a number of things that are helpful to include when proving account ownership. You might remember more than you think!

    As far as having your account frozen when you create a side account goes - these two things aren't really correlated. However, if TNT believes your account has been compromised they might freeze it for your protection (which can be undone if you prove account ownership).

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