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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Yes, I read through 1st then went to the cafe. Will try again. Thanks Went back, still no luck. Just went back again and they were there! They should have been there when I 1st went there but oh well. Here's what I got. Chose the Polar Lights Negg and decided on the book... Where to Find Polar Lights Oh I forgot I didn't get to choose the prize. I wanted the book but I got oh well!
  2. I read everything between Mira and Kari. I went to the 1st location. I did not receive and negg choices. What did I do wrong?
  3. This just a suggestion. I have been in the Secret Ninja School for quite some time. I too used my Red Codestones for training. I was spending so many NP's to train I was ready to give up. Finally I started buying FQC's for training instead of the school. Every quest bumps your stats more than one point and most always includes more than one stat. Of course, this is something you already know but I thought I would mention it anyway. It really increased my bank when I started selling those red stones instead of using them.
  4. The last 3 rounds I went with the the team that was predicted to win and I lost. Maybe it was the last 2, I can't remember but I will try again this time and go with the Seekers.
  5. Well here is a petpet I have never seen until now. It's a Halloween Navibot. I tried to find 1 for sale to add to my gallery but didn't have any luck. Oh well, I'll keep it for a while
  6. It has not worked for more than a week.
  7. I'm not a heart fanatic but if I had to like everything I put in my gallery I might not have a lot in there. SO with that being said I'm buying the heart brush for my gallery. Does anyone have a coupon? lol Just an update. The coupon joke turned out to be a reality. Sometime ago I had an RE that gave me a discount at the Hidden Tower. I didn't know but thought the RE discount expired. I guess it doesn't because I just paid the RE price for the brush. 2,700,000 NP I'm happy I could ad the brush to my gallery and save a few NP doing it. . 3,000,000 NP Standard Price 2,910,000 NP Discount Day, March 15th 2,700,000 NP Random Event Discount
  8. I know this is may not be the right choice but I think I am going with the Awakened. Well this certainly was the wrong fraction! Maybe next time.
  9. Yes, I thought it to be weird too! I never scratch them until I have the full pocket boon because I want the extra 1000 per card and I also seem to get more money bags than items when I have that boon. I think it was at least 3 maybe 4 wins back that this boon worked for me. It's been awhile since I get only 1 card a week and I have 48 cards. 48 weeks? It doesn't seem that it has been that long.
  10. Hey, as long as we are talking about the boons I was wondering if anyone else was having problems with the Scratch Card boon. Each time I win I chose the Scratch Card boon. I seem to have a problem trying to scratch them. I have 48 cards now so that tells you how long I have had this problem. Some weeks I can't scratch the cards and other weeks I can scratch the card but it remains unscratched although it shows as scratched. I have sent a ticket in each week that this happens. No response. Also, I don't scratch cards until I win the boon because when it's working right you earn a lot more NP's.
  11. Can you believe this! This is the 2nd round that I've went with the predicted group to win and I've lost again.
  12. Thank you! My eyes are not real good so I didn't realize the 25% was a yellow until you pointed it out I just thought the 25% and the 56% were green and the 19% was a red. I'm going with the Order too.
  13. Duma, just curious if you know why the Prediction is in red and green colors. Does it have any meaning?
  14. HAHAHA Looks more like a Pinata than a toy. At least you wouldn't have to dress it.
  15. I too have gallery problems. I try to get them categorized which sometimes has to be done a couple of times for the same item. I have found it helps to do one item at a time. So after I categorize the item I go for the rank category. Again, problems. I put the rank number under the item then to the bottom and submit. The page doesn't load so I have a blank page. Most times I can reload the page but even if it loads I still have to enter the ranking information. There are times I have to just load the gallery again and start over from the action I was trying to preform. so I have to go back and put the number under the item again and to the bottom . click submit. Most always it will work the 2nd time. Is this the same problem you are having? This has been going on a couple, maybe 3 weeks now. I use to be able to do several or all of the items at once. It doesn't happen just with the categorizing it also happens with the ranking of items. I believe it is Neo that has the problem.
  16. Well, oh my! I'm glad you noticed that. I kept looking but didn't notice that. I have unchecked that box. lol Thanks for the help!
  17. I got this message when I was searching using the SSW. Last week while searching I got the same message but it was a different item I was searching and the results were different. At that time I blew it off thinking it was something I must have hit on the keyboard but I don't think that now. Anyone know what or how I might have arrived at this?
  18. I looked at JN for you... Price History 4,000,000 NP (+1,000,000 NP) on November 30, 2022 by Item DB Crew 3,000,000 NP (no change) on August 1, 2022 by Item DB Crew 3,000,000 NP (-500,000 NP) on April 29, 2022 by Item DB Crew
  19. Angelo Did you get a dream pet or know anyone that has?
  20. Good grief. I don't know where my brain is hanging out but it isn't in my head. I'm trying to screw my head down a little tighter. Thanks for taking the time to set me straight.
  21. OMG! That is the oddest thing. If I would have had to guess straws would never have entered my mind.Thanks for the info.
  22. You got a cool petpet. All I can figure is I never got the message before because I never got a specialty petpet. Since the petpet I got isn't on the list I am guessing it's the color gold that made it special. What kind of items can it turn your pet into?
  23. Really? I have got lab ray only colors in the past and never got that message.
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