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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. It's been a week and I got a prize but it doesn't say it was on the new prize list. I've never got it before so I'm posting a pic. Maybe it is an old prize but I just never got it before. Sorta looks like a bulldog or a pug I think.
  2. midnight_spell360 members of TKP have asked if anyone has heard from you. Is there a message that you would like me to post on your behalf to the guild? If so you can either put it here or in a private message on TDN. If not that's OK too but I wanted to make you the offer to post a message for you. You are missed by everyone with Angelo and me being at the top of that list. You touch so many with your kindness and caring nature. We all hope your account gets back to you soon.
  3. You know me well! LOL I hope it sells too!
  4. I missed that post, where was it posted? I would like to see the new prizes. I already listed it for sale and hope if the prices are going to decrease that I sell it before that happens. If I get another one most likely I will read it to my pet. How do you know most people get their prizes on Monday? I didn't know that either!
  5. I know Trudy's Surprisehas been giving out new and improved prizes but today I got this book. After checking the SSW before I read it I had to post this. It is by far the most expensive item I ever received from this daily. The lowest starting price is 350,000 NP up to 999,999 NP only 6 books are listed for sale. Angelo, this would be a good edition to the gallery if you don't have it already.
  6. This Strawberry Kyrii is really cute with flowers in the leafy hair. The actual color is nice and bright as well. They really got this one right. The new outfit gives me a Robin Hood feeling. I could wear that outfit to play Ultimate Bullseye or go to a Renaissance Festival or both! I'm sure there would be an archery competition at the festival.
  7. I guess I missed it (happy face) because it is working now.
  8. 360, I miss you so much! I hope this is resolved soon.
  9. hahaha, how strange looking. Reminds me of a cross between a deep sea diver, mutant and a robot. I don't dislike it just think it looks strange.
  10. Angelo, with all the boxes you have I would have thought I would have received at least 195 gifts! I wouldn't want to use all the boxes on me, save a couple for your other friends. I'm ready, start sending!! lol
  11. I don't feel like it was a prompt. I feel more like I was being forced to do something rather I wanted to or not. If nothing else instead of doing things the way they did they could have sent a message saying something like If you don't change your PW by a certain day we well be forced to lock your account until you do so please take a minute to make the necessary changes. I don't like the *we have the power and you will obey method* Doing things the way they did them was wrong and with so many members having to change their PW's at the same time was probably some of the reasons everyone was having so many problems with this. I just feel like the method they chose was wrong, maybe it's just me.
  12. That quote came out of hrtbrk's post in reference to the update.
  13. hrtbrk, I checked through all of my email messages from the last few days and I never received an email from neo requesting me to change my PW. I know I needed to do this but still didn't get a message from them about it. Everything I know about the breach I learned from TDN not neo.
  14. I don't have either of those symbols in my password and didn't have them in the previous password. Just checked my email and have a message that says the reset code was cancelled and to click here to begin the reset process again. I don't think it is too lengthy otherwise I wouldn't be able to remember it. Of course I know all about writing them down but who wants to look them up when you log in. LOL Trust me on clicking that *log in* button. I'm surprised I still have a button to click. I was pretty upset about this whole thing in the 1st place and now that I've walked away for awhile I can calmly try this again without trying to break something, like a log in button.
  15. No but it is just sitting on that log in screen with no error message. I'm going to go back and start refreshing like you did. I also use FF. I have been refreshing and getting the error message now that says Invalid Password. Please enter the correct password to continue Do you think I should click the forgot password again and start over? If I do this can I put in the password that I just chose to use or will I have to come up with another Well, it has been 8 hours since I posted this 1st message. All this time has been spent trying to reset the PW. During my efforts I received a message saying I was all set and my PW had been changed. Each time I received that message when I tried to log in I would get the same error message as the one listed above. Can't even count how many times I wanted to get a hammer. So, I just *changed the PW* again for the umpteenth time and received the message it was ok to log in with the new PW (again). So I again tried logging in and this time I was actually able to do so. I'm not going to log out because I don't want to go through this again. I want to say thank you Steve and Angelo for trying to help. Steve I did try several times to refresh. I also restarted the computer probably 6 times. I checked the PW's in my security section just to be sure there was no mistake with user name or password. It had to be Neo doing this and not my computer. I'm happy for those that were able to change PW's without any problems and I am feeling sorrow for those that have to go through what I did or even worse. All I have for advice is GOOD LUCK! and thanks for making it so difficult Neo.
  16. I'm disappointed every month. I don't feel like I get anything that's worth anything except the 2000 NP's.
  17. OK I was busy doing something on Neo when a message popped up telling me to log in. I tried and it was required I change my password to log in. I followed all the instructions and of course I'm still locked out. I sent a ticket but I wonder how much good that is going to do. UGH!
  18. LOL All this time I have been reading you all selling your stocks I thought you were referring to the % number! Thanks for telling me about this.
  19. I don't guess I understand. I sold for 190%. Isn't that a good amount?
  20. Just sold a bunch of stocks. If you have this one the sale price is pretty good.
  21. Angelo, what is a NFT guy? Also, is it safe to play games right now? hrtbrk I was wondering if you could answer this question for me. If any of my hubby's accounts are using the password I have on Neo would I need to change his passwords as well? His user name is different. I don't want to change his unless it would be absolutely necessary. He already has a bad memory and this would make it worse for him. Thanks for any advice on this. What if I am using a different user name with that password. Would I need to change the password on those accounts as well?
  22. I'm guessing this pepet may be popular but YUCK! This is my 1st time seeing this one.
  23. It must be a sign to stop zapping this pet. It likes being Asparagus!!
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