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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. I too chose the Spring petpet. I did like the Eventide and the Regular one but something about the Spring. Mine went into my galley to live with all my other petpets. Your choices as to which pet to give a new friend too, my vote would be the Ixi. Your Ixi is so cute and they would like each other for sure! 4 or 5 stamps is a great amount! I know what you mean about getting nothing in these events and you keep choosing the same option if you can just to keep trying. I got the 1, I'm happy. It was for my Stamp Album so I really didn't need anymore. Your Ixi really is cute! Me too! You have got a lot of Water Whips too haven't you? Well it seems like you have. I think I got each at least twice maybe 3x's. Read them both to my pet and donated the others to be used as gifts within my guild. I'm sure someone withing the guild didn't get one so I'm hoping the books will be useful to someone.
  2. Oh my, you saved me! I also got lucky because when the drained neggs disappeared and the page was just showing to send a petpet into the grave danger I did go ahead and do that daily. I'm lucky because it says not to do any daily before completing the quest. The clues or Kari, nothing popped up but I clicked the goo and everything started to happen at that point. Kari finally came back after clicking the ground. So luckily it was still there because I thought for sure I had ruined it by doing that daily! I just finished following the instructions and I did get a Teacup Negg among the 3 available so I took 1 last chance at the stamp. I didn't get another. After being able to chose the Teacup Negg 4 times during the Festival I was fortunate to get the stamp on the 3rd time. All in all I feel good about all the prizes I received. I was able to get a crack (no pun intended) at all 5 neggs enough times that I got the prizes I wanted to get. I'm so glad I asked for help with this last and final clue I couldn't have done it without help. Again, thank you for posting this guide. Whew! Also glad the Festival has come to an end.
  3. OK freaking out here! I didn't get the last negg and it is showing up with a ? on the negg. I have nothing to turn in. There has to be an explanation for this so someone please help and explain it to me. nThis what got at Grave Danger
  4. After seeing what you paid to play this game I was wondering if the cost to play has went down? Long ago I use to play this but quit because the items asked for were always so expensive. Also since I use my battle pet to play all the games, except zapping, I was worried the exact thing would happen to me. Is it true it can take a high level pet and reduce the level this low? I realize I could change the pet I use to another pet to play this game but if I did and I benefited in some great way I would be kicking myself for not using my regular pet. After looking at your posts on this subject it does appear that it isn't too costly to play anymore. I have read about this on JN but I would rather hear from someone that actually plays the game regularly.
  5. So, here's what it says.... Solve each one to find the negg stashes, and Kari will reward you by letting you choose a negg to keep! If you only get to chose one (I want them all for my gallery) have you thought about which one you will choose? I think I will choose the Music Negg because I can put it in the Negg gallery OR my Instrument gallery OR even my Music Box gallery. I'm thinking about where I would put it but leaning toward the Negg gallery.
  6. Hooray! I finally got the Teacup Negg and I got the Teatime in Neovia Stamp. I can quit stressing about this now! Glad I waited and didn't buy the stamp or except one from other generous players. I do want to say thank you to those that offered me the stamp, so generous!
  7. OK Mr Lucky strikes again! Wow! I can't seemed to even get the Tea Negg (2x's) to get a shot at that stamp. I'm very happy for you and hope you get more!
  8. OMG! I tell you it was not there earlier! In fact I only collected the basket today and the dress wasn't in my inventory. It must have been stuck in a dark hole somewhere because it is there now. I know I refreshed my inventory earlier so I have no idea what happened. After he gave me the basket today I had clicked aging and got a message telling me to come back later. That was really weird. Thanks for the answer.
  9. Sorta kinda reminds me of Robot? Don't know, not good at guessing. Just what it reminds me of. I agree it is cool looking though!
  10. I don't see my post I thought I posted here earlier about today's prize. I am posting a picture of it below since it doesn't appear in the guide update. Now I have another question. This started on the 19th and I have just 3 prizes. The 19th, the 20th and then today's, the 22nd. What happened to the 21st? I should have 4 prizes as of today. Here is today's prize. Was the 19 considered for 2 days like the start of the Festival was? Old Bart would not let me collect anymore prizes, told me to come back. Maybe the 19th and 20th were considered one day then the 2nd prize on the 21st was the 2nd prize? This being the 3rd prize on the 22nd? In the guide the 1st 2 prizes have a date under them as the 19th and the 20th which makes be think the 21st is missing.
  11. I think Origami is a good look for this pet. Nice coloring blend.
  12. Do you have the Premium Membership? You don't need anything special just the pet color you want then she will turn it into the species you want. Eldergirl Kau = Eldergirl Krawk. Normally the dips only turn a species to another color. Maybe I am missing something and not understanding what you are telling me. I have the kau and you can have her. Sorry though if I am not understanding correctly. Maybe I am not explaining it correctly. I would do it for you but just 2 days ago I used my species change to turn a Stealthy Koi into a Stealthy Lupe for a member to have their dream pet. Neo only gives me that perk once a year. Wish it were more often so I could help more than one member a year with it. Oh, well, K SARA SARA
  13. I didn't see today's Apple Dipping Prize listed in the guide so thought I would post what the prize is.
  14. Hi, just a thought here... If you are a premium member you can change the species of a pet once per year. I have an Elderly Girl Kau that could be turned into a Krawk if you want her. Then you would have an Elderly Girl Krawk! Easy Peasy.
  15. They were right on time but I hope they finish sooner than later!
  16. The guide link that is at the bottom of the Festival Guide does have all that info. I checked your link and the link at the bottom of the guide and they are the same. I do plan on buying the 3 pack so I get everything. I am glad the tie frame is extended past the Festival time frame. The only diffeence I see is that at the bottom of the Festival Guide it says Dip & Dye Neggs and shows 3 Neggs but clicking on the link takes you to Bart's Dip & Dye Apples. It might be a good idea to change the information at the bottom of the Festival Guide? Hope you both enjoy *story time*.
  17. I'll end up buying the new kits but I hope they don't rip me off for the 1500 I paid for the others. What's weird is I have access to last years event and was able to use the Neggs. I only used one but I got to use it until it ran out of items. I think I got 7 items. It was either 6 or 7. I am leaving the other 2 kits in my inventory until I hear from them. Thanks for all the information, it does really help! I am just using the guide at the bottom of the Festival Guide page. There is a link that works now that goes to the Bob Event.
  18. Thanks for the update and glad the little one is alright. Neo received my ticket about the Negg Kits on the 15th. They confirmed this in an email. I have been checking daily, I jus checked again, and I have no reply from they on a refund or any answer. I am going to see if I can use the one's I have in my inventory although I don't think they are going to work. Do you know if they are going to sell new Negg Kits at the NC Mall? How will I know they are new ones? I thought the ones I bought were new ones. Just want you to know that all your work and anyone else working on the Festival is appreciated. I'm sure it takes a lot of dedication to keep us all informed on and UTD on everything going on.
  19. You are aware you can have up to 4 side accounts?
  20. Today I got I don't want anything for them. Chose the Stain Glass Negg, got the book. Now selling for 15000np if anyone wants mine I'll sell it for 10000np
  21. Since it's Krawk Day do they get any special treatment? Cupcake? extra training? birthday banner? I didn't notice anything but that doesn't mean anything. Also, if there is training is it limited to the regular training school? My level is to high and I can't get any training there.
  22. Sounds like it is time for a side account so you'll have a place for all those pets you can't part with.
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