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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Another day down and how many more to go before changing again? and the lil buddy.... (of course)
  2. Well, my pet changed colors but the zapping is back to ?normal? and the lil buddy....
  3. Boy do I get it! I know I have to decide today but I am still unsure. OK I have a friend that belongs to a obelisk War guild. She tells me that their guild is going with the Brute Squad. I am so conficted this week I am going with The Awaken. I don't care, I lose a lot. I hope you guys win. OMG! I said I was going to join The Awaken last night and I fell asleep in the chair. LOL I didn't vote at all because I woke up right after midnight Neo time. I guess I won't need to worry about winning this week so I'm going to take a break for the next 2 weeks. No different that the last few times I played.
  4. Treasure of the Black Pawkeet They may call it a BOOBY PRIZE but I see a nice chuck of NP's
  5. Lordy, Lordy! It's unbelievable.. ... and the lil buddy
  6. Oh I had a Lutari Robot. Those clothes are still in my closet. It's a shame we can't do anything but delete them.
  7. Is there some record I can go for and try to beat? Like the most nothing changed score and he continues to laugh like he knows what is going to happen! and the lil buddy... Well imagine that! WOW! I like it. The creepier the better.
  8. Hey, this isn't as good as the 15000 NP's but at least it's something
  9. I am so tired of losing. I am going to wait it out and see what everyone else is going to do. I may not go the same as everyone else I don't know yet but what I do know is who I go with isn't working. I'm definitely on a losing streak.
  10. Yes, I have because your special in my heart. For those of you that may not know Teta means Grandma, not just a nickname. Yes, that's right, my grandson gets special treatment.
  11. I clicked on the RE above and I actually got an edit button. When I clicked it to add this RE to the one above I got a message saying that topic could not be found. I know they changed it so the edit option is only available for 30 minutes but I don't know why it makes so much difference if we have an edit button for our posts. What is the big deal? Is it power? I would like to know why it was changed so I could understand.
  12. No luck again today! and the little buddy...
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