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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. I was glad they asked me. Way to often people are afraid to say things thinking feelings will be hurt. If you don't ask then you will forever have an answer of NO. It was just a coincidence that I zapped the pet into the original species. Had they asked and told me it was a so and so species I would have turned it back into whatever it was originally, I was just lucky lol. I try not to be a selfish person. I am a zapper for the guild I belong to (The Kindness Project) TKP for short. I am always on the lookout for species and dream pets that others want. I do my best to fulfill their wishes, members and non members. So, if I can be of help to you (I know it isn't your baby) with another pet that you may want please let me know so I can see if I can help or not.
  2. Well, you may be right about everything. New/returning players, maybe. I know for a long time I didn't collect Avatars but now that I do I kick myself in the pants because there are some I could have got then that I can't get now. It's a good thing that the books sold so quickly. Did you have the other avie items in your shop as well? You really believe this forum has declined in use? I don't know what I think about that. What are you basing that comment one?
  3. Really< everyone has this avatar? OK well it's granny63020 if you change your mind. NOTE TO MODERATORS: I would have just edited my message but I still don't have an edit button. Please help if you can. This is it:
  4. I have the items for this avatar. This avatar is available this month only. If you let me know I will send you the items so you can get this avatar.
  5. LOL I am a Chrome hater as well. FireFox all the way!
  6. Regardless, I guess that means there's no hope for getting her back. I have adopted a lot of pets from the Neo pound and The Lost and Pound for zapping purposes. This only happened to me once but a couple of years ago I got a message from another member telling me a story about how when they were younger they pounded their pet and was sorry they had done so and I had that pet and would I be willing to return it to them. I had zapped the pet into some different species and color but they told me that I actually had zapped the pet into it's original species (something I didn't know). I did though have it another color. Anyway, they didn't care, they liked the new color and so I returned it. I checked on the pet for several months and it was being taken care of so I moved on. Maybe someway, someday this pet will get back to you. I'm not sure but when an account is frozen is it frozen forever? Maybe keep checking and the impossible will happen.
  7. I did not know that! I have seen that same message Rishi pasted but the only time it has happened is when I have started a game before midnight Neo time and I finished the game after midnight Neo time. It happened several times before I realized why I was getting the message. I know it is not the reason Rishi got the message but it did remind me of me getting that message.
  8. Duma, I never doubted that you and everyone else on your team is working to stop this. It has to be as frustrating to you all as it is to us members. The people posting this crap are idiots. Even if he does discover who *they* are not sure he can do much about it. Not saying he isn't able too but if they are smart enough to keep doing this then they are smart enough to keep from getting caught. I will just wait, I'm sure they will either get tired of this site or of you all deleting them. I just hope it's sooner than later. lol Thanks for the update!
  9. OMG! I really thought they were done. The spam is back again. I'm wondering if I open a post to report it will they be able to access any of my information?
  10. I was checking the stocks I have to see if any were worth selling. One stands out and hopefully will climb some more to make it worth selling. I don't have many but enough to make a few NP's if it goes up like buzz did.
  11. LOL A potato! Shoot, I can practice dressing up in outfits at home right before I pop it into the oven. I do hope to get a Magical Potato Chia Pop for my gallery though.
  12. Early last week a labray zap on a pet brought me a Ruki. Zapped again next day or so and it became a Mutant Ruki. I have been looking forward to seeing what they had in store for the Ruki. I have mixed feelings about this. No idea if any of these will fit a Mutant or if I am going to keep it. Nice to see the new stuff and colors for the Ruki though.
  13. UGH! I just can't pick the winner. I lost again.
  14. Well, if you have the time check it out once when doing your dailies and you'll have the time for the entire day. LOL today's time is between 2 minutes after the hour until 4:59 minutes after the hour. Seems like most every time I have looked to see if it was time to play today it would be 10 minutes after, 37 minutes after or even on the hour. I would tell myself to pay attention for 2 minutes and then play but I distracted myself every time. I have not played at all today. Dang! I just looked and it's 11 minutes after. I missed it again. Also I know what you mean, any time I have won a prize I just thought lucky me, didn't know I wasn't lucky.
  15. Not sure! I update the JN info daily so I have a time. The info is at the top of the screen. Also copied from JN Our guide here is updated daily with each day's 4-minute window, so check back each day to get the time! https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=symolhole
  16. OK I recently discovered that The Mysterious Symol Hole has a time to try and win a prize. I know about Turmy but the The Hole! So, for a 4 minute window every hour you can hope to get a prize. The times I did win stuff I didn't know about the time window. Today's time window is XX:02:00 to XX:05:59 during any hour of the day. 2 minutes after the hour up to the 6 minute mark. If you jump in at 5 minutes after then it wont do any good to try again the next hour at 2 minutes after. It makes you wait an entire hour before you can get another chance at a prize. I have got the book Dig Down, Dig Deep, 2 Dirt Friendfs, several different amounts of NP's and a bunch or inexpensive items from the hole. I am guessing most everyone knows about this and I'm excited to be finding a *new* thing for me. lol
  17. I never noticed before that the weekend was an issue. I just checked and this is the only pet day that falls on the weekend this month. Guess I'll pay more attention in the future. I have noticed before that it took a day or two ro post, thanks, maybe that's it.
  18. Just wondering if they did or didn't have any new Ruki colors or outfits? If so what happened to posting them?
  19. I like that show too but I didn't watch it when it was on air weekly. I started watching when it went into syndication. Since Friends is your favorite I am sending you a couple of Friend related items. I'm still unable to edit any previous posts. Where is my EDIT BUTTON? Help me TDNF!
  20. When GlitchtaleLover told me what that stack able button was for I too did not understand why I needed that since when stacked the number of that item was next to it and let me know I have 4 of whatever. So, now I'm curious, why would it make a difference to NC Traders? You have the same amount of the item,stacked or not.
  21. I tried to edit a post in another message I posted on the forums and I could not edit that post either so it is forum wide. I also didn't try a 30 minute post. I just tried to edit as soon as I posted this message and I was able to edit and update this message. I am going to try again in 45 minutes, we'll see what happens. It's been 45 minutes and I am able to edit this message. I wonder what's going on.
  22. I don't know what's wrong but I am unable to edit my previous post!
  23. OK I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly so if I'm not please correct me so I can edit and do it right. Answer to the weekly question/prompt No question, hands down, THE WALKING DEAD. A long running 10+ years show. I never missed an episode. I was home every Sunday night for an entire 10 years. If for some reason I wasn't home (maybe 3 or 4 times) I made sure that wherever we were to be there was a TV and that whoever was in charge gave permission in advance to tune the TV to AMC at 7:00 PM. If I could not get permission in advance then I did not leave home or I was home by 6:30 PM. LOL I know it sounds crazy but I was obsessed (still am) and now that the program has ended I continue to watch the spin offs. Seeking; I have no wants for anything. If you want to take a look in my shop that's great. If allowed then I would also like TKP the guild I belong to be checked out if you have a minute. Here is my shop link ttps://www.neopets.c hom/browseshop.phtml?owner=granny63020 Here is my guild link (TKP) www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4176228 UN: granny63020 (also under my profile name) Cuddlesoftness: I chose to buy from your shop but you had only 1 item for sale. I did buy the 1 item. I wish you had more items. I also sent you a FQ Cookie. I also like the TV shows you named as well.
  24. OH good grief! I may have been able to figure that out had I had 2 of any item. Thanks so much. I kept pressing it but nothing was happening.
  25. I like the way the new Inventory bar looks. I can't figure out what's next to the A - Z (on the end). Will someone help me please?
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