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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Not sure how to vote this week. I went with the prediction of who would win the last round and they lost so although the prediction are right more than wrong. I don't like anything about the Brute Squad boons so win or lose I won't vote for them. The Thieves have about the same as the Brutes so I won't go with them either. I love the fact that the Awakened offers so many options so although I may not win by going with them that's who I'm supporting this week. Last time I went with either of the 2 above teams and won I disliked the boons so much I only used the Space Faerie Boons and didn't chose any boon. I wish they would update/change the boons available for both of the 2 above. Wonder if that is even something they would consider?
  2. I kept the same team for the 1st and 2nd weeks. There was a small decrease in points the 2nd week but no big deal. I did go on and leave the team the same for the 3rd week. The way my luck runs as soon as I change something I would end up wishing I hadn't have changed anything. Will this 3rd week be the last one they play or is there more?
  3. So now that I have the hang of playing there's more questions. I know there are 20 ranks. I am at rank 6. Is this a good average for this point in the game? What rank is everyone else at?
  4. My gosh! Could it have gotten any uglier? Looks like he/she ate a face and it's showing through the stomach. of the Wraith Oh, yes, it got worse they put that awful clothing on it.
  5. So that's it? They play once and then you wait a week? 2 weeks? for them to play again? How many matches do the play? Based on the amount of time between plays 2 seems logical. Here's what happened. Is this good, bad or average? I don't remember exactly but I was awarded 48?? NP's So I went to JN and found some answers. Looking at JN I see they have it listed as there going to be 4 rounds then a total although given the time frame of the Altador Cup I don't see how they are going to manage 4 rounds but since I don't have a great understanding yet of all this I'm just trying to go with the flow. You all just wait till next year when I have all the knowledge from this year under my belt that I'm getting from the smartest people on this forum! Thanks to everyone for putting up with my dumb questions and answering them anyway. You have no idea how much I honestly appreciate all of the advice, information and help I'm getting from everyone. Thank you!
  6. I think this Stealthy Quiggle looks BAD TO THE BONE! Such a serious look.
  7. WELL! Doesn't that make it easy! I am really wishing I had done this before. Now I can't wait this will be the easiest points I have ever earned. Thanks for explaining this. After the Staff Tournament starts do they continue to play until the end of the regular tournament ends?
  8. This will be the 1st time I've participated in the Staff Tournament so I am flying blind on this. Does this game play the way we play the regular tournament? I was reading about it on the tournament page and the JN site but I couldn't find anything saying how many matches we play a day or if there is an option to play again if you don't like the results, like we have the option when playing against the other regular teams. I'm not really sure how this is going to work oh and do I have all day or is there a time frame that you have, ex, you can only play the Staff Tournament during 9am and 5pm. I wish things had been spelled out a little more in a Staff Tournament for dummies guide. I definitely qualify for a free copy of that guide, lol. GOALIE DEFENDERS FORWARDS "Every one has the fire, "Kreludor is ready to "I wonder what would "Burrowed deep under a Whether on the high but only champions know eclipse the other teams! "happen if I..." pile of skirts & dresses seas or on the pitch, when to ignite the spark." beaded bracelets, interior there is no defence décor, and strawberries... against a Krawk Island Miss Rainbow emerges. She attack!" only breaches the surface of this pile for a FEW reasons. Playing in the Altador Cup is one of them!"
  9. lol I'm not sure what I think about this Sponge color. Sorta makes me think the pet has come down with a disease or something? Put a sad face on it and well, I don't know. This one is just weird to me but I'm sure there will be plenty of members that just love this little guy. I've never noticed before but is it contacts or do they just naturally have different colored eyes depending on the color?
  10. Hi Duma, just so I'm on topic I voted for the Seekers. Real reason for posting is to ask how the eye surgery went and how you are feeling.
  11. I'm not a regular player or devoted to any certain team. That's why I asked in an earlier comment if there were any predictions on the teams. I have not a clue what team to go with but I certainly want to try an be an asset to whatever team I join instead of a disappointment. When Angelo posted that comment I found it to be unbelievable that real people want to cheat at free games on Neo. Of course I have heard in the past about people using *bots* but I thought that was referring to people trying to buy up items in Neo shops and I know that isn't allowed which again I would have no clue as how to use because cheating never crosses my mind. Everything I have, I have earned. I'm not a great or good player when it comes to playing for the cup but I do the best I can. You said ... All-Star guilds that often PICK a team and work hard to boost that team to victory. I don't think even if I were a good player that I would want to associate with them. It would feel more like cheating to me although you said it isn't technically cheating. This is the only forum I read and follow because I trust the members here. Thanks for explaining this though. What you said makes sense and helps explain a few things better for me. I guess my best bet is to decide on a team and just do the best I can for it. Win, lose or draw I'll at least give it my best shot! Good luck to all that plan to play!
  12. Angelo, do you mean that there are actual neopet players that are All Stars and there are actual Neo players that are cheating throughout the cup? I hope that you mean they are cup players (neopet characters). I'm confused.
  13. Are there any predictions based on precious years as to what team has the highest probability of winning the cup? Since this starts June 7 what will be the last day that you can sign up to play/participate?
  14. Just checked out the new design. I like the fanned out tailed instead of it looking like it's in a ponytail. Still don't care for the Koi in general but it doesseem to be an improvement. (JMO).
  15. No, I was on the wrong page and deleted the message I posted.
  16. I've been hearing about Pale Moon from other players and from this forum. I was always to scared to take a chance and try something new especially since I am concerned about downloading then not being able to make it work. After reading comments again yesterday about Pale Moon I thought these are people I have become to trust so I decided to take a chance and downloaded. Before doing so I did read what I found on the net about Pale Moon and felt a little more comfortable in doing so. I did think though that when it said it would work with FireFox and ME that it meant I would have flash on those 2 platforms. I wasn't sure how this *clean flash* was going to work. Well, of course I downloaded the clean flash but it didn't connect to the 2. Since I pay a yearly fee to Geek Squad to maintain and fix my devices I called them and a great tech was able to set up Pale Moon for me and show me how the flash works from the P M site and not through FireFox and ME. She even helped me set up Neo and TDN bookmarks to keep me from getting lost again. I'm happy to say I am glad I did this because it was fun to play the games I've been missing since flash. Maybe Neo will figure a way to start paying more attention to bringing back more of the old games although I think they are working on it but it seems so slow in making it happen. Anyway, I want to say thank you to my trusted friends here because of you I took the chance and I'm happy I did.
  17. I couldn't figure out out to get to the prize shop. When I clicked the link it kept going to the NC Mall. Oh well maybe next time.
  18. I just voted for the Sway as well, now lets hope they win. I few weeks ago I can't remember who it was I voted for but they won and I just didn't like any pf the boons but had to choose so I had chose the Black Market Goods. The one where you can see the more expensive or items with higher Rarity. I had never used that boon before so before I hose it I went to JN and read everything I could find about the boon. It seems that when a higher Rarity item is displayed it highlights to let you know which one it is. I opened ALL of the shops that sold these items in separate tabs and for an entire week I spent every waking moment checking these shops for the highlighted items. I had great success in buying items at a discounted price from the shops. I was able to stock my shop and to get some great items for my gallery that I didn't already have. Here's the problem... NOT ONE TIME did I get a highlighted item from that boon. I don't know how that was possible maybe just bad luck but I stayed on top of refreshing the shops and I was sure I would at least see one highlighted item in at least one shop. As this ever happened to anyone? Does anyone have luck when using this boon? I will never chose it again and if it comes down to it I will not chose any of the boons. I will let the week pass as if I didn't win. Since I am a premium member I always chose the cards to scratch for the extra NP's from the Space Faerie because the game boon doesn't do it for me. I might try the games when we get more available but the cards are the way to go. I don't scratch any cards I get each Friday until I win and get that as a boon. I've went as long as to have more than 40 cards at the highest which was quite profitable but that was only once the normal is around 10 cards which is still a good amount. Last week I voted, don't remember for who, and I commented on the fractions and when I went to play war on Thursday is when I found out I had forgot to join a fraction. DUH! I made sure I signed up this time. I have triple checked. LOL Yeah, they had me pegged! The eye puff of air isn't really that bad although I didn't like it. If your Eye Dr thought for a minute that it would damsge your eye with a puff of air I promise you they would not do it. You have been living with this your entire life which I can't imagine. Don't you wonder what it would be like for you if you had this removed/repaired? The laser is not hot. Oh and in today's world a lot of insurance co cover the cost of eye exams or make them so reasonable in cost that it is possible to afford. Really, if you close your eyes and they drop the drops in the corner you can blink them in. Also the pain meds they give you for your eyes are administer through drops as well and they do the same thing for me. Close my eyes drop them in the corner and blink them in. I have Medicare and Humana so even they have eye coverage and dental now without extra charges to me, part of my plan. Since I have Diabetes once a year they can bill the insurance under medical so everything is covered without copays. A lot of the (maybe all?) of my surgeries on my eyes have been covered under medical because the diabetes is the cause of the problems. What I find to be the most ridiculous part of the Ins is when we have normal sight we can see close up and far away. Well when you have your eye lens replace, I've had both replaced, I had to chose if I wanted to see far away or close up. In order for me to have both it would have cost me about $5000 out of pocket to have both. Since we couldn't afford that I took the Dr's advice got the far away sight lens. He said it would be better because I could get readers for close up and I really am glad I listened to him although it's hard to believe you have to make a choice on such an important part of your life. I do have the readers but I find myself zooming things to about 150% so I can see without the readers.
  19. I can relate. I can NOT keep my eyes open for the surgery so they fixed that and clamped them open. Holding the clamps in place with tape because my blink was so strong I pulled the clamps out. LOL. My eyes was having nothing to do with the procedure. They have a solution for people like us! I also can NOT do eye drops. I close my eyes they drop them in the corner then I blink the stuff in. I'm a big baby when it comes to my eyes. I also see an aurora around street lights and on coming headlights. I try to avoid driving at night if at all possible. Getting old really sucks sometimes. Trust me though, if you have the laser surgery if you have no will they still have a way. You won't blink!
  20. Duma, I wanted to thank you again for stepping up and posting this each week. I missed it when it wasn't being posted. I depend a lot on the TDN forums for information so when I asked about it being posted again and you started doing it I couldn't have been happier or more thankful. I took in for granted before and have no idea (it wasn't you I think?) who was actually posting the Fraction poll in the past. Weird how things are just taken for granted and you don't miss them until they're gone. Good luck with you eyes next week. I have had several eye surgeries (at least, 5) so I do know what you are experiencing. Cataracts, Lens Replacement, Laser, Bleeding behind my eyes, etc. None were fun but very beneficial to my sight. I too have another coming up because of floaters and more bleeding. It isn't to stop the previous it is a new area. The worse for me is because it is both eyes and they can't do both eyes at once, there is always the 2 week wait between each surgery. I've been fortunate that each time my sight has improved. My sister hasn't been so lucky and is now league y blind although she has had several surgeries to try to correct her sight.
  21. Is the link above Altador Cup XVI supposed to take you to the NC Mall?
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