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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. How do you find these things!!!!!!! WOW, thanks!
  2. Please to know Burfin was adopted, so many pets are just left behind. I don't necessarily believe they have to match I just want them to seem happy together. Sometimes the most mismatched things can become *2 peas in a pod*. I'd like to think that my pets are friends with their petpets cause I know opposites attract too. I know, this happens to all of us. I can only give staff the benefit of the doubt and assume they are working on site issues. like this one, but in my head I have serious doubts that things that may be important to us are not as important to them. Not just referring to the lookup. I'm just not convinced but I know this topic belongs under another heading. Complaint Department?
  3. I like zapping the petpets as much as I like zapping my lab rat pet. Today I realized I have so many cute ones that have transformed that until I get another pet to use as a lab rat I won't be able to zap these little guys anymore. I'm going to post pictures. To me I think the petpets that are attached to their pets seem to fit the pet they are with. Anyway... HERE THEY ARE... introducing my family of petpets! Water Florta attached to my Battle pet Legretta_Abyss my Polka Dot Krawk Black Blugarattached to Kadue my Mutant Uni White Erisim attached to Khatar_T my Rainbow Lutari Faerie Babaa attached to kingiku my Maractite Ogrin who BTW is UFA Fire Bowla attached to kukku_do my Baby Lenny my Rock attached to side_stepper my Plushie Poogle Mutant Vacana attached to trico0o myattached to trico0o my Red Grundo (current Lab Rat)
  4. They stole from me two times this last week. I was not happy about it either!
  5. Maybe it has something to do with you being a moderator?
  6. Hi All! I know my shop may not have something for everyone but I'm going to ask that everyone please go take a look. I can't get my closet to load because I have more than 1900 items in there and they put that 650 item limit on it. I didn't have problems loading it until these new site changes came about and I don't want to check that box so I only see 650 items. I'm greedy and I want it all or nothing! I didn't want to get rid of anything but I am going to get rid of stuff until I get to the point where the closet will load. A lot has been put into the SDB but I have decided to sell even more. Stuff I know I won't use. I can hold 950 items in my shop and as I sit in front of the computer if an item is sold I replace it with another. I price everything based on the SSW. I'm down to 1490 items in my closet and there is so much more it still won't load. So please have a look if you have time. If my link is wrong then try using granny63020. Thank you all so much! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=granny63020 P.S. The SDB is next! I added new spaces to my shop. I can now display 1050 items and I have enough to keep it fully stocked for a while. Still adding items as they are sold (unless I am sleeping) lol. Anyway I would appreciate it if you come back and take a look often. I'm hoping you'll find something you like. I appreciate every purchase very much. Thanks in advance for visiting my shop!
  7. I tried this because I too have been trying to find a way to change the picture. All mine has is Edit Profile.
  8. Hello and welcome! I was curious as to if you still have all your real world neo stuff? If you do you might be able to trade in the real world too.
  9. I know I am SO easily impressed, sometimes amazed, by things I find on Neo but here's another 1st for me. I am cleaning out my closet because with the 650 item limit and my closet at 1909 items my closet will not load. I didn't have this problem before the *new changes* to the site. So I started putting the stuff in my inventory to decide if it goes in the shop or the SDB. I run across this item in the inventory, pull up the SSW and no results found. Boy, I thought WOW! I hit the jackpot and found an expensive item that could make me rich!!! Here is the item name... Donny’s Christmas Toy Repair Shop Background ... I couldn't find it on JN or the regular SW so I started fooling around with the name and of coarse finally found it on JN by leaving out the 1st word in the name. It is supposed to be... Donny’s Christmas Toy Repair Shop Background ... I've seen glitches before but honestly, this one did throw me a curve. It displays wrong in my shop as well. I know all of you have seen glitches in names and other stuff. Want to mention some of the weird ones you've had or seen?
  10. Yes, I agree but I wonder why they will chug a Healing Potion. (Your Pet) is already healed but drinks the potion anyway. I know it isn't a med but it does heal.
  11. Well that was sorta what was happening for me. I was ready to do the BD for today (Wednesday) and she kept giving me those bottle potions. So finally I paid to cure. Both of those disease names are so close in spelling.
  12. So, Legretta_Abyss gets Neggitus from one of the wheels. I spend every 30 minutes or so at the Healing Springs trying to cure her while I'm doing other stuff around the site. No success so I finally broke down, went to the pharmacy and bought a cure. The problem is I tried to cure the wrong disease! I'm trying to cure Neogitus! I have a sight problem anyway and usually increase the zoom to about 120% or better to look closer at things but didn't do it this time. Well what I learned from this is when you try to cure a pet with the wrong meds they don't take it and it remains in your inventory. This was the 1st time for this mistake so I was pleasantly surprised because now I can put it back in my shop and sell it. It cost more than 1000 NP's and the real cure was 10 NP's LOL It's the little things that surprise me and make me the happiest. I'm a simple old woman.
  13. I voted for and joined the Sway because I checked the chat boards and if they are right basing their answers on statistics then it's time for the Sway to win. We'll see YAY!!! They won! That's what I get when I pay attention and listen to others. hehe
  14. I really like the one on the top right. Beautiful! You may see this comment posted elsewhere. UGH! (I think I posted this on a different topic because I had 2 windows open).
  15. FYI for everyone. I have several pets on my side accounts that I would like to go to forever homes. All started out as something else, color and species wise. I have moved these pets to my sides. There are so many I would like to offer. I have Chocolate, Oil Paint, Woodland, Custard, Rainbow, Desert, Tyrannian, Zombie, Toy, Elderlygirl, Stealthy, Faerie, Striped and Robot all UFA if there is any interest in those colors all tucked away on my side accounts. I also have a Maractite pet on my main that I just haven't moved to a side yet. If you have any interest please send me a message @ granny63020 and I will direct you to the side account so you can take a look. These guys and gals are all in need of a good home so if you are even thinking of adopting now or in the near future please contact me. Your welcome to adopt more than 1. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  16. I don't think I would zap it it I did have this pet but what about clothes. I know it doesn't need any but can you put a hat or scarf on it? Also, I wasn't clear with my question on the lab ray. What I meant to ask is this going to be a pet that you can get by zapping another pet in the lab ray. Like, if I zap a grundo could it turn into a mara shell.
  17. I absolutely love this Maraquan pet! I didn't see it (didn't check) the new color! I might have to get me one of these. Will it be a zap option at the lab ray? As far as the Mario Chia, I'm a sucker for Mario so I actually like it. Kind of ugly cute! Not sure about the hat since Mario wears a cap.
  18. Angelo, I have a chocolate male buzz named cupcake_8485 on a side account. He has whipped cream on it's head. Cute as could be. Zapped into the color, was adopted with the name. Wasn't even a buzz originally (can't remember what). After that zap I couldn't zap him again. If you want him he is UFA. I guess you could make him an Eyrie if you wanted. Also, just an FYI for everyone. I have Chocolate, Oil Paint, Woodland, Custard, Rainbow, Desert, Tyrannian, Zombie, Toy, Elderlygirl, Stealthy, Faerie, Striped and Robot all UFA if there is any interest in those colors all tucked away on my side accounts.
  19. Yes, I have the same question. I looked for a goodie bag but couldn't find it. Is there also a goodie bag available?
  20. I will be happy to help you but I had a request before yours and I am waiting for a reply ffom this member. They wanted a Cybunny but those can only be created on April 27th but I did manage to find one UFA. If they like the name this Cybunny already has then I will adopt the pet and change the color. I will be happy to pass this dip over to you if they don't like the name. I will let you know the outcome so you aren't left hanging wondering what happened. Sorry you didn't get a FFQ last week. This is the 1st time I've gotten 2 of them back to back. I wanted to let you know that the other person liked the name and decided to go with the Cybunny. I'm sorry BUT if I get another dip you will be the 1st person I contact. If you already have the pet you want you can let me know then. OK so I have used both dips now and can move on.
  21. This info is so helpful! I am so glad you posted this. In the future I'll be able to offer other dips (if I'm fortunate enough to get more) and I can refer back to this as well as other members can. I knew there was a 4 month rule but I didn't know what the specifics were. I'll be sure, in the future, to ask how old the account is if a unique color is wanted. Thank you for posting this!! The pet I created for another member has an account that is 4 months old tomorrow. Oh and another thing, I found that we can not transfer a newly created pet to another member for 7 days.
  22. How old is your account? I'm not sure about all the pets but I know that there are pets that can't be transferred unless the user has a 4 month old account. Again, I'm not sure of what pets are included in those rules. You can read more in the FAQ's section under transfers. I will also try to find out and then message you about this. I hope that other members will be able to help with this question. ** I just found this** Neopets that are higher than Level 2, Neopets that are limited-edition species, and Neopets that have been painted with certain rare or expensive paint brushes CANNOT be adopted from accounts that have been active for less than four months.** I don't know yet though if this applies to what you want, so hang in there** I was trying to send you a neo message but it doesn't show your neo user name could you please send it to me either here or @ granny63020. Thanks so much.
  23. I have a dip in the pool from a quest I completed. I really have no desire to change any pets I have. Does anyone have a dream pet that they haven't been able to get? I could create a pet with whatever name you like and if the color is available in the dipping pool I would be happy to make it that color for you. If this is something someone may be interested in please go to the pool and see if what you want is available. I hope there is someone that I can help with this. Is there no one that I can give this dip too? I just got another request from the Fountain Faerie and I will lose the one I offered if I don't use it since I can't stack them. Of course this would mean I can help out 2 members if anyone is interested. OK, I just used 1 of the dips to create a pet for another member so I have 1 dip left. Any takers? My guild said they may need a pet for lending so I may have a good lead there. When I use this last dip I will post that it no longer available.
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