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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Jelly, I always learn so much from you. I ended up using the points to buy a perk. Since the perks were random I wasn't sure but did it anyway. I ended up getting the Prized Possesions perk! Worked out great since I use the Battledome everyday. I ended up getting and extra 13 items today. I didn't look to see how many NP's I had before I started so I don't know if I got extra of those or not, I'll look tomorrow for sure but I think it's only extra items from the description. I also like the fact that it is for 14 days. So, anyway, thank you for the information on this and all the other things you have commented on and helped me. Much appreciated!
  2. Are you referring to the Premium Collectible: Enchanted Pumpkin Patch Background being worth 3 GBC's? I have that item in my closet. Is 3 GBC's worth it in trade do you think?
  3. Guess I better start thinking about spending what I have then!
  4. Hi Jelly, I have a little more than 2000 points left. The reason I haven't spent them is I used 5000 points to buy the Limited Edition perk and I didn't get it. I sent a ticket to neo and have never received a reply. I asked them to reset or whatever they do so I could use the perk or refund the 5000 points. Any suggestions with that problem? Also, any idea when the next CC starts or if the points are going to carry over?
  5. I use my PC for NP's too and I have refreshed and logged in and out and the beta button will not appear on the PC. At this time I have to guess mobile only.
  6. Turmaculus The king of all petpets is sleeping... can your petpet wake him up?? You have awoken the great Turmaculus... and now your pet is a little stronger thanks to Turmaculus!!!
  7. OK I was looking for this email in the wrong email account. I did receive an email from NP's and it says they are offering me access to the closed beta. of the NP's mobile. It says not everything is moved over yet but that there is new features. Here is a list Our Brand New Homepage News, Alerts, & Site Events Customisation Dailies and Games Bookmarks It also says if you got the email then you will be getting access soon. There is a button to the right, next to the Log In. By pushing the button you can switch from original NP's site to the Beta site. Apparently I got the email message from them yesterday evening. So I am oing to sign in here in just a bit. If anyone has any questions just post them and I'll try and answer best I can. If you want to know more about the email message you can ask that too but I gave you the basics from the email.
  8. I'm a premium member and have not received anything. What is the beta for? What does the message say about *waves*?
  9. I just discovered this forum. I was wondering though if someone would mind answering a few questions about posting here. Some days I get no RE's, some days I get a lot of RE's. My question is if I do get a RE and post it then I get another that day do I make a separate post for additional RE's or should I edit the post for that day and add the RE's all in the same post as I get them? I'm guessing, of course, that the next day I can make a new post for that day since it is a new day? I've had a lot of fun looking at all the RE's everyone gets and want to join in but I want to do it right. Oh also well the question in my head just disappeared! I guess I'll ask it when I remember what it was. Old age! OK, moderators, members, someone? Does no one know the answers to my questions? Would someone please respond with more information about my questions? Honestly, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks for any help.
  10. Oh OK I see it and get it now. Still looks pretty cute though. Keep us update on your scores and trophy.
  11. Wait! What? Where is this gallery? I want to look!!!!
  12. I as well as almost everyone else have had scores reviewed. They will review and you will receive your NP's as long as your scores are legit. Personally for me it has taken about 3 days when they review a score I have achieved but I have never had a score denied. One of my scores qualified me for a gold trophy and still stands as the my high score but I didn't get that trophy. I messaged them and told them about it but they wouldn't give it to me. Had they went to the day I got that high score they would have easily saw that my score stood as the high score for the entire day and I would have got that trophy. I have the silver but still. Why does your pet make you sad? What's wrong with it? Which pet are you speaking of? I looked at your pets and they all look so pretty, well taken care of. I know I am missing something and that's why I'm asking you. What did he *get* while playing Neoquest? How did you lose 4m?
  13. Jelly, I know it doesn't mean you'll get thr same thing if you open this box but this is what I got from the Hocus Pocus box The capsule has been opened! Inside you found: Basic Gift Box Basic Gift Box Basic Gift Box Basic Gift Box Enchanting Boat Ride Background Hot Springs You also received the following Limited Edition BONUS item: Hocus Pocus Gift Box
  14. I accidentally bought the 1st negg tinker box twice. Since I had already used it and received prizes I was unable to use the same tinker box again and had to gift it to someone else that had not used it already so a player would not be able to get extras from the neggs. It was a 600NC mistake. I thought we were using the same tinker box to open the neggs. What a costly lesson that was!
  15. Is there no extra prize for participating from day one? A bonus prize? Glad you got the negg! I also was lucky enough to get the marble negg and my wonderful prize, once more, was the lolly. Oh joy. I continued to get the junk items over and over. Glad it's over!!!
  16. You know what would have been cool is if they would have given us the negg as assembled. I would have liked to put the neggs in my gallery even more had they looked like the finished product. Angelo,, I was lucky again today with the Charming negg to. I got that stupid comb again!!!! So glad this will be over and I will be put out of my misery. This event and the gifts it offered were so awkwardly distributed between the neggs that it just made little sense to me. I think they could have spread the gifts around a little differently to even things out. Although I had the option there were a couple of neggs I didn't even chose because of the gifts it offered. The gifts from the mechanical neggs (most) were not anything impressive. The whole thing could have been presented better instead of, IMO only, appearing as if it was thrown together at the last minute. Prize (Stamp x498559 from this event)
  17. I don't need the neggs I just wanted to comment and tell you what a nice thing your doing. I collect neggs and have already put the 1st 2 into my gallery and I'm guessing the 3rd will be going in sometime tomorrow. I did use my neggs but to be honest I wasn't overly impressed by any of the gifts I received. Maybe my expectations were to high. I do collect (hoard) all BG's wigs and wings among other things so I most always keep the items I receive. Anyway, thank you for your generosity!
  18. I hope it is better than the last 2 and what's up with it not being up for sale yet. I just checked, still not there.
  19. Turmaculus The king of all petpets is sleeping... can your petpet wake him up?? You have awoken the great Turmaculus... and now your pet is a little stronger thanks to Turmaculus!!!
  20. I got 2 prizes today That has all kinds of cool prizes inside. Enjoy your: Well, I got the dress from the Doctor Illusory Neg The Negg clinks and rattles, and Doctor Neggistential gives a whoop of joy! He rewards you with: Ornate Floral Dress Sound The Alarm Mechanical Negg
  21. I found the least expensive ones on the SSW are going for 998 np's. Maybe you could put them in your shop?
  22. Yes, I agree. I have someone in mind that can not buy NC where they live. It's a shame I have no boxes and have to spend even more just to send it off. Oh well, at least someone will be able to use it. Thanks again for checking it out because I would have been beating up my computer if I bought boxs only to find I couldn't send it... icing on the cake?
  23. Mine just showed up. I went ahead and did it and here's what I got. I'm pretty upset about this whole ordeal. Any idea about gifting the spyder kit to another member? I have no boxes so I have to go buy those too in order to send it. If you have a box will you check to see if it is available in your drop down list to send to someone rlse? You know, I was just thinking. In the past when there was going to be multiple stuff to buy (pick an event) you had an option to buy packs at a discount rate. I would think if there was going to be 3 kits then they should have offered all 3 up front and discounted them if you bought all 3 at the same time. I think my blood pressure has went up over this. lol I'm still seething. ... Calm down, Deep breathes. Sprouting Flowers Foreground (wearable) (Neocash)
  24. What different kits??? I just checked it out and I too spent 600 on the wrong kit. When I bought this one this morning about 3 am I don't think there were 2 kits there. Wow! That was pretty expensive for something I can't use. I didn't have enough NC to buy the new kit so I had to go to PayPal and buy NC. Can you send these kits to another member if you have a box? I guess now I will buy the new one. This just isn't right! I don't remember reading anything about different kits.
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