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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Thanks for the info on this pet Jelly. I didn't know it was an uncommon color. Still zapping!
  2. I don't know why the picture link is broke or how to fix it. It looks fine when I click on the pet to zap it but this is what happens after the zap. It has been the same since it turned into this pet. Can someone tell me if there is a way to fix this?
  3. hehe I played sports too, sorta, I was excellent at *score keeper*. Grasshopper, I like it!
  4. OMG! Never played food club is this amount typical if you win?
  5. Thank you! Also today is Daylight Savings Day so spring is soon.
  6. This day just started for me but I was going to use the SSW and got a message I was on a Quest for the Battle Faerie. She the one that increases the most. She asked for an item that was 1000 np's and I got Bravely done. This item is just what I needed. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's defence, strength, and health have increased! If that wasn't good enough I then got this random event as soon as I opened another window. In the last two weeks I got another random event and got a Magical Blueberry Chia Pop if that wasn't enough last week I won 2 count them 2 paint brushes from the Fruit machine! Through random events this last week my pet was stopped by a faerie that had extra np's and thought I would like to have them all 3 times the amounts ranged from 20000 to 46000 Since I seem to be bursting at the seams with happiness this morning I wanted to share and tell someone about this. Have a happy day everyone! Update! I just got a lottery ticket. Oh I hope this whole day is like this!!!!!!!!
  7. There is a Halloween event on Halloween. I also be sure to get ALL the gift bags since I collect them.
  8. So, do you just know this or is there somewhere to go that you can see the species of the petpets when you are unsure. BTW, thanks for identifying this for me. Yes, very cute. What kind is yours and jelly's? Yours reminds me of an over weight miamouse (it's the ears).
  9. So, since we can't talk to the petpets right now how do I find out the species of this petpet (or any petpet)? Normally I would just look up my pet and it would say what type of petpet I have attached to that pet. If you know what this is would you please tell me. Thank you.
  10. At least this prize will put a few neo points in your bank!
  11. Darn it! Maybe tomorrow will be better. Not a fan of these little guys. haha just a thought... I hope the bat doesn't eat the bug.
  12. Yes, of course. If you would also like another of the pets let me know. I'm happy to work with you so you get the pets you want. Most all of the pets I listed were rescues and then zapped. When I zapped and thought it may be a species/color that someone else may want I stopped and put it on my side account. So, I have several and want to share with others. Contact me tomorrow at granny63020 and we can go from there. Thanks for giving this baby a new home!
  13. I have several pets listed above your post and 1 of them is a baby meerca. Maybe you can take a look at my post and see if any of the pets would be a fit with you. I don't want to trade just giving them UFA.
  14. Sort of glad he didn't change. So cute! Also, the name kinda fits for a Kau. The ray has already been fired.
  15. I was totally surprised by that zap. I couldn't agree more with you. I didn't think about spotted as an option. I put the Chocolate Buzz on a side account and yesterday adopted this Kau from the Lost and Pound. Spotted on the 1st zap, what luck! Since the Buzz's name is Cup Cake and has that whipped cream on the head I couldn't bring myself to zap it anymore when it turned chocolate. Lucky again. I hope someone will adopt those pets I listed.
  16. These pets are on a side account zapped_pets_4. If they have Paint Brush clothes I will be happy to send those to you as well. All pets are in a hotel on vacation. All petpets that been zapped. Please be sure your account is old enough to adopt.
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