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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. At least you can get it to pull up! I copied and pasted the name here is what I get. I also did a JN search. I guess I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what that is.
  2. I have tried to SSW and shop wiz as well as a JN search for this book. Why can't I find it.? I am copy and pasting the name correctly, I have checked and doubled checked that I have the name correct. I should have been able to find it on JN for sure.
  3. Today's Neggs are and I'm doing the Neopia Negg. Here is what I got....... WOOHOO! Here is today's HOP and DYE prize.
  4. You have the best luck with the petpet ray! It seems your petpet changes almost daily.
  5. I didn't screen shot the neggs today but I got a Neopia Negg and here's what I got! Also the Hop and Dyes last day for the 1st Negg and I got and a bonus prize I activated the next Negg and the 1st prize is
  6. I've been trying games I never play here is the latest! It's an easy game and I don't know why I never played it.
  7. Oh wow! We don't usually get to see all of the fractions numbers. The 3 that we have to chose from are . I am going with the Awakened. It's been a while since I picked the right one but that's my vote and I'm sticking to it! Duma, thanks for posting this each week.
  8. Has anyone bought and used this on their pet? If you have could I please have a look at them?
  9. Today I got some different neggs! I'm choosing the Plasma Negg hoping for the petpet. Of course I didn't get what I wanted but hey, no big deal. I'm just going to sell it. Today's HOP and DYE is Only 1 day left and then the I get a bonus prize!
  10. Here are my choices for today! I don't like choosing the same negg over and over but I'm picking the Neopia Negg again. Every year it seems that one negg stands out above the others. This year for me it's the Neopia Negg. I'm happy that most every day it has been a choice for me. OK, lets see what I got! Is there anyone that hasn't got this yet and wants it? I have 2 extra. Let me know! I forgot to add the Hop and Dye prize. HMMM? OK I
  11. I wondered why it was nothing but money bags. It's been like that for at least a couple of days. I thought it was stuck or something. Why do you say *they* are protesting? Who is they? This has been done before? Why? Couldn't they get in trouble with Neo for this since the name of the donor is displayed under the item?
  12. Today I found and I decided on the Plasma Negg. Secre, this is going to be heading your way. I also got from Hop and Dye today. Yesterday(1st day of Hop and Dye I got
  13. I just use google/FireFox so I don't have the answer. I have never been a regular/daily even weekly player of that game. I was looking through the dailies that's posted on TDN and thought why not. It was dumb luck but I agree with you about playing every 3 hours with the JP so high! I hope you win it. I'm going to try to play at least once a day by adding it to my dailies. OK I am over on this game now and decided to see if I could see anything at the bottom left. When I scroll over the map it does display a http://www name of the game and then numbers that change as I move my cursor around. Here's what I got. I'm guessing that there are a lot of blank spaces? Why are the numbers at the bottom left important?
  14. I don't normally play this game because when I had in the past I never won. So, I decided to waste some NP's and here's what happened! Needless to say I will be trying to win again. Do you all play this? What is the biggest amount you've won? Ever won the JackPot?
  15. Today (Thursday) I got. I'm going with Neopia Negg. So here's what I got... I already have this item in my gallery does anyone else want/need one? It's yours if you want it!
  16. Here is today's choices. I'm going with the Neopia Negg. HOORAY! I got the Stamp of Neopia. Putting it into my Stamp collection. All that's left that I want is the book and petpet so I'm pretty happy with the payout so far of this event (for me). Does anyone know if there will be a NC event this year?
  17. Today I found... not really excited about any of these choices but I'm going for (da da da) Spaceship Negg ! and I get HOORAY! I was actually hoping to get this item for my gallery.
  18. Angelo, glad you got the book! It has really come down in price. If you get more of this book are you reading it to other pets or selling for profit? I'm hoping to get the book as well but I'll buy it if not. I want that stamp! lol Secre (sorry I don't know your 1st name). I'm glad you got that Plasma Wearable. I know you've said it was a goal to get that item. I checked it out and I I see how it displays on the pets. I don't know if I am crazy about it or if I would even use it. If I happen to get one is it something you might want 2 of (for another pet)? Your welcome to have it if I get one. Well, I'm off to get today NEGG!
  19. I took another look at the plant after reading your comment and couldn't help but think that walking, shaking, playing could cause the leaves to fall even more. and cause baldness. hehe
  20. Here are today's choices. I chose the Neopia Negg and I got another Neopia Bath Bomb. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!
  21. The Toy is cute and looks like a toy!
  22. Yah! nI have been unable to pick a winner for awhile. Happy for you!
  23. Again I can't screenshot, weird! Today I got Solar Flare Negg Neopia Negg Spaceship Negg I'm choosing the Neopia Negg and I got Globe of Neopia Snowglobe That's great because I wanted one of those for my gallery!
  24. Well I am unable to screen shot no matter how many times I refreshed the page so here's what I got. I chose the Neopia Negg and I received the Neopia Bath Bomb. Tough luck! I hope to get the stamp and snow globe. Does anyone want the Neopia Bath Bomb? Happy to give it to you. Neopia Negg Plasma Negg Solar Flare Negg
  25. Well my take was the red stones are so high! You raise 1 stat at a time. With the cookies you get 9 quests, that's a lot to me. Each quest not only raises your stats (random) but as many as 5 points on 3 stats at a time depending on the Faerie. The big PLUS to the cookies are you also get the chance each quest to be given a dip in the rainbow pool. OK That is my favorite part. If you need to or want to know what Faerie raises what stats you can find it on Neo or JN @ https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=faeriequests
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