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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. Anyone else thinking the 1st day gift of Stocking Stufftacular was the best day so far? I haven't been impressed by any of the gifts since day 1. Maybe it's just me.
  2. 1. 2. I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie. Dark faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid. Her mysterious talent for life force has increased Legretta_Abyss's health!
  3. 1. I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie. Rainbow Fountain Faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid. She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain! I knew it was only a matter of time. I still wish we could stack them even it it's only a stack of 2. 2.
  4. 1. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's defence has increased!
  5. According to the information posted you can claim and extra of the item if it is something you like. I copied ans pasted this statement below. This is a new feature this year. I do like the idea. The SS Extra Prize Claim Ticket will allow users to hang up another stocking on days they've already claimed and collect additional items for that day up to 5 times. (1-Claim Ticket per item collected). Please note that you can already stack the regular stockings up to 10 times on any given day which allows for the collection of 15 items (duplicates) in total on any given day during the Stocking Stufftacular. Here's what I found at the Mall.
  6. OH I see. I didn't know that you had to play those games in order to get the item. I actually thought you could always buy any of the items at the mall. So, I learned something new today. I think I have only played NCM games less than a few times. Have you tried JN and seen the list of those looking to trade that item? I saw it and it is a pretty cool item, makes me want one! Sorry I couldn't help you with it.
  7. Duma, I have tried searching the Mall and I can't seem to find this item. I used the search box, several times as well as the shop headers at the top in the listed categories. Where can I find this item?
  8. Your fears that the Kookith didn't actually know what the heck he was doing are confirmed when Petpet of DOOM suddenly disappears, leaving no trace. None. Nada. Zip. Ziltch. Guess it's time to buy a new Petpet.
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