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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. I think your right. I remember seeing the date as the 13th. Of course that's today. I'm sorry.
  2. I ended up waiting and sold out at 84. Then saw it went up to 92. Of course it did!
  3. Now it's 73! I noticed it keeps moving up and down a couple at a time. I am thinking of selling but glad I waited when I saw it at 64. I am trying to hang in there and see if it goes up some more.
  4. I have been watching Buzz so I could sell but mine says it started at 60 and has only went to 64. When did you sell it for 73? Darn it!!
  5. On your home page of your AC At the top of the page there are header tabs. Next to the Home tab is the STAFF CUP. Click that. Also this was posted yesterday if that helps This years Altador Cup Staff Tournament is opened! Make your dream team to earn points each week for a prize shop at the end of the tourney. The deadline for the first week is June 13th. Make your team now!
  6. I'm sorry you missed joining. Maybe next year?
  7. Wow!you have 11833 of the EEEEE stock? Have you never sold any? How long have you been buying this stock? I just counted and I have 38 different stocks. I buy every day and I only buy stocks that are at 15. I don't split them up and spend 1000 on whichever one I decide on. Out of the 38 different stocks I have 27000 of STFP and the next highest I have is DROO & CHPS and both of them are at 20000. The other 35 stocks are all at lower amounts. I have of course in the past sold off all lot of stocks. The above mention is just what I have going on right now. Before when I sold I would sell the entire amount that I had but just recently when I sell something I will sell all but 1 of that stock. I don't pretend to know what I am doing and am open to taking any advice that you or anyone else would be willing to give.
  8. Have you tried to join today? If you have what happened? What type of messages do you receive? I found the following statement on JN. Maybe you should try? (per JN) This is a departure from prior years that have allowed sign ups at least through the first day of game play. We recommend signing up right now if you plan on participating in the Cup.
  9. OMG! I like/love everything about all of them you posted. I'm not a big fan of JubJub's but any one of the above would qualify as CUTE! Seriously makes me want to have 1 of each of them. I can't even pick a favorite. I hope all you JubJub lovers are going to be happy and excited about these.
  10. Treasure of the Black Pawkeet 56 / 84
  11. When does this start? Monday or Tuesday?
  12. Oh yes! Thank you for posting this. I select a pet from the oldest listed to try and get them back into circulation. Species is not really a concern but I do try to chose a name that I think someone would like. Of course that isn't always possible. Do you know if the normal home page for L & P will be back up anytime soon?
  13. Hope you and the family had a wonderful holiday!
  14. I don't adopt from Lost and Pound by species. I adopt by the oldest stuck pets which is a selection on more than one species. So, do you know what code to use for that?
  15. I am not sure where this comment belongs but I would like to know if anyone knows anyone that works at the Lost and Pound. They have been down for a few days and I was hoping someone would have some information as to when they might be up and running again.
  16. Oddly enough when I made that comment that was what I saw. Later I had went to JN for something and I saw their comment about the Yurble... (JN) A selection of care bear themed wearables are also now available at the regular clothing shop: I didn't know that was their intention when I made the comment.
  17. Hi Duma, I was wondering if you planned on posting any stats for the next round (260). thanks! granny
  18. I am unsure what I think about the Origami. Wow! Those outfits. A resemblance of Prince (the singer) on the 1st one and a Care Bear on the 2nd one.
  19. I have a couple of pets I want to put up for adoption if anyone is interested. I have a male candy Elephante with a Yellow Gabar for a petpet. I also have a male Darigan Kyrii with a Pink Gwalla. If you are interested in either or both of these pets let me know at granny63020. They are zapped pets so I would like them to go to someone that wants them as pets and not for zapping but that's up to you. I also have other pets available if interesting just message me and I will send you the info as to where to see the other pets.
  20. With all of those accessories you can hardly tell that there is a pet under there. hehe I love it!
  21. position 220/186 certainly is a booby prize
  22. this must be a popular prize position 54 / 198
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