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    jurassicshark reacted to wakka9ca in NC Mall: New Six-riffic Birthday Celebration!   
    ~Money Money Money~
    TNT loves your money :)
    Now how about fixing some bugs in the games?
  2. Like
    jurassicshark got a reaction from Woodland Girl in Hi there!   
    Welcome to the forums! I wish you the best of luck gaining more and more Neopets experience each day - some of us never stop. :D
  3. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Rebecca~ in So I've been permanently silenced   
    You can try to ask them to un-perma silence you- sometimes mods do go back and fix rulings they later think are unfair. Just send in a ticket, and say that you aren't sure what was so inappropriate about the message.
    When I first read this, I thought you were using a misspelling of an antisemetic slur. Perhaps TNT thought the same thing? What exactly did the neomail say?
    EDIT: Also, since Kik is a text messaging app, that would fall under the same breaking of rules as trying to get someone's email, or their facebook information, which is completely not allowed. I've heard of permasilencings happening without much warning, or without previous silencings for major infractions- which this would probably fall under. :/
  4. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to hrtbrk in Really TNT? I thought you guys were somewhat educated...   
    The point that you seem to be missing is that you should have reported/blocked them the very first time they were being rude. Instead, you chose to fuel the fire, and unfortunately, when you play with fire, you sometimes get burned.
    He saw a window of opportunity that you didn't take and reported you.
    At the end of the day, only you are responsible for your actions on Neopets. That has nothing to do with TNT.
    Hopefully lesson is learned.
  5. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Xepha in Really TNT? I thought you guys were somewhat educated...   
    The very first message they quoted /is/ an insult toward an individual. And the fact that you kept going was enough to consider it harassment. Next time you are in the presence of such an individual that makes you want to target them on the boards or by neomail, I suggest that you leave the computer and come back later. It's the only way you will avoid getting a totally deserved warning for answering back to someone.
  6. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Emily in How to make back up copies?   
    I usually email super important files to myself when I'm feeling paranoid (in addition to printing and saving on a flash drive xD). As long as you keep the email in your inbox or folder, you'll have the files. Also, if they're in your email, you can access them anywhere with an internet connection.
  7. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to blaisezabini in AC VIII Concludes Intense Final Day   
    Hello and welcome, everyone! The last day of the Altador Cup has wrapped up, and we have the results! This is Matt, and I'm here with my wonderful co-anchor Katie! Austin couldn't make it today, but we'll carry on! I have the results from the Alabriss Bracket, and Katie and I will both be reporting the results from the Minitheus Bracket. So let's get started!
    Roo Island and Kreludor went head to head, and the results were surprising to say the least! After being swept by Maraqua, very few people expected Kreludor to do so well against the Rooligans, but they were able to surprise many! Roo Island was able to take Yooyuball from the Moons as expected, and were also able to claim Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown. However, Kreludor was able to take Make Some Noise, their fans screaming their heads off, taking the side game with a close score of eight to seven. When the dust settled, Kreludor had made their mark against the Rooligans, who are currently the third-place team in the overall standings. Of course, the overall standings aren't final. To find out the results you'll have to stay tuned for our final report!
    Our second matchup in this bracket was Mystery Island versus Krawk Island, and the results were as most analysts expected. Krawk Island was able to dominate Yooyuball, winning with a score of five to three! The Pirates were also able to side-sweep the Natives, resulting in a clean sweep to end the last day of the Cup. With their second-place finish last year, Mystery Island shocked many people this year as they dropped back into the lower tiers, but hopes are still high for a better run next year.
    For our last matchup in the Alabriss Bracket we had Virtupets go against Maraqua. Virtupets stuck to their regular tactics today as they focused all their energy on Yooyuball. The Mermaids put up some resistance but almost all their scoring attempts were quickly dispatched by Virtupets' pair of defenders, outperforming even Maraqua's hardened defensive line! The Robots were able to take Yooyuball with a close score of six to five, but having spent all their energy on Yooyuball, they were side-swept by the Mermaids.
    This concludes the results of the Alabriss bracket! Now let's move on to the Minitheus Bracket, where Katie and I will be co-reporting the results! Let's have Katie start off!
    And they say that chivalry is dead! Hello, folks, this is Katie helping out with the Minitheus Bracket results today! First up, the Haunted Woods scared the wits out of their rival, Darigan Citadel, in Yooyuball...
    ...but the Minions weren't scared for long, as they were able to win the side games, nailing the Zombies into their coffins! Wait a minute -- we're getting word that Johan has returned, and is out in the Colosseum now, so let's turn to him for the rest of the Minitheus Bracket results!
    Hey, Neopia! It's Johan, with extremely exciting results from the Minitheus Bracket! Shenkuu wasn't able to keep up with the attack from Meridell last night, as they were only able to take Slushie Slinger from the Knights. Meridell was able to end the tournament on a hot note, by finally taking out the Ninjas. The Knights should hold a strong placing in the top eight of the tournament after a good win last night. We'll see how both teams did overall later this week.
    Tyrannia once again upended their opponent with a complete sweep, as they topped Moltara. The Fossils extended their almost unbroken streak of sweeps, tearing through the competition with unparalleled might. Tyrannia looks strong enough to win not only the bracket, but the Cup. The Dinos are definitely looking to take the top spot in the tournament, and at this point only an administrative miracle could bring them down.
    It's been an exciting Cup so far, but only a few te-
    Guards: There he is! Get him!
    What in the world is going on!?
    Guards: You're under arrest for escape, resisting arrest, and vandalism.
    You have the wrong g-
    [The guards tackle the reporter.]
    Guards: Aha! We've finally caught you after all this trouble! Prepare yourself for A LOT of jail time!
    No! You've got the wrong-
    [A loud but indistinct conversation begins between a guard and the camerawoman, drowning out the reporter’s voice. The camera briefly swivels to show the reporter in the process of being subdued before the screen goes blank.]
    ...Oh, we're back in the newsroom!
    [Flustered by the unexpected cut, the newsroom anchor regains her composure.]
    I'm your co-anchor, Katie, with the results for the Vaeolus Bracket. Well, that didn't last too long, did it? We may have to post Johan's bail over the weekend... anyway, onwards with the rest of the results!
    Last, but certainly not least, the Vaeolus Bracket saw two solid finishes for Altador and the Lost Desert, who swept Brightvale and Faerieland, respectively. The Terror Mountain–Kiko Lake matchup was more heated, although the Chillers put the Kikos on ice in Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown. Kiko Lake finished the season with an exceptional Slushie Slinger record, as did Terror Mountain with Yooyuball. The Cup has been anything but dull, that's for sure!
    Team Altador continues to assert their dominance over the competition, outshining Brightvale in all four games yesterday. By securing the victories by fairly large margins, the Suns have guaranteed themselves a podium trophy. When solicited for comment, Altador's captain "Trapper" Remis told us that he was waiting on the final decision of the Altador Cup Committee before any celebrations took place for the host land of the tournament. He also added that their recognition as a serious team was long overdue, and their cohesion as a team helped their rise in the standings. The Suns have certainly earned their trophy!
    The Lost Desert had an excellent outing against Faerieland, their best since the team swept Mystery Island during the third round. The Mummies finished their underwhelming season with a green row, which is nothing to scoff at. Leera Heggle, the Lost Desert's captain, and Faerieland's captain, Kakoni Worrill, shook hoof and flipper on the field for a brilliant display of sportsmanship. Worrill commented that he is taking the losses in stride. He also notes that next year could be their year for a championship run, as Altador's rise from the bottom of the standings has been rather inspiring for the Faeries. Indeed, it seems that historically low-ranking teams are getting their shots for gold, which is quite refreshing.
    Terror Mountain took two games from Kiko Lake yesterday: Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown. The Kikos retaliated with wins in Slushie Slinger, their best game, and Make Some Noise. It's likely that the Chillers will finish with a tie for seventh place with Kreludor, which isn't too shabby considering their poor start to the season. Along with the notoriety they’ve gained for climbing the standings during the middle of the tournament, team captain Prytariel is in contention for the Altador Cup's Most Valuable Player, as she retains the highest goals per game average -- with an approximate 6.8434 GPG. Congratulations, Prytariel: your hard work has paid off!
    Congratulations to all teams -- you made it to the end! Today's report marks the end of daily results, so, everyone, please enjoy your weekend! Matt, perhaps Austin, maybe Johan, and I will see you all right here when the Altador Cup Committee releases the final standings on Monday, so stay tuned for the most exciting part of the Cup -- the coronation of this year's champions! Au revoir, folks!

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).
  8. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to siniri in Plastics: Ban or not?   
    How exactly is that supposed to work? Are they banning all plastics from entering the city? Sale of items containing plastic? Must people get rid of the plastic they already have? Plastic is in so many things that there's really no alternative for -- I can't imagine you could get a computer, for example, that is 100% plastic-free. So are people in your city just not supposed to buy computers anymore?
    I do agree that we should decrease the use of plastics, and only use recyclable/biodegradable plastic if possible. And reduce waste, in general, of all materials. But by banning plastic outright, you might end up creating bigger problems and more waste in the long run (e.g., if people in your city have to travel to another town if they want to buy a computer now, it's actually just increasing the amount of carbon emissions to get the computers, and probably having minimal effect on the number of plastic-containing computers owned in the town).
  9. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Kittyn in x   
    are you looking for strictly NP items, or are you able to go for NC items as well?
    EDIT! I went through the lower foreground items on DTI and these are the NP items that I think would be most suitable. none of them interfere with the CoD Foreground
    Gift Bag of Neopoints
    -makes him look like a treasure seeker =)
    -small and unobtrusive
    Goparokko Statue Foreground
    -adds visual interest without obscuring any current customisation
    Helpful Zafara Digger
    -possibly my favorite just because it's hilarious!
    Long Lost Desert Scroll Trinket
    -suits his Desert paint job
    Old Picket Fence
    -to me, this one would make him seem more like a rebellious type. like he jumped the fence to go exploring cuz he can =)
    Puddle of Mercury Foreground
    -o.O what has he stumbled upon here??
    This Way to Adventure Sign Post
    -I like the idea of this one because you don't know if the sign is pointing the right way or not =)
  10. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Emily in Is this cheating?   
    Nope! Not cheating. TNT addresses the issue in the Editorial here (fourth question down)
  11. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to hrtbrk in Mutants Receive Neopoint Wearable!   
    Mutant pets can now enjoy these unsettling staffs from Ugga Shinies.

  12. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Sakeru_Kyori in Habitarium   
    I have it too but all I have to do is place a Soldier in the top corner by the flower and it'll look like its attacking nothing but really attacking the one bad guy that's not being attacked by the others.
  13. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Rebecca~ in Unreleased Caption #1313 (and #1312!)   
    So pets allow their petpets to play with their BD weapons while they're in the bath?
    Neopia is definitely a weird place. ;)
  14. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Pibbity in Staff tournament team sharing!   
    I don't think Grandslam was in violation of the forum rules.
    A picture is a 1000 words, 5 pictures = 5000 words.
    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts on-topic. This board is only for the discussion of the AC TNT Staff Tournament picks. Anything else is off-topic. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
  15. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Bright ^_^ in Burleson needs a new outfit.   
    I think that the Faerielands Destruction Background looks quite nice on Eventide pets, but it's also quite pricey. On the Trading Post the lowest price listed is 700k.

  16. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to coltom in Do you think TNT knows?   
    Autobuyers while restocking. NCX has programs that quickly scope up rare items every time a rare item appears. They do get caught, but using shell accounts they transfer funds quicker than they can get frozen. They also place a lag so that it mimics human behavior. Not random like it should be, a decent pattern analysis would spot them, but apparently it is not a priority with TNT. The extent of there crimes are there for anyone to see, just google. Don't mention their name on neoboards though, as I've heard it will get you frozen very quickly.
    A very strange bunch of people, I never could convince any of them that cheating is wrong, that there should be honor in all things, and in all things honor.
  17. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Bubbleline in Mid-cup shifts   
    Has the team that you're rooting for to win the cup changed? It has for me. I'm totally hoping for TY to lose against Altador and for Altador to win the cup. Nothing against you dedicated Tyrannians, but...and no it's not just because you have Neo[Removed]. It's because you have them bumping up your scores a ridiculous amount and some of your members are being terrible about it on the boards. I know ya'll didn't ask for them, but to deny their presence and then shove your wins in everyone's faces has made me start to root for your downfall.
    (yea. I know not all of you are being jerks, but it doesn't make me feel any better those members who are terrible)
    Anywho, time to break my fingers maxing out SOSD.
  18. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to AgJu in Is there a limit to the games?   
    I was gonna ask about game limits too. I tried seeing last night if stopping SOSD after one goal scored (the minimum of 35 pts.) made a difference from how I normally played and counted towards my rank-up (I like to make sure of these things before I do them). I was up about 150 pts. what i normally would've been and that was even with all the distractions I was allowing. :P
    I don't really have a problem with a game-cap though. Maybe it's to curb those hyper-score senders? I dunno. I don't have an intelligent argument for why I don't mind; i just don't. :P
  19. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Aquamentis12 in What is the most goals possible?   
    That's one goal more than my best games last year!
    If you figure that each time there is a score, 8 seconds is always taken off the clock, whether you skip the cutscenes or not, and if you can score between 2 and 3 seconds.... I'm terrible at math. but that'll get someone who's head isn't late-night foggy started! lol
    I've noticed that the teams get more aggressive at certain points, such as if you get 4 goals, they generally will be more aggressive in going for the yooyu at the kickoff. I think a score of 10 was another spike in aggression I noticed last year.
    Congrats on the AWESOME score!
  20. Like
    jurassicshark got a reaction from tinyplasticdinos in What's the most interesting gallery you've seen?   
    The most interesting gallery I've seen is an Angry Gallery by someone in my guild full of neopoint and NC items. It won spotlight and it's extremely organised.. that's what I like to look at, being a fan of dark items/things myself. :)
  21. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Emily in New Petpets Species: Ignalce   
    Omg this looks like a moose. As a Canadian, this makes me way more happy than it should xD
  22. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Clumsy rockyroad1 in Do goals count?   
    No you don't. The GPG is just to show how good you are at making goals. And also, the more goals, the less time needed to finish 1 game of YYB.
  23. Like
    jurassicshark got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Was this like last year and previous years?   
    Looking at your current record.. you deserve a day off. Have you been SLEEPING?! :sad02:
  24. Like
    jurassicshark got a reaction from KrappyBob in Was this like last year and previous years?   
    Looking at your current record.. you deserve a day off. Have you been SLEEPING?! :sad02:
  25. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Neomancer in Happy Jubjub Day!   
    Ah, it's the hairy Kikos with feet :) Congrats!
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