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Everything posted by Aquamentis12

  1. You're welcome! I'm glad I was remembering correctly!
  2. Hmmmm unfortunately right now I don't have time to go back and reread our exchanges to find it, but I THINK it MIGHT be a Thick Smoke Bomb. You can buy them from player shops or from the Secret Ninja Training School. They are 1-use, but block ALL damage on the turn they are used. I THINK I suggested that to you. I'm expecting a phone call any moment, or I'd go back and reread what I said the last time you asked for advice. Otherwise, your set looks pretty good since, if I'm remembering correctly, you battle opponents you can usually finish off with one turn. If you need some more specific defense items during the battle plot, whenever that starts, we can tackle that at that time. Since right now nobody knows what the battle plot opponents will be like or what their arsenals will be. If that's NOT it though, the Thick Smoke Bomb I mean, I can go back and look over what I suggested to you a bit later this evening.
  3. LOL Well...... not really, though if you wanted a dual duty weapon that also takes a chunk of dark icons out of an opponents weapon, you COULD maybe use it then. Though a Hanso Charisma Charm or Illusens Staff both block full dark and have more attack power. Illusens Staff moreso than Hanso's Charisma Charm. I saw some people trying to trade the Glaive for an Illusens Staff a little earlier today. You might get lucky and get one for the glaive, due to the fact that not everyone got one. I personally don't think what some people are asking for their glaives, but that's the market for you. Not everyone will agree with the common pricing. You might also just mount it in your gallery because it does look pretty cool. Ok Granny. Thanks again for the lend. It's no problem. I don't often get weapon-lends so it's only proper to offer a credit for lending. I'll just update the entry and make sure it says that it doesn't need testing any longer. Thanks again.
  4. @GillyTook and @granny63020 First off, thanks Granny for sending me the Glaive for testing. It looks like it does 8 icons in attack. 5 Earth and 3 Air, and blocks 5 dark icons. A pretty sub-par weapon compared to some of the others that TNT has released recently. Gillytook, now you know what the Glaive does. I wish it were a better weapon, but then I'd be even more inclined to buy one since I somehow did not earn one of my own. lol I'll be sending the glaive back to you shortly, Granny. Thank you again for the lend. If you'd like, I can credit you on the page for lending the Glaive for testing.
  5. For some reason I did not. I only got the particles and the woodland mortog. Sure Granny, thanks! I would appreciate the lend for testing purposes! I don't know, though they probably have similar stats since they are final prizes. The hip blade, if I recall, is weak, like only 6 icons maybe... Illusen's Silver Shield, while I don't know it's NP value off the top of my head, if I'm remembering correctly blocks all Earth and a few dark icons. The shield would be worth considering if you ever go up against someone with massive earth icons in their arsenal. I haven't fully decided what I'm going to spend the remainder of my prize points on. I could get a 2nd Illusens Staff and an Illusens Silver Shield, but I'm not sure yet if those would be wise investments or not.
  6. I don't know, but I just checked the TP and the Auctions, and people are selling them dirt-cheap now. In auction some are going for only a little over 10mil. It's insane! From what I can gather, some people might be using their side accounts to get multiples of Illusens staff. Ugh, which destroys the balance and the point of having such a "rare" item in a prize pool. So, I don't think it'd be such a great investment any longer. Since it'll be awhile before they are worth triple-digit millions again. I just got an Illusens Staff for myself from the prize shop. It's an interesting weapon. It seems healers go first in the BD, even if you place your healer in Slot 2 for the battle round. So you can't use it's healing power before you use your healer. Unless your healing item doesn't take you above 20% of your max HP. Haven't tried out it's darkness block/reflective ability yet.
  7. Ok cool. If you'd rather spend your recycling points on other prizes that's fine. I just thought I would mention it's value on the TP because it probably has the best value of any items in either prize shop if you wanted to sell it. But that's fine, I'm glad I could help clear things up for you with JN's profile on the weapon.
  8. Well Granny, thanks. That's a nice compliment. Going by JN's profile of the weapon, Illusens Staff can do a minimum of 13.6 icons and a maximum of 19. TNT loves to throw weapons out there with Fractional and variable attack icons. It's annoying when you try testing weapons, believe me! So on JN's profile they say the mean (average icons) is 16.3 so the damage it does will roughly average 16.3 icons provided they all get through to the opponent. Now this part, might be more of what confuses you. 1. The user blocks all dark. 2. If dark is blocked, and there is unblocked light damage (lets say there is x light) : 2a. The light makes copy of itself into dark (now there is x light and x dark). 2b. The user receives 100% of the light and 25% of the dark, and reflects the 75% of dark. For #1, that means that if you're attacked with dark icons, it will block all the dark icons. However, if #2 happens, that changes. For #2 the way I understand it. Is that if you receive dark and light icon damage, and you don't block all of the light. Then the light makes a copy of itself but is turned into dark icons. The user, you, will receive the damage from the light icons and 25% of the dark, but reflect 75% of the dark. Whether this means 75% of the total dark, (darkness from the attack AND darkness from the light-copy that became dark) I don't know. Because I've never used it before. TNT DOES like to make things incredibly confusing like this sometimes. Whether you need it or not is up to you. The 20% heal when your pet goes below 20% MAX HP would be useful, and it doesn't interfere with your regular healing item. Though if you're going to use both this and your healing item. I don't know if it would work, but I would put Illusen's staff in slot 1, and your healer in Slot 2. This is something else I'd like to test when I get hold of an illusen staff for myself. It sells for quite a bit, 200mil on the TP right now. So, if you got it and didn't like it, you could always sell it for a massive profit since you'd have gotten it for donating stuff. Fiendish key could easily be replaced. There are other weapons that could go too, but I believe I mentioned those the first time you posted about your set. However you want to battle is up to you after all. Depending on what you're donating, you should be able to get enough points for it. Ironically, items from Jhudora's quests work well for donations since they are usually r130s. Items like Poisonous Lollypops, Malice Potions, Caustic Potions, Purple Blob Potions, Dark Faerie Magic books and Noxious Nectars, are all r130. The prices on these items has been skyrocketing though. Good luck!
  9. Hi @GillyTook, so you're still using this same set as before? I would say that Illusens Staff might not be AS useful for you as it would for a pet with higher HP. But it could still save you under the right circumstances, especially if you participate in the upcoming battle-plot that TNT is planning. Since some opponents will probably be at your strength level or higher. Illusens Staff can also be obtained from completing the last of the 50 Illusen Glade quests. But this way is probably much cheaper to obtain it. Damage-wise, it's 13 earth icons and about 0.5-6 physical icons. So a maximum damage of 19 icons. Your Sword of Malum is stronger than this. However, it also blocks all dark. Also, if you receive both light AND dark icons at the same time. If I recall correctly, it should reflect 75% of the dark damage. You will still take light and 25% of the dark damage though. Lastly, and probably it's most useful ability. If your pet falls below 20% of it's max health in battle, it will heal your pet by 20% of max health. This can keep you in the battle much longer than otherwise. So, if your HP falls below 27 HP, it will heal you 27.8 HP. Which is 20% of your ixi's current max health. This is a multi-use weapon. I've never had one before, so I can't say I know exactly how it works. But I think it should heal you each time your HP gets below 20%. That being said, I joined Illusen's team to get it myself. For power I would've preferred Wand of the Dark Faerie, but Illusen's staff isn't bad at all. In fact it cuts Wand of the Dark Faerie's attack down quite a lot from what I've read about both weapons. On a side note, if you get it and don't like it, you can always sell it. Current pricing on the TP is around 200-225 million NP. Overall, it's got more attack icons than Hanso Charisma Charm, which also blocks 100% dark, it also can reflect sometimes, and it can heal you. So it's definitely a weapon you'd want to consider hanging on to. I hope that helps.
  10. So, it's been quite awhile since I shared anything new. So here are some of the redraws that I did most recently. Prettz vs. Valkus, from the OVA Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals. Then there's Skeletor from the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Lastly, a fun scene from the anime, Fullmetal Alchemist. A scene from their trip to Rush Valley. Where Ed has to be held back for a short-joke insult, until the insulter insults Ed's automail, which Winry, the girl, made. So she gets angry and tells Ed's brother, Alphonse, to let him go. lol
  11. On the stats, you're right. Getting strength and Defense to 750 or higher gives you the top offense and defense boosts you can have. I was really confused by this when I first started battling too. The battledome stats work on a tiered boost chart. Meaning that between the tiers, your attack and defense don't actually increase until you reach the next tier. At 750 and higher. The boost, or icon multiplier is 16. So if you attack with a weapon that does 10 icons, and all 10 of those icons get through to your opponent, then your opponent takes 160 damage. Not that you need it any longer for your Krawk, but if you want to battle with a different pet, you might find this useful. This link goes to a list of the boosts (multipliers) and what your strength/defense must be to reach each one. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/strength-defense-boosts For training, I use FQ Cookies too. So much more efficient even though you don't always get the right faerie that you want. You might also try Kitchen Quests on Mystery Island, though I recommend not doing quest that cost a lot, like over 5000np, because if you get an item or NP for completing the quest, it's rarely worth anywhere near 5000np. Though 1 stat point increase can be nice for under 5k. Sure, it's fine to keep the Void Blade. I don't use mine, but I love the graphic so I'm keeping it since I earned it and like it's look. XD Actually, if you're playing for Prizes, I'd say stay with who you currently battle. I battle Snowager almost exclusively these days. It's about the only way I can make some decent NP with Frozen Neggs. lol I tried Snowager on Medium and just, no. On Medium he is so strong he can one or 2-shot my pet (with over 3000hp) when I run out of defensive items. Of course I don't have much defensively equipped at the moment. But that's because I gave up trying to beat him on Medium for now. Those 3 Supersize weapons are very outdated and not good at all. Even beginners nowadays can do better than them. You can keep them in your SDB or donate or sell them. You only need defense items when you're up against an opponent who can fight back. With your abilities of Lens Flare and Warlocks Rage, if you can beat them in 2 shots, you don't need to worry too much on defense. I feel it's good to have some defense items equipped just in case something goes wrong. I would recommend Downsize! To block 50% damage once per battle, just in case. If you'd like I can send you one. I'm sure I have some extra in my SDB and they're only about 4k-5k in user shops. You should not use your Thick Smoke Bombs unless you absolutely need to defend against an incoming attack. As I said, those are one use only, though they stop all damage that turn. Nice that you've got a healer. This way you can heal up during your last turn in battle so that you leave the battle with full or close to full HP. Since winning no longer recovers your HP like it did in the old BD. I think that covers everything. If you'd like me to send you a Downsize! for your set, let me know. I just checked and I've got 7 in my SDB, but you can only equip 1 per pet. lol I think I bought them long ago hoping to sell them and never got around to it. LOL
  12. Hi @granny63020! Thanks for posting your set! You've got some great stats! I see that your Krawk has the maximum strength and defense boosts and a good amount of HP! For future training, I would recommend you focus on Level and HP. Training HP can be 3x your level, so you're ok so far. Training your other stats won't be of any benefit the way the battledome currently is set up for stats. The final boost for Strength and Defence is 750+ and you've got more agility than you'd ever need right now. I believe the same can be said about your Krawk's intelligence, at least as far as battledome weapons go. I'd say your weapons are pretty intermediate. But, as a set, you've got a lot of attack options, however I see nothing for Defense. I understand that you are fighting opponents at difficulties you can easily win on. But when the Battle-plot that's been causing so much equipment inflation starts, there's a good chance you'll need some defensive gear too. Do you have defensive gear waiting in your SDB? Or are you simply an all-offense battler? Your best Constants are the Sword of Malum and Blazing Embers. I use both of those too. Void Blade is nice, but only does 16 icons of damage if nothing is blocked. Right now the Void Blade is pretty expensive, so you could sell it if you wanted, or keep it as a gallery item. Both the Sword of Malum and Blazing Embers do more damage, in fact their stats are identical to each other. Void Blade would be good in a situation where you are up against an opponent you cannot kill in 2 turns with Lens Flare and Warlocks Rage. And the opponent can block some of your icons from either the Sword of Malum or Blazing Embers. Void Blade has some icons not in those two blades, so Void Blade would make a decent alternate weapon. Varia is the Bomb does 25 icons of Damage once per battle, so that's a keeper too. Since it CAN be equipped with a bomb-class item, there are a couple of options. But I would suggest a Ghostkerbomb from the Hidden Tower. You might get it cheaper from another player, or on Hidden Tower Discount Day though. Alternatives are all pretty expensive these days. Like Thundersticks and Moehog Skull are way over-priced due to battle-plot inflation. Varia is the Bomb does 25 icons. Ghostkerbomb can do 21-30 icons of damage. Using those both in the same turn would give you over 40 icons, with a chance to do up to 55 icons of damage in one turn. Otherwise, you can forget getting a Bomb for now. Depending on your opponent, defense can be tailored to that opponent. Though there are some good defensive items that do not rely on specific icon types. Downsize! is a cheap one. It will block 50% of all damage Once Per Battle. It stocks pretty regularly at the Defence Magic Shop in the Neopian Bazaar. If you really need to block all damage, I recommend the Thick Smoke Bombs from the Ninja Academy. They are only One Use, but they block all damage during the turn they are used. There are reflectors and the legendary Thyoras Tear which also stocks at the Defence Magic Shop, but that, and the best reflectors are inflated now too because of the upcoming battle plot. Also, I noticed you don't have a healer in your arsenal. I DEFINITELY recommend the Feel Better Soup! It's Once Per Battle, heals 50% of your max HP and blocks 100% air icons on the turn it's used. It's roughly 500,000np right now and can be bought from player shops using the shop wiz or super shop wiz. You could get a freezer if it takes you more than 2 turns to beat an enemy, but that's not too likely yet either. The items you don't need equipped right now though are: Fiendish Key, Winged Palm Blade, Shining Celesta Sword and Reflecting Vanities. Your other weapons are much stronger than those 4. That's pretty much what I can recommend for you right now. If you change to an opponent that's harder to beat, I can try to come up with defensive gear for you at the lowest prices I can find. Your offense with Sword of Malum and Blazing Embers is almost on par with the anagram swords. So I would stick with them instead of getting the any of the anagram swords. Really, like me, the next upgrade for your offense would probably be Wand of the Dark Faerie, Grapes of Wrath, or the Attack Pea family of items. But those are all pretty inflated due to rarity and of course, battle-plot anticipation. I don't know about you, but they're sadly out of my price range. lol If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Good luck and happy battling!
  13. It's no problem! As Duma said, this thread is allowed to be bumped. I made it for people who would like to display their battle sets, get them rated and seek advice from the anyone who wants to give some advice. Thanks Duma! I've been hoping this thread would get some activity in it again!
  14. I'm PROBABLY going to go with Seekers, but I haven't signed up yet. Hey Midnight! lol That's a pretty hairy battle, congrats on pulling through it with a WIN! I battle Snowy too, but because I don't want to risk losing a possible GREAT item from Snowy, I will take on Snowy even with single-digit HP to heal up. First round, I use Mysterious Red Potion, my freezer and Regeneration for the faerie ability. If regeneration is blocked by Snowy using "Shhhh" I still have the effect of Mysterious Red Potion, which heals your HP 25% when it is super low, I think below 25% of max. So that saves me if Regeneration is blocked. If Regeneration works, then I'm restored to Full HP, minus whatever damage Snowy does that first turn. In my 2nd turn, I use G-bomb, my Healer and Icicle for Faerie Ability. Then in the next turn, I use Blazing Embers and change the faerie ability to Lens Flare or Warlock's Rage. If I'm facing Snowy at Full HP. I use G-Bomb, Blazing Embers, and Lens Flare in the first round. If that doesn't beat Snowy's 700hp in one turn, then on the 2nd turn, I leave Blazing Embers in the slot, and just use Warlock's Rage for my faerie ability. Blazing Embers is strong enough with my strength boost to finish off Snowy in the 2nd turn without having to use Sword of Malum with Blazing Embers. I wish my pet was capable of beating Snowy on Medium difficulty. But, I would probably need another 10,000hp to have a chance to do that with my current intermediate-level equipment! lol EDIT: Well, it seems the BD glitched on me. I used my usual setup, and it SHOULD'VE worked. But for some reason, the Freezer got bumped to the first slot, and despite Snowy's Snowager breath missing me, it must've still froze me so I couldn't act. First time this has happened. Oh well, I went in with 8hp. So I'm going to visit the Healing Springs and get healed, how much HP is a guess and then I'm going to try this again. lol Screenshot of my battle log under the spoiler.
  15. Ah, it seems Neopets is using Ruffle! Ruffle is a FLASH EMULATOR! So these are probably NOT HTML5 revampings of the games, but the original FLASH GAMES we used to play! I just unlocked all modes in Mootix Drop, and sure enough, Kadoatie(sp?) level in INSANE mode is STILL bugged like it always was! Nice to play Mootix Drop again though. Anyway, I wonder if the reason TNT hasn't released MORE games yet is because Ruffle is not yet able to do 100% of flash content yet? If you want to keep tabs on Ruffle's progress with some different aspects of flash, this is their website. https://ruffle.rs/ You can also download the latest build(s) of their player for your PC if you have flash content on your PC you can't load because of the demise of flash. Not everything will work yet, but they've made incredible advancements since I first heard of them.
  16. After the Thundersticks LAST year, this year IS kind of a letdown. Especially the Staf Tourney prizes. But on the AC prize shop, they can't release something like the Thundersticks EVERY year, sadly. So comparatively, it was probably going to be a letdown. The new weapon isn't bad, but it's basically the same level as Roxton's Trustworthy Bowie Knife which we got for FREE. 15 icon attack and blocks 75% of an element, in the new weapon's case, air. It makes me wonder if TNT is going to release more new weapons on par with these two? I mean, combine Roxton's knife with the new weapon, the Extra Loud Techo Fanatic Megaphone, and you can DRASTICALLY cut down the attack of the Super Attack Pea. Taking out 75% each of it's massive load of Earth and Air icons. While doing a combined 30 icons of damage, if none is blocked by the opponent. For comparison, the Super Attack Pea does 32 icons of damage if nothing is blocked. But that's only taking up 1 weapon slot, so that's still more plus they can use another weapon or a shield too.
  17. Sorry to hear that @Secre. TNT typically makes the rules and we gotta grin and bear it, even when it isn't fair. It's often like that... kinda kills some of the FUN the site is SUPPOSED to have to it. That's why I kinda wish we had an ENRAGED post-reaction option. After all, they could've been kinder and QUICKER about letting you know.
  18. Going with The Awakened Regarding Space Faerie Scratchcards, maybe it's your browser or something? I go here from the link in an unconverted page. Because I don't know where to go in the new pages to get there. https://www.neopets.com/premium/sc/ And I can scratch my Space Faerie Scratchcards. The browser I'm using is the latest version of Firefox.
  19. I'm watching an old classic anime, The Adventures of the Little Prince. I believe it was animated in the late 70s, but I remember it slightly from my childhood in the 80s. Probably on Nickelodeon or some such more kid-friendly channel.
  20. I feel that I did. I managed to get to All-Star this year, and a little bit beyond. I also managed to get my YYB gpg average slightly above 10 goals per game and improve despite getting a ton of games of 9 points and under during the last few days of play due to sooooo many darigan yooyus appearing during those days. I mean some days I was getting multiple games in a row with multiple darigan yooyus in a row. (2-4). I'm sure that brought my average down. Anyway, here are my stats for YYB. Goals Scored 7,124 Goals by Elon "The Black Hole" Hughlis 4,617 Goals by Oten Runeu 842 Goals by Lamelle Turow 837 Goals by Barit Jowes 828 Saves by Tonie Plessix 348 Number of Wins 708 and a breakdown of my 273 games of 10 points or higher. 130 games of 10 points 100 games of 11 points 37 games of 12 points 5 games of 13 points 1 game of 14 points Lastly, my ending GPG. 10.06214689265537 with destroys my GPG from last year by about 0.7 points per game! So yeah, I feel like I met all my goals. MAYBE next year I'll get around to playing some of the support games? Would be nice to understand the prize point breakdown for the AC games first though.
  21. Hmmm..... I really don't know. I'm a little disappointed in the prize-point cost of things. Even after reaching All-Star, with the 8496 points I have, I can only get 2 of the 3 collectables. The megaphone looks interesting and might be the weapon of this prize shop, I dunno yet. If it IS, then I could test it if I got it. The Maraquan Yooyu looks kinda cool too though. So I REALLY don't know. As for the album items, if I WERE to buy one, or even 2, for their NP value, I don't know which ones I would/should get.
  22. Nice, I managed 708 games of YYB this year, I too was kicking myself after a poor performance last AC and seeing the killer prizes that were offered. For some reason I just can't force myself to play much with the supporting games. Not only do they take a number of wins to equal 1 game of YYB, but they're even MORE tedious, imho than YYB is. Like Tug-o-War, MSN is hard on my wrists after a few games. SS is cool because it was the first game with peophins in it, even though you don't play as one. But it's such a slow starting game and takes awhile to get to where you can find a good rhythm, then suddenly it's going at ludicrous speed and game over. If the flow were a bit more steady, I might enjoy that one. SOSD is ok as far as the gameplay, but requires a TON of plays to equal 1 game of YYB, and I frankly find Chias to be pretty gross looking, the close-up of the goal-tender at the end is not something I enjoy seeing. So I stick to YYB and trying to improve my gpg scoring averages. I also picked up a habit of screenshotting the score screens of YYB games where I score 10 or more points. According to my records for this year, I scored only 273 games of 10 points or more. I had a LOT of multi-darigan games this year, very annoying! But the breakdown is... 130 games of 10 points 100 games of 11 points 37 games of 12 points 5 games of 13 points 1 game of 14 points. Not bad considering how the play and physics have changed since it was converted to HTML5. It's much harder to score now than when it was still Flash. Unfortunately, the game's play and physics feels downgraded since the conversion. I won't know my final GPG average until they let us see our total stats again for this year. I hope I managed to keep it above 10 gpg. I missed a couple days of play due to having to go out of town for a family reunion, it always happens in June, so I'm always going to miss SOME days of play. I either have something on like a dvd or something, OR I listen to music while playing. It DOES help the time pass a bit faster.
  23. Same goal, just seeing how high I can stand to go. I think today is the last day to play, right? I reached All-Star for the first time in many years. So I'm happy with that, I just hope I can afford some decent prizes from the prize shop this time! Now I just gotta gear up to play today. I'm feeling rather burned out, but I want to play more YYB to get more prize points built up.
  24. I recently started playing .hack//G.U. Last Recode on my Nintendo Switch Lite. It's a remaster of the Playstation 2 trilogy with a 4th game added in and parody mode. This video (has SOME strong language from the guy doing the video voice over), but the first 5 minutes give a good description of the basic set up of the game. It also briefly covers the .hack quartet of games that preceded .hack//G.U. For anime fans, the anime .hack//roots, deals with Haseo's time in "The World" BEFORE the first G.U. game. In fact, in the 1st .hack//G.U. game for the PS2 (Rebirth), one of the unlockable movies was actually a FULL episode of .hack//roots! This was removed from the remaster. Both game series were pretty good representations of MMOs with in-depth stories and characters. G.U. is a bit more advanced. I'm almost done with the first game, "Rebirth". Though you only control Haseo, and later on, his avatar, you can interact with other players and people in your party. You can set their strategies, and gift and trade items with them. Change their equipment and even customize that equipment! The Avatars are from the first .hack// quartet of games that preceded .hack//G.U. If you want to know more, look 'em up, they were called Phases in the first set of games. .hack/G.U also has a Steampunk theme to it. This game is also available on PS4 and Steam, not sure about xbox, since I've never owned one.
  25. Going with the Sway, since I don't care for the other boon-sets and with those big obelisk guilds out there, it's a shot-in-the-dark for the rest of us as to who will win anyway.
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