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Aquamentis12 last won the day on December 5 2024

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About Aquamentis12

  • Birthday 05/30/1981

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  1. Sure! When you're ready to post, I'd enjoy seeing your work! Sorry for the delay in replying, I haven't scrolled down far enough to see the art gallery forum in awhile. ^^; The dog animation where it's scratching the tree? Unfortunately the gif for that isn't available online anymore. Photobucket "stole" my account. Locked it and wouldn't let me in to remove anything unless I pay to do so. A shame, it was a good free service for many years, but their roll out fo the pay service was trash. Anyway, I can at least still share the gif here directly. Basically, you put the line art frames in between the color frames, or vise versa. This.... when complete, looks like the smaller pic, although that too, was just a test to see how it shreds the bark of the tree. Another example would be this short 4 second test. Slipping between the first 4 frames as line art, and then transitioning them by replacing them systematically with the colored versions of the frames.
  2. Yeah, all those extra items and NP from the plot, we totally got spoiled. lol
  3. Yeah, the plot pause is rather annoying. Unfortunately in the regular BD challengers, fighting them on Mighty is the only way to get higher amounts of NP, and when I battle the Obelisk Challengers on Mighty, I only get 300np per battle from them too. Such a shame TNT didn't increase the NP awards for the 1p challengers. I really hope they do, but I'm also not gonna hold my breath for that. lol Yeah, I'm not a mind reader, gotta post in order to get a reply. But it's nice to see a reply in this thread again. lol Hmm I don't either of them are very good. Whether it's the Shield of Revenge that only blocks 3 icons each of Water and Light. https://items.thedailyneopets.com/items/shield-of-revenge or the Revenge Shield which offers a little more defense, albeit it variable and subject to change. https://items.thedailyneopets.com/items/revenge-shield You're better off selling or storing either, imho. I hope your progress through the plot went well before the plot paused.
  4. Welcome back to Neopets and welcome to TDN! So you stream when you play Neopets on Twitch? That's interesting, is it just the gameplay when you're playing a game, or the site navigation as well? If you ever need advice or counsel on the battledome, feel free to let me know. We have a Battledome section for that here on TDN Forums. Have fun! https://tdnforums.com/forum/72-battledome-battlepedia-chat/
  5. I'm currently watching my favorite cartoon when I was a kid. Thundercats, the 1985 version, on dvd. Got 2 discs left, about 12 eps. Not bad considering there were 130 episodes in all.
  6. Thanks for the heads up! Got an Illusens Silver Shield and another Illusens Staff. >D All my points are gone now. XD
  7. LOL Still working on my manticore project for a friend. I thought I would share the most recent gif pencil-test since it's been awhile. lol About 10 months since I started and 9 since I last posted here. lol Here is the manticore running after his "prey". Just the rough animation with no clean-up so far.
  8. Wow, these are very colorful and imaginative! I like the Hissi too. lol Looks like they're still tired.
  9. Wow, WONDERFUL work, sorry I missed it!
  10. Profile and information are here. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/void-wyrm While Void related and it drops a couple void-related items, this may or may not be part of the plot as it is not yet in any plot waves.
  11. Hi @Aimee Been awhile since I last saw you post! Nice to see you again and it's really cool that you're involved in this TTRPG! @Duma LOL Excellent question! Inquiring minds definitely want to know!
  12. You probably need to withdraw from the battle then and then re-enter to fix it. Click on the Challenges button and Withdraw, it'll count as a loss, but at least it SHOULD fix the problem. You might have to do it on both devices. but try it on the one that you started to battle in first. And then see if it works on the 2nd device. If not, then do the same thing and withdraw on the 2nd device. If for some reason it STILL won't let you fight, though at this point it SHOULD let you start a new battle, you should submit a ticket to TNT.
  13. If your pet is stuck in the BD, did you happen to try battling on another device and then forget to exit the battledome after you were finished on that device? I saw a thread about that on the neoboards where someone was asking about a similar situation. Someone replied they had the same issue until they realized that the site thought they were still in a battle because they hadn't left the dome on their other device yet. Once they exited the dome on their other device, they were able to battle again on whatever device their main device was that they couldn't before.
  14. Yeah, I'm wondering if the field and ice colors somehow got inverted. Because if you go into a graphics program where can invert the colors, Blues become browns and vise versa. lol So, I wondered if that's what happened. Something feels different in the game too, besides the periodic stalling I was getting. Also, I noticed that the YYB game timer starts at 2:58 when the Yooyu first is playable, aside from the 8 second run-off that happens after each goal. Didn't really pay too much attention to see if that 2 seconds is lost each time a new yooyu appears though, I'll try to pay closer attention when I play my games later today. But first, I need sleep. lol So I'm gonna go to bed and worry about that tomorrow. G'night.
  15. Got my 29 games in, it's rare for me to hit the cap. But I was having weird issues with YYB. Like, the field was BLUE and the ice when the other team gets frozen was light brown! So graphic glitches there. And also, periodically, things would slow to a stutter/crawl for about 10 seconds before returning to normal speed. Everything else in Neopets is running FINE, same with my computer, so I don't know what's going on with YYB. I haven't tried the side games, I usually avoid those like the plague. lol Cool thing though, since the prize shop is open, you just can't claim prizes yet, you can see how many prize shop points you have. After 29 wins, I have 406 points.... seems a little low.... But whatever. The prizes aren't that great anyway. But it is kind of interesting to see how many prize shop points you have before the AC is over. Also, the Staff Tourney is starting, time to pick our teams, and I'm crushed to not see Ehlo Froyo there anymore. I always picked her for my goalie, she was good! A reliable player and Maraqua backer! Gotta decide who to pick for my staff tourney team, before.. next week I think it is. When I checked earlier today it was 131 hours to pick teams I think. So we've got some time. Hopefully the Staff Tourney Prize Shop will be more interesting than the AC prize Shop this year.
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