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    paperdoll66 reacted to Rebecca~ in So I've been permanently silenced   
    You can try to ask them to un-perma silence you- sometimes mods do go back and fix rulings they later think are unfair. Just send in a ticket, and say that you aren't sure what was so inappropriate about the message.
    When I first read this, I thought you were using a misspelling of an antisemetic slur. Perhaps TNT thought the same thing? What exactly did the neomail say?
    EDIT: Also, since Kik is a text messaging app, that would fall under the same breaking of rules as trying to get someone's email, or their facebook information, which is completely not allowed. I've heard of permasilencings happening without much warning, or without previous silencings for major infractions- which this would probably fall under. :/
  2. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Rebecca~ in not to brag but...   
    I found it easier to save if I gave myself something to work towards. Like, I could buy this PB or paintbrush, or a stamp once I've reached 2.5million, and then another small buy at 5 million, etc. It breaks down your saving, and makes it more exciting since you know you'll be rewarding yourself. :D
  3. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Lady Lyuba in 6th Annual Neopies Begins!   
    I'm going with Battleground: Awakened, too. Why? Because the Spooky Food Eating Contest was an unfair reward as only some people got it as opposed to everybody who participated being awarded an avatar, as in most previous plots and events. Unfair? Very. Even though I have the avatar, I hate it because of how unfairly it was rewarded and as such never want to use it. I feel like I don't deserve it. Pretty as the Snow Roller avatar is, the Obelisk war truly gave out the avatars of the year, in my opinion, and as a bonus, my favourite faction, the Awakened, is being nominated. (yeah don't let the Order banner fool you. True, I joined that faction in the war, but I'm loyal to the zombies and ghosts now).
    That was my vote, and I got Nimmo Drums. What a pattern, the spooky related things tend to gain my vote most of the time. XD
  4. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in 6th Annual Neopies Begins!   
    I went with Goparokko. I like the looks of the Spooky Food Eating Contest one the most, but I can't help thinking of all the hurt feelings and drama when I see it.

    Medieval Dictionary
  5. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from rinoa812 in Your least favorite Videogame enemy?   
    I am so bad at Catherine. I am a total Atlus completest, but I still haven't managed to 100% complete it. I played through it once on Easy, and it took me forever. Now, I am really slowly playing it to get gold on all the stages so I can skip them when trying to get all the endings. I am entirely reliant on videos. They are the same developers. Vincent made a small appearance in Persona 3.
    The Megami Tensei franchise is my favorite. I have spent so much time fighting with emulators and keeping my PS2 working, but I don't think I will ever invest so much time in a video game series. If you like RPGs, I would definitely recommend checking out Persona 3 (it isn't as good as 4, but it is available for download in the US) or Persona 5 when it comes out.
  6. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to pwndbymalakh in What is the appeal of the Battledome? / Why do you Battle?   
    Hi, I use my hissi to BD, and most of his "training" has been the result of 3-4 years of completed faerie quests; I always try to remember to set Lataeus as my active right before completing a quest.
    I did make an active effort to bulk up his endurance (hit points) prior to the Battle of the Obelisk plot and used several training cookies to do so. I'm working on getting his hit points up to 1000 so he can hold his own in future plot battles.
    I have premium, so I BD against the Jetsam Ace every day until I get my 15 daily items. Sometimes I get as many as 3 nerkmids a day, or zero. Most of my np is from selling those nerkmids, bottled faeries, neocola tokens, and extra codestones. I also do the skirmishes, but only the minimum battle requirement of 10, and only so I can get the avatars/site themes I don't already have.
    As a side note, I enjoy defeated the pant devil (repeatedly) in the BD when he steals something from me. :shiftyeyes_anim:
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    paperdoll66 reacted to rinoa812 in Your least favorite Videogame enemy?   
    I have never played the persona series which is weird because I generally prefer rpgs. They sound pretty good though =) I have been playing catherine recently and i guess they must have some of the same developers because some of the persona 4 music is featured in the game. Also annoying bosses....The bride is terrible in catherine >.<
  8. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from rinoa812 in Your least favorite Videogame enemy?   
    I ended up abandoning my first character, because all the shopkeepers in Riften and Whiterun were dead, with the exception of Arcadia. I had to fast-travel all over the place to sell anything, which only killed off more people.
    If bonus bosses count, Elizabeth from Persona 3 is definitely it. First, this is one of those games where 100% completion can take like 300 hours. Just getting ready to fight Elizabeth took me a month. Once you actually get to start the fight, there is a whole long list of things that you can do that result in her killing you instantly. If you want to win, you pretty much have to use a guide and a calculator.
  9. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Rebecca~ in Chocolate Ixi and Strawberry Bori Released!   
    Oooh, this is a really nice Chocolate! Some of them are kind of boring, but this reminds me a lot of the Kau, which is just lovely!
  10. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from ~Xandria in How should I go about getting my dreamie? (Alien Aisha)   
    Alien Aishas are one of the most popular pets. They're usually considered about equal to Royalgirl Kacheeks and Boris, Plushies, and Coconut and Pea Jubjubs. I don't really keep up with what Draiks and Krawks are going for. Trading pets pretty much inevitably means spending a long time on Pound Chat, but Alien Aishas do come up for trade pretty often. If you decide to go the pet trading route, I would make sure that you mention it if you don't care what the name is. An Alien Aisha with an unpopular name will trade for less.
  11. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to missjustina in Pastel Kougra Released!   
    I think its really pretty :)
    I love this new color, I don't remember any new PB's being released last year, so this is a nice start. If only there would be a birthday paintbrush released :laughingsmiley:
  12. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Emily in What did you get for Christmas this year? (2013)   
    Some great books that I wanted copies of (apparently borrowing the same book from the library multiple times is weird...), a couple really cool glassware pieces (Daryl Dixon beer glass! and this lovely mug from Scandinavia and the World) and a beautiful Charmed series DVD set. And lots and lots of chocolate xD
  13. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to hrtbrk in What did you get for Christmas this year? (2013)   
    Naked 3 palette. Nothing else matters, really.
    Just kidding. Got some clothes and Despicable Me 2!
  14. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to LillytheGrundo in Happy Wocky Day!!   
    Honestly, There is something off about the Maraquan Wocky... I just can't figure out what it is... The outfits are super though!
  15. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to hrtbrk in NC Mall Survey Discussion Post!   
    TNT has been sending out a survey regarding the NC Mall. Not everyone got it, but it basically asked questions about what types of items you usually buy, additions you'd be interested in and what changes you would like to see so you become a more frequent shopper.
    Of course, I've already submitted my survey, but I have more to say!!! So what do you think...
    What types of items do you usually buy?
    What additions would you be interested in?
    Additions you liked this year?
    What changes would you like to see?
    Please keep it constructive. If you never plan on using the NC Mall than this topic may not be for you.
    What types of items do you usually buy?
    I find myself usually buying seasonal prizes or game tickets now-a-days. I used to buy caps but feel like the chance of getting the LE is still way too low, despite them upping the probability, and so it's just a waste of money. I also just wait until the daily items are on sale at the end of the year (if I'm even interested in them)
    My favourite, and biggest purchases, are seasonal items and events (like Neggstravaganza and Halloween) or from games. I think you get the most bang for your buck there. They usually offer a nice variety of items and styles.
    What additions would you be interested in?
    The survey mentioned NC only map areas, and the only way I'd support this if it was Lutari Island. But I do wish there would be some sort of way for users to win neocash, or boxes, or SOMETHING. Getting a 50nc item from the money tree is cool and all, but not that exciting. It's not going to make people who don't get neocash that often go out and buy neocash for the first time.
    I think frequent Mall users should be rewarded somehow. The gift of NC is too small and only once a year. Future Fashions isn't really a 'reward' either. There should be some sort of wheel or something that allows users to have a chance at free NC or gift boxes or SOMETHING to keep them spending, but also offer something they want/use. No one wants 40 hair bows. If you spend 500 nc in a month, you get a spin (or whatever). Keep the amount needed to spin reasonable.
    Additions you liked this year?
    Adding the Archives wheel, flashback passes and colour specific wearables was a giant step in the right direction. Keep inflation down. Keep colour specific owners happy. TWO FOR YOU!
    What changes would you like to see?
    - Even greater chance of getting LE items.
    - LESS chance of getting doubles from games (I spent a 5 pack and got 3 of the same item in a row. These low tier items are given out the most and very difficult to swap/trade. Plus, who wants to eat a gift box for something that has little to no value due to its supply? No one.)
    - Lower ticket prices for games/events. I want a deal, especially if I have to buy more than one ticket pack for the same event (lookin' at you GMC/ AC!) Additionally, I would be more willing to buy two 10 ticket packs for games if there was a greater deal. I'm a frugal kau.
    - Upcycle cookie is way, WAY too expensive and the prizes need to be changed on a frequent basis.
    - Lower GBC prices. I get it's a cash cow but COME ON!!!!! It's our only chance at being able to move items. Why gouge us.
    - Boxless item transfer between side accounts.
    - Boxes for buying neocash online
    - If you add a skirt to a set, put a matching shirt/top with it. Somewhere. Somehow.
    - MORE sales. I wanna go buckwild and indulge. LET US DO IT! Even if it's a flash sale from 12 am - 12pm.
  16. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Zephyr in NC Mall Survey Discussion Post!   
    A survey! Finally!
    Lots of things I'd like to say. Firstly is of course about BOXES. That aside, I also have lots about customization, some of which I had discussed in PMs with other members.
    I saw people talking about it on the board yesterday. Some had speculated that one receives them when there is a change in the spending habit. So glad you posted it here & open it to discussion :)
    Unfortunately I didn't receive one: I have quite a bit to say about the BOXES.
    But from what I saw on the board, a lot of people ("everybody to their grandma's hairdresser") have already brought it up :D
    I'll take a look at the questions again & organize my thoughts into something more coherent.
  17. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Xepha in New Avatar: Snow Roller!   
    Been practicing this morning a bit...
    You pretty much need a perfect run to get the avatar. You need both to pick up all the items you can and have a 100% size at the end of the level. Personally, I think it's better to achieve the 100% as soon as possible since then you only need to keep a finger on your space bar to jump over obstacles.
    From experience, you need to have at least 2000 pts at the end of level 1, and to be on the safe side I'd say at least 4500 pts at the end of level 2. If you don't meet any of those scores, restart.
    My best score now is around 6300... so I'm not far from the avatar score. Still need to do better in the last level though.
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    paperdoll66 reacted to Xepha in New Avatar: Snow Roller!   
    Tip: Hold the down arrow to slow down.
    I don't remember if that's in the guide I wrote for it or not.
    Also, I'd recommand playing on the worst computer you can find.
  19. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Dashana in Stealth Lutari and Strawberry Chia!   
    I like the colors, but the Strawberry Chia looks a bit... odd. o-O
    The way it's shaped it makes me think that it's a pepper with seeds all over it.
  20. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Zephyr in TP people ...!! *Sigh*   
    2 words: Artificial inflation. Or, price manipulation in the hopes that someone not familiar with the price will buy them.
    Or hoarding the supply in an attempt to control the price such that people will buy from them due to the lack of sellers.
    That is one of the reasons why I prefer to avoid the TP as much as I can. I had more unpleasant than pleasant experience interacting with that particular group of people.
  21. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to passiflora in Spooky Food Eating Contest: Hidden Epilogue   
    Warms my heart. :wub_anim: I was definitely feeling like there wasn't enough closure for this event, but this completes the puzzle perfectly.
  22. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Zephyr in Spooky Food Eating Contest: Claim Your Prizes!   
    While I'm at it, my 2 cents:
    I think it'll be better if TNT can make it clearer if completing/maxing out all the activities on the day they're released plays a part. If anything, take down the flower puzzle (& save me some eye & brain juice heh). Be like the old plots where a step becomes unavailable when it's over. Or be like Daily Dare: make it clear that if one didn't manage to complete the challenge on the day it was released, they won't get all the goodies.

    I started late so I'm already prepared to not get all the prizes but the way TNT is handling it this time is leaving much to be desired.
  23. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to xkittyxxx in What's your Achievement today?   
    For besting your opponent and proving your might in battle, you have earned the following rewards:

    Average Nerkmid
    Good Nerkmid
    Woohoo! I've never had two nerkmids from one battle before!
  24. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Bright ^_^ in 8-bit   
    You could also maybe try adopting an 8-bit chomby. Zapping Your Dream Pets (neopets.com/~ZYDP) might be a good place to start. You can sign up for dream pets and if someone zaps an 8-bit chomby they might contact you so that you can adopt one!
  25. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Lady Lyuba in Spooky Food Eating Contest Begins!   
    I do agree that we are going off topic, but yes....Samhain is Halloween's origin. They would also give food out to the faeries who begged for it, else a trick would be played on them (origin of trick or treat). The dressing up in costumes and masks are to confuse spirits and faeries.
    I hate being treated as if I don't know anything about Samhain when I know more than you think. I know it's not your intent, but whenever I bring up something like this, I feel that you are all correcting me.
    Anyway one last day of cheering and booing. I wish it could last longerrrrrrr!!!!! OnO
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