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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. I'm disappointed with the NC mall items; the wig is nice, I suppose, but there really isn't anything masculine apart from the jersey and flag wings. A short wig would be great, or some pom-poms if they are determined only feminine pets dress up. I hope for 'Celebration' backgrounds for the teams, like, if your teams win 1st/2nd/3rd, there's a 'New Years'-esque background of the representative land with fireworks in a Cup theme. That would be a great prize to have or to have for sale.

  2. 'Alive', mostly. I still love playing as the Zafara; her tail swishing animation is adorable. Absolutely every single prediction for Faerieland is 'You are going to lose and lose hard' (i.e. 15th or lower place). I would looooooooooooooove for us to suddenly rocket up to 1st place. I think TDN just rotates who wins to prevent favouritism, and it's Faerielands time to finally stop being a laughing stock and win.

  3. So, I have completed the Faerie side of my gallery as much as I can (CURSE YOU ILLUSEN CAKE DX) and will be working towards completing the Anubis side of it.
    So, after that, I plan to just collect items I happen to find pretty! What items do YOU consider gorgeous? NC or NP, buyable or not, ultrarare or not, let's see 'em!


    Obviously, I think a LOT of Faerie Food items are beautiful, but if we talk about all items ...



    Cybunny Perfume Illusen Strawberry Perfume Aisha Spring Roll Cloud Kougra Blueberry Cake

    (Can't forget this! I would LOVE to know what this tastes like!)



  4. Wow, I LOVE the softness of your work! I humbly volunteer any of my pets (links in the icons below; the tea is Arliala, the dumpling is Moorlough, the cupcake is Naramina, the chocolates Nimhue and the Fizz is Xanthrax)


    Looking forward to more artwork!


    EDIT : Is one of your drawing subjects wearing a CHOKATO HAT?

  5. Celebrations are in full swing on Neopets ... as they cheer over their 14th birthday! As part of the festivities, they have released not one ... not two ... but FOUR new colours, one background and one foreground!

    New Colours


    Checkered Chia Eventide Pteri


    Split Moehog Starry Lutari

    New Clothing


    click the items above for more info!


    Just a little reminder ... the Baby themed Wonderclaw Machine is retiring soon. If you want to grab these items, you'd better be quick before the new Machine is launched!

  6. 27452808927_605d5230db_z.jpg


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    That's right, COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS! So if you have a controversial opinion, want to get something off your chest, or just want to blow off steam, that's what we're here for.

    "But Lady Kakata, I don't have a Tumblr! How do I send in a confession?" - Easy peasy! Just send it to Neoconfessions {at} Gmail {dot} com! Remember; your name, username, anything you go by will NEVER be revealed. If you have any questions, just send me a message or take a look at the FAQ.




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