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Posts posted by Lamppost

  1. I'm very torn... I can't decide whether to go Team Living or Team Dead. Usually I'm all for the bright, positive ones (Team Light, Team Hero, etc.) but I actually like some of the dark-themed stuff on Neo - especially the lampposts in the Tale of Woe and Neovia - way more than the flowery stuff, usually. So I'm actually considering Team Dead. I don't know what to do!

  2. Don't forget to also train your pet. Damage is calculated by number of icons times your pet's strength boost. If you want to increase your damage, you can increase number of icons, but often it's more cost-effective to increase strength boost instead. (Or to really be a BD master, increase both.) You can read about strength and defense boosts on TDN. You can also read an analysis of The Importance of Training in the Neopian Times. 

  3. Yesterday, on a break day when I was facing a practice team, I tried playing a few AC games. Despite sending scores, none of my game counts increased. But today, it was fixed. Did this happen for everybody? Or perhaps I was flagged for suspicious activity and then cleared (like they discussed in the news)?

    I'm just checking. If games against the practice team don't count, I'm going to need to plan out my playing differently so I can reach my rank goal.

  4. Yeah, I think Candy Cane Dragon Star is going to be a decent beginner/mid-level bomb. As Aquamentis pointed out, it's only slightly less power than Honey Potion, but it's considerably cheaper.


    However, battlers considering this item may want to weigh its cost-effectiveness versus 15-icon muffins. Many muffins, while single use, attack with 15 icons and you can practically select which icon types. If you know your opponent's ability to defend against a certain icon type, a muffin might be a better option for you.

  5. The 2016 Advent Calendar is ringing in the holidays, and battlers are getting some unique gifts this year! Already we've seen two new weapons and more are likely to come. Who knows, perhaps there will even be a Super Attack Pea under Neopian trees this year?



    Weapons from Advent Calendar 2016:

    Please contact us if you have any additional information about these weapons!
  6. What I am hoping are three things:


    1. That this new dome will be coded in HTML5.

    2. Battledome avatars currently unavailable will be available again (Punchbag Sid, I'm looking at you!).

    3. Defenders Of Neopia will work, again.


    My guess is this new dome will be HTML5. If successful, TNT may go further to "re-code" the other domes in HTML5, too. And, if that happens, maybe Battledome avatars and DoN will return. One can hope.

    Defenders of Neopia isn't working because TNT hasn't combined records from the old Battledome into the new Battledome. It won't work until they do that. But once they do, then DoN should be good to go. I don't know if this has to do with HTML5, but I doubt it.


    I miss DoN too. Unfortunately, I'm not holding out hope for it to come back soon.

  7. The Neopets Battlepedia had some information about it, so we have updated the Battlepedia for Turned Tooth. The other weapon released at the same time, is Winged Boomerang, and it has been tested by the Battlepedia.


    Often when TNT announces a new item, especially weapons, it's not activated right away. Sometimes it takes months for the weapon to be activated, meaning it will appear in searches and will restock in shops. We try to check periodically, but until a weapon is activated we don't have much information at all about it. For instance, Curling Blade and Thunderbolt were announced by TNT on October 8, but they aren't activated yet. Thank you for letting us know that this one is active!


    You can always see which weapons we have not yet tested on the Battlepedia under Need Stats On in the sidebar menu. (It's at the bottom of the Neopets Weapons Items section.) We are always looking for more information about those weapons. If you obtain the weapon and either learn about its stats or would like to lend it to the BP for testing, please contact us.


    On 11/10/2016 at 4:54 PM, memepolice said:

    Where do you get it, is it in a certain store or NCP?

    Turned Tooth restocks at Tyrannian Weaponry. You can always see this on the Battlepedia, listed under the weapon picture.

  8. Lol, just when I'd put my pets back into the lodge we get another cake... :laughingsmiley:  My BD guy will have to wait a month to eat it then!

    You can feed him sooner by taking him out of the NeoLodge. He'll still be bloated when he comes out, but you can check out early so he'll start getting hungry.

  9. "Overall, we recommend Burrow in this tier. From the little we know about all three abilities in this tier, it appears Shroud and Float only allow partial blocking, while Burrow offers full blocking of three random icon types, excluding physical due to the ability and dark. It is still unclear if the inability to block dark icons is intentional or a glitch, so this may change in the future. Though the types of icons Burrow affects are random, and there is the chance that you could wind up fully blocking only two abilities if dark happens to be your third random icon type, a 100% blocker for 2-3 icons is usually still more beneficial than a partial blocker of 3 icons. This is especially true when it comes to 2-player fights where you don't know your opponent's set ahead of time to tailor your defence icon type. The one possible exception to this recommendation is if you find yourself frequently in 1-player fights with the same opponents. Because you can find out what weapons they use, you can tailor your ability to their attack strengths. For example, if you find yourself fighting challengers who have weapons that mostly do dark, light and air icons such as the Giant Ghostkerchief or Plumbeard, you might be better off opting for Float, as you'd be guaranteed partial blocking of 2 of that challenger's most used icons. If you opted for Burrow, you'd have a chance to block 2 out of 3 icons fully (remember, Burrow has trouble with dark icons). But there's also a chance that you could block nothing, if the random icons Burrow defends against for the turns are the other 3 possible icon types that can be blocked by the ability. However, because the types Burrow blocks change randomly with each use, there is a good chance that on many occasions, you'll be able to fully block at least one icon type, which can be fantastic when battling opponents with high strength boosts. Because Burrow is the most versatile, we are giving it our overall recommendation."


    That's a quote from an article I wrote with another TDN staffer in the Neopian Times. Link: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=561418&week=656

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