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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Twitter users are also saying that there's a new xbox. I'd hold off on that until you know that it doesn't have a contagious red ring of death.


    Yup, released to the people in attendance at E3 today - will be shipped to retailers later this week.


    I am not a big fan of Microsoft, but when I had to decide between the PS3 and the 360, xBox won. I'll never buy a PS3. :)

  2. I say "poe-tay-toe"


    But here in Tennessee we also say "taters" and sometimes "poe-tay-tahs" and even "per-tay-ters" like on Sling Blade. sigh

  3. Petpage applications are unfair because graphics and coding skills do not necessarily equal a good pet parent.


    Graphics and coding skills should not give a person an advantage over another one when it comes to caring for a pet. Think about what would happen in real life if you had two people applying to adopt a puppy. One person has two other dogs, a big backyard, and volunteers at animal shelters. The other just made a website for the puppy and created a story about it. Which one should get the puppy?




    Petpage applications are a silly waste of time, period.


    But then again, everyone is all trade-crazed these days, so who cares about pets anymore? (Besides the odd user such as myself.)

  4. Well there's you're problem, YOU'RE USING VISTA. xD

    I don't know If DNS errors are something that vista does, but maybe it's worth looking into?


    XP/7 ftw


    ...Nope. It has nothing to do with your OS.

    Btw - I'm using Vista. ;)

  5. Interesting, I really hope it'll be something new and exciting, rather than adding potions to the attic or donating some Krawk petpets to the Money Tree. I remember when Krawk petpets were a little under 2 million. Ah, inflation.


    I remember right after Krawk pets came out, when Krawks hit 300K - it was like one of the most expensive things on Neopets! Unbuyables back then were like "ooooohhhh"

  6. Booooo :( Yeah, you gotta lose to the plains lupe like in the first battle of the whole game. Takes some planning ahead. I'm sorry :'( But at least you have Devilpuss and Robotic Cybunny to look forward to! Oh, and that shiny trophy :D

  7. Yes the wishing well avatar is going to be our new Bonju. Frustrating as it is, I actually missed that :)


    You're not alone...I missed it too. The stupid book skyrocketed in price and so I gave up. :( Stupid avatars, how I rabidly desire them...

  8. Cornflakes, I fail to understand why life is important. Please explain.


    Certainly. But first, let me make sure I understand what you are asking me to explain. There is a difference between 'existence' and 'life.'


    Life, as in living things, from whales to single-celled organisms...in my humble opinion, all life is precious and important.


    Existence, on the other hand...sigh. Existence seems pointless. Why are we here? We are born, and then we die; the whole thing is seemingly pointless. The vast majority of us will never make a mark on eternity. We are but dandelion seeds wafting in the wind...we land, we bloom, we seed, then we die, lost amongst billions of others. Why? I ask, but unfortunately, it is not for us to know. :(


    Did that help at all? :)

  9. We are die-hard Portugal fans here...my husband is part-Portuguese, so -

    Plus they're fine...ohhh my goodness.


    Anyway, as for US vs England, England's going to win. All of the really good athletes in the US play football and baseball instead. Soccer is like way down on the US priority list. :(

  10. Yay I helped :D I get all happy when I help.


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  11. I made my picks based entirely on the staff member's photo. I just picked whomever tickled my visual fancy. :D


    Left Side



    El Picklesaur (because he looks like Bluto from "Animal House")

    Mr. Insane


    Right Side



    Senormalo (he's rather fetching, eh?)

    Bancha Ninja (because he looks like the dude from Deee-Lite)

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