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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. 1. Yep, easily.

    2. Alignment, maybe...depends on how wide the cell is. /shrugs/ I would have to do a little tinkering before I can say whether it's possible to change alignment or not. But you can definitely change the size. Easily :)

    3. Lookups are easy to center.

    4. I'm pretty sure you can take those images out.


    IE sucks royally as a browser. However, it is important to make all coding cross-browser compliant.


    I will tinker with your codes and see what I come up with. ;)


    Copy and paste this into your pet's lookup:

    <style type="text/css">
    td{color:#056482;font:11px arial narrow;}
    #main{border:0px none;width:800px;margin:0px auto;background:none;}
    #content{width:800px;margin:0px auto;}
    .contentModuleHeader,.contentModuleHeaderAlt{background:none;color:#297BA3;text-align:center;font:18px verdana;letter-spacing:1px;}
    .contentModule,.contentModuleTable{border:0px none;}
    .contentModuleContent table img{display:none;}
    .contentModuleContent div img{display:inline;}
    .contentModuleContent div img{display:none;}
    .contentModuleContent #rating_ballot img{display:inline;}
    test test test test.


    If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask :)

  2. You need a Wacom tablet. Mine is priceless to me. Tell the 'rents that you need one for Christmas. Note: Don't say "want," say "neeeeeed." And tell them it's educational and whatnot.


    I will show off what I did with my Wacom:





  3. :mellow: i allways give 5 stars to people no matter who the heck theyare. how can u even see ur rating people give u???????


    It shows it right on my profile :)


    As for people not liking me because they don't know me - yep, you have a point, but...while you're saying "so what if people who don't know you don't like you," I'm saying "How come people who don't know me don't like me?! Waaaaah"


    See, it's the same conclusion, but with different attitudes about it! :D


    And because I can't handle the rejection, I move that we just ban them all! Yessss

  4. I bought a Tyrannian Landscape Painting, put it into my storage shed, opened up my Neohome, dragged it out of the shed into the middle of the floor. Then I dragged it until it was against the wall and raised it up a bit...looks like it's on the wall.


    So I guess I'm saying "It worked for me...sorry I couldn't be more helpful" :)

  5. Well hi to everyone who posted above me ^^ b) and welcome all ye who are new to the forums!


    I have been playing Neo since September 12, 2001. My first account was frozen because I gave it away to a friend, and then it became against the rules to give accounts away, so it got frozen. :(


    But anyway...don't be afraid to get out there and post! :D

  6. Wow...after looking at the poll, I realized that I'm just not that into Disney movies, and it kinda makes me sad. I guess I never gave it much thought.


    So I went to disneymovieslist.com to come up with my answer: Heavy Weights. It's one of my all-time favorites, and I actually didn't realize it was a Disney movie.


    I guess I don't really like any of the animated ones. :worried:

  7. One night late on the Neoboards, someone created a topic that was something like "Give an item to the person that posts after you."


    So people at first were like "Uhhh, what? How does that work?" and "Is this against the rules?"


    But once people got into it, the topic grew to hundreds of posts. I gave out five moderately-priced items and got five items in return. One of them was a Speckled PB!


    It was a beautiful night. I was literally in tears because it was so nice to see Neo players just generously giving for no reason instead of being rude to each other and complaining.


    Then the haters came on, the ones who were all "People are just posting to get something and they're not giving anything," blah blah blah...and the topic fizzled. But for a good hour, people were just giving and having a great time. :)




    Also, a few days ago, someone just randomly showed up in my Neomail and said "I heard Mutant Lenny was one of your dreamies" and I was like "Well yes but how did you know...?" She never answered that but she did say "Here you can have mine" and transferred me Herisy. Needless to say, that was awesome.

  8. Hrm, walls...nope, no wall-building feature (wouldn't that be terribly convenient!) To create "walls," you can use posters, chalkboards, shelf units...just buy a few of something and try it out. I like chalkboards because they are brown on one side and cheap!


    What item specifically are you trying to put on the wall? Some pictures actually don't go on the wall. That's TnT for you. :)



    Argh, arranging Neohomes is sooo tedious. I did mine really nicely and then I sold everything and abandoned it. :laughingsmiley:

  9. This. Competitions such as this ALWAYS feel unfair to the losers. Sorry to put it that way, but that's just how it is.


    Why does getting a premade petpage, or even requesting one, seem so impossible to you people?


    Rather than complaining and doing nothing to help yourself, DO SOMETHING. No one can pity a person who just sits there and complains without taking any steps to help themselves.


    Yeah...it's like you're trying on purpose to make people mad.


    I just wanted to point out to you that no one is going to want to talk to you if you keep this up. ;)

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