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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Haha, Cornflakes - your argument is interesting. xD So life isn't important? ^^


    Don't get me wrong - I am opposed to the death penalty, and I'm somewhere inbetween pro-choice and outlawing abortion altogether. At my basest core, human and animal and plant and all other kinds of lives are absolutely precious to me.


    Having said that, I honestly don't see the value of ever having been alive. I think it's far more tragic for something or someone to live and then die, rather than to have never been alive, even if the life in question was filled with perfect happiness and ended in a painless death.


    "The existentialist says at once that man is anguish." - Jean-Paul Sartre



    *Chuckles to self* Wow, that sounded really bleak, didn't it...I think I need to go eat an ice cream and cheer up :P

  2. Well of course refreshing at perfect intervals is a big red flag. However, just because your browser sends a request to a web server to refresh a page doesn't mean it actually gets refreshed every single second. When the refreshing is done browser-side, it actually shows up on the server side looking quite erratic.



  3. Whoops, I guess I need to post this here too.



    Name(Display name):



    Nickname(What we can call you):



    Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?:

    Glory to the Meepits. However, I am hardly servile. :evil:


    You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?:

    I would simply use the special device to create a laser cutter to cut the bars and get out of the cage. My irksome cagemate is irrelevant really.


    Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?:

    It is widely known that I will risk certain death for a delectable morsel of colby jack. No guts, no glory.

  4. Sorry for breaking that conversation thread. D:


    What can I do? I'm kind of panicking now, I used an auto refresher and don't want to be frozen for it! ><


    Haha, *pets* Calm down, it'll be okay. I'm sure TnT has laid down trip wires for people that really abuse auto-refreshers (think refreshing multiple pages with unhuman speed). If you haven't been frozen by now, I'm sure you're alright. TnT hardly has the manpower nor the sheer will to go through billions of page refresh stats checking for refresher programs.


    And yeah, not that I would ever endorse such a product or encourage its use, as that would be against the rules and I am totally not someone who breaks or bends the rules:

    Reload Every Addon for Firefox


    If someone were so inclined, they could set the custom options to reload every second. They could theoretically save time and effort refreshing at places like the graveyard, shop wizard, playing with pets, and so much more. And since it's only refreshing one page once a second, a perfectly ordinary increment of time, nothing trips any of those trip wires, see. ;)

  5. It only took me a few hours of refreshing to get the av.


    Yes, auto-refreshers are equal to auto-ice. However, there is an addon for Firefox called 'Reload Every' that makes certain activities on Neopets a whole lot easier. Not that I would ever admit to using it, but...if put on a reasonable setting, like one refresh every second, it's seemingly undetectable. :whistle:

  6. I got my customary crappy prize from the Wheel of "Excitement": The question mark, in which I usually receive less than 50 np for my trouble. Today I think it was 37.


    I don't really spin the other wheels. *shrugs* I'm no fun.

  7. Hi there, and welcome. I am hugely into vintage clothing. Vintage clothing is one of my major obsessions. One night I dreamed that I went back in time to the 50s and went to the Goodwill and bought a bunch of adorable clothes. So yeah, welcome.


    Sorry, that was weird. I guess I get all dorky when people bring up one of my passions. :wub_anim:


    Oh yeah, and the internet rocks too. I think the magnitude of the invention ranks right up there with air conditioning and flush toilets. :)

  8. I have two sisters, both younger than me (but we are all adults now). One of them consistently drives me crazy with her neediness. The other one refuses to seek therapy for her lying and bad parenting and so we don't speak anymore. Somedays I wish I never had sisters at all. It sounds mean but it's a poll so I'm just keeping it real.

  9. Hi there, and welcome. Greatest username ever. I am a dorky and great appreciator of plays on words. b)


    I also like smileys wearing sunglasses. And, um, eating meats on sticks.


    But anyway, we're talking about you. Sorry

  10. Sirs,

    I don't know any philosophy.But one thing that makes me ponder is that why haven't we seen God?There is no hell or heaven rather galaxies and metal core of our earth.So what can be the abode of God.Don't you think he is an alien or does he exist in another dimension ?Can anybody say what physics laws does he use to be invisible.The reason that I ask this question is that I have got some signs that God exists but I still cant believe.How come horrorscopes and astrologers predictions come true.Please enlighten


    Well, I would join this conversation, but alas, I am not a "sir"



  11. I'm not very good at Yooyuball... I'm afraid to try this year. :guiltysmiley:


    It's really really ridiculously easy to play when you get the hang of it. Let me summarize every winning game I have ever played of YYB:


    Step 1: In the start-up screen, I choose Right to Left; 2 + 2

    2: When the game starts, hover mouse over player closest to the ball

    3: Use that player to take the ball up to the top of the playing field

    4. Move player over to the left

    5. Move player down

    6. Point mouse at bottom left corner of goal

    7. When you get player within a pretty close range, click to shoot

    8. Ball flies beautifully into the bottom left corner of the goal.

    9. Repeat like 5 or 6 times (or more, if time allows)

    10. Celebrate epic win


    Sounds really really ridiculously easy? It is! I'm totally not coordinated at games so IF I CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT! Keep trying! :)

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