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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I'm all about Prohibition. Alcohol is the worst drug ever. I think the minimum drinking age should be raised to 50. :laughingsmiley:

    (My original post)


    I don't know about 50. It's more likely to hurt you at 50 than at 21.

    ...my point exactly. 50-year-olds, fearing the worst, would just stay away from it altogether. :)



    I have to admit. It doesn't matter if it's 50 or 21 or even 18, people will drink at young age. No doubt about it.

    Yep, young people drink... due in large part to the marketing geniuses at beer companies - think Budweiser Frogs, Spuds Mackenzie, and any other cartoons used to sell alcoholic beverages...Cartoons, I say, like the kind that appeal to children! Kids have been brought up in this country to believe that drinking is the coolest, most grownup thing ever.


    Not that I'm a prude or anything...I just think alcohol is purely demonic, and I actually have scientific proof to back up my humble opinion.


    I don't think that prohibition of any substance is really a good idea. If people still want to consume prohibited substances, they will buy them from underground sources. All this does is fuel organized crime, which seems like a really bad idea to me. Besides, since these prohibited substances are illegal, they are also unregulated, so the safety of the end product is questionable at best.Education, starting at a young age, is definitely the best way to encourage safe behaviour.

    /nods/ Indeed. I personally think everything should be legalized (but still regulated, of course). Someone wants to go do cocaine and kill themselves? Pfft, let them do it. Our jails would be SO MUCH LESS CROWDED if we removed all of the court-time-wasting, taxpayer-money-squandering drug offenses.


    I personally don't do drugs or drink...but if people want to do drugs and drink, my official position is live and let live (or die). /shrugs/


    And I couldn't agree more, we need to EDUCATE our children into making the best-informed decisions that they can. All kids are going to experiment. I'm not naive, and lord knows I was young once too. But my child will go out into the world knowing that there are limits, and that there are heavy prices to pay for his actions. My son is 10, and we watch "Intervention" together all the time. Kids need to know that they aren't invincible, and that they are loved, and that they might experiment and that's okay, as long as they don't take it too far. That's my philosophy, anyway.



    At least with alcohol you are not necessarily harming others, and it actually has a benefit - some health benefits, and it tastes good.


    Alcohol tastes good?! Bleccch!! :P


    And - "not necessarily harming others"?! Have you ever heard of kids being killed by drunk drivers? :)


    But now I'm all off-topic. To answer the original question: Raise the drinking age in New Zealand? Absolutely. Young people are far more at risk to succumb to alcohol poisoning. While it's true that youths are just going to drink anyway, it doesn't hurt to legally discourage them from doing it.

  2. Cornflakes ~ Thanks so much for the tip on the stylish add on ! I wasn't having the problem with the bar being covered but I know that lots of others were so I'm sure that will help many :D


    I will recommending it to any of my friends that I find having that problem :)


    No problem b) Glad to help!




    1 for 3, yessss

  3. Got one that worked from the Neoboards.




    Not gonna disable my adblock, ever ;)



    Well then, I'm now 0 for 2. Anyone else want to come in here and let me not help them? I'm great at helping very little. :D

  4. None of the two solutions posted above have helped my problem so far..... The stylish thing does not seem to work, neither does the Adblock one. Helpy?


    I have seen some people disable their AdBlock just on Neopets only and apply the Stylish as well. See if that helps.

  5. Am I wrong, or does it really just depend on how many people join a certain team? I mean, TnT doesn't decide who wins at the end, right?


    So I'm thinking that the popular teams have a good shot at winning the Cup.


    Hence, I joined Shenkuu. In my estimation, ie research at the boards and the TDN forum here, it was either that or Lost Desert.





  6. Shenkuu for the Cup.


    Ohhhhh yes. b)


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  7. Really, don't get upset on my account! I am actually an idiot as soon as it comes to computers and if I see strange words or phrases that belong to the computer world then my brain freezes! I didn't mean to get at you in any way, shape or form...I rely on my boyfriend and brother to do the computer stuff as it baffles me! But you didn't make me unhappy or peeved or anything, I am fully aware that I am just useless with computers! Don't worry.


    Haha, I'm not upset :P I just get all sad when I feel like I'm not helping people. It's probably an ego thing.



  8. Sorry, I thought that if I put really detailed instructions, that people would be like "What do you think we are, idiots?! OF COURSE we know how to do this!"


    Haha, I can't ever make people happy! :(


    Like I said, I'm happy to help with anything computer, HTML, CSS-related...just send a PM :)

  9. Sorry to not be that educated on how to do this .. but I did get the stylish add on for FF ... can't figure out how or where to add the CSS ??? help please ♥



    Okay, I think I did it .. I found where it says to add new style sheet ... I put it there, named it neopets, copied exactly what you have above, clicked write it, then went back and clicked to enable it.


    Should that do it??


    Don't worry, I'm not RUDE AND SNIVELING like *some* people on the Neoboards who are quick to viciously poke fun at people who...gasp!...don't know something!


    It sounds like you are fine - it's pretty simple to use. After installing the addon, a "S" icon comes up in your bottom right corner. Click it, and choose "Write New Style." Copy and paste my codes into the box and name it "Neopets" or whatever you wish, then hit "Save" and you should be good to go!


    Note: Also works on Facebook and any other site you can think of ;) If you ever need help with the CSS just let me know. I am happy to help :)

  10. Sigh...


    Obviously TnT is getting wise to adblockers. Therefore, any kind of "fix" regarding the use of AdBlock isn't going to work. It might work at first, but then it messes up again.


    I have the solution: Use the Stylish addon for FF. You simply use CSS to hide the ad divs. As a bonus, I will give you my personal CSS that I use for Neopets.com: Simply copy and paste into a new style for Stylish, and name it "Neopets" or whatever you want.


    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
    @-moz-document domain("www.neopets.com") {
    .adBox sf{visibility:hidden;}


    Stylish also comes in handy for playing NQ - you can hide everything on the page to make it load faster!


    As for IE users, I don't know what to tell you, except get a better browser. Bahaha :laughingsmiley:

  11. My husband's parents are from Goa. When I tell people that here in my hometown (in Tennessee), they're like "Where?!" So it's nice to see someone else that has heard of it! :)


    They speak uhhh something they call "Conkney" or something like that...and English, and Portuguese.


    Edit: "Konkani" that's it! Sorry for murdering the name of the language! :*

  12. As far as I know, there is no hack that gets around the 'position' filter. With CSS, there are workarounds, but I have just learned the hard way that I have to compromise my artistic graphic design vision when I'm coding CSS for Neopets. *sniffles*


    My advice to you is to tinker and experiment with code (w3schools.com is a great place to learn more)...and when all else fails, compromise. :)


    p.s. If you want a left-aligned page, simply add this code:




    That usually does the trick. Good luck :)

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