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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Woah, woah, woah... You guys are making it seem like these owners are slaveholders, cracking their whips for the hell of it.


    Have you forgotten that absolutely no one requires petpage applications because requiring them is against the rules in the first place? And that many people have so much to say that it can't possibly fit into a neomail? You're blowing it out of proportion.


    Look, someone who codes/types/draws excessively probably wants that pet more than most other people. For goodness sakes, why not give it a shot yourself? I'm currently applying for my ultimate dream pet and I can't draw worth crap, but I'm giving it a shot. :/ You'll never know where you'll land until you give it a try. Get over your martyr attitude and realize that you're not out of the running before the race even starts. If you really can't do anything, use a premade or a template and suggest for the owner to look at your account rather than your talents. Explain your situation. Sitting back and complaining will get you nowhere.


    On an end note, consider this: Someone who may go totally overboard with their application is just applying in the only way that they know how. It just wouldn't be fair to strip them of their only shot at a pet, now would it? Why don't you try to be an individual and create a gallery of books that you'll read to the pet? Or maybe gourmet foods that you'll feed it? Codestones, Dubloons, and Faeries that you'll train it with? Oh wait, is that too much work? If it is, then I'm sorry, but you just won't get it. It's only fair that the pet goes to the user that cares the most about it, and puts the most work into wowing the owner. It may put people on uneven ground, but that's just how it is sometimes. Suck it up and try harder next time.



    Sorry for any personal offense. My writing style is very direct and one-on-one. I'm speaking generally, as I hate it when I see people complain when someone who put more work into something gets it because "it's not fair" - it IS fair, you're just upset.


    *chuckles* It's amusing when someone writes such a passionate argument for something that is completely not worth defending! :laughingsmiley:

  2. Unfortunately, I don't have the record, but I love it however it is played! It's definitely one of my faves!


    I am also passionately crazy about this song...I just didn't want to clutter up the lists with my fawning :P

    I guess I'm a Van Morrison fan in general. Them is one of the greatest underrated bands of all time ever.

    But I hate "Moondance." Barf.

  3. Yep, random. But my personal theory is that you're not going to get it playing once per day - it has to like build up. Same thing with the Symol av. I could be wrong of course, which is why it's just a personal theory. :)

  4. My favorite color is dark clear. It's really quite lovely, especially when coated over a blueish grey. (:P)


    ...dark clear. hahaha


    Four more words needed.



  5. I can't really say my top 10 of all-time, new songs always replace old ones, then nostalgia knocks new ones out of the way. In no particular order:


    To Trixie and Reptile, Thanks for Everything - Chiodos

    Lexington (Joey pea-pot with a monkey face) -Chiodos

    Hello Fascination - Breathe Carolina

    Duck, Duck, Grey Goose- Let's Get It

    Three Cheers for Five Years - Mayday Parade

    Still Breathing - Mayday Parade

    I'm made of Wax, Larry, what are you made of? - A Day to Remember

    Assisstant to the Regional Manager - The Devil Wears Prada

    Caraphernelia - Pierce the Veil (feat. A Day to Remember)

    Cemetery Weather - Isles and Glaciers



    There's the top 10. And just for the extra connection, one of my many favorites, and a guilty pleasure song, is Time Machine by The Click Five :P


    Admittedly I haven't heard of most of those bands, but I had to say that they are really good at naming songs. :D

    *runs off to Frostwire*

    *I mean uh, purchase legal downloads*

  6. Anytime I want to get to know someone, I ask them to provide me with a list of their Top 10 favorite songs of all time.


    Some people see this and go "Ooooo I love music! This will be fun!"


    Some people see this and say "I really don't think music should be used to get to know people!"


    But I really love music, and I think taste in music is really telling as to who a person is.


    So please, reply away. It will make me happy. :)

  7. Back to the original question: Additionally, I couldn't play God. Just being given this choice would weigh heavily on my conscience. How could I live with myself knowing that I made the choice to terminate all of those lives? Better to just never let them experience life at all.

    (Of course, the decision to never let them experience life at all would also keep me up at night. But I would find solace in the fact that the bubbles are blissfully ignorant.)


    I cannot be responsible for ending a life. That's not my job. I myself am a Christian, and so I believe that job is held solely by our Creator.


    Even if you don't believe in God, you must know there are forces out there that are infinitely more powerful than us - the Universe, the Sun, Gaia, or whatever you choose to believe in.


    Is non-life important? Life is obviously unimportant, but at least it would be enjoyed. Where is the value in allowing them to exist forever?


    Is non-life important? No. Is a rock important? Is a sweater important? No. While inanimate objects hold some measure of importance to living things, they are ultimately not important. Loading a lifeboat from a sinking ship, do you choose to save a lady or a cement block?



    "Life is obviously unimportant" - I disagree. Every minute, in countless wonderful and mysterious miracles all over Earth (and most likely the rest of the universe as well), cells learn the secrets of metabolism and begin to organize...heart cells flutter and immediately begin pulsating at a steady tempo.... and then the other complex processes that lead to an object being academically defined as "a living thing" take place. After all of these events occur, the object in question becomes VERY important.


    What I feel is unimportant is existence in general. Simply put, it's better to have never lived at all than to live and then die.


    "at least it would be enjoyed" - Apparently we are not here to enjoy life. Life is filled with pain, loss, devastation, nuclear wars, death, heartbreak, et al...no living being exists in the absence of some degree of suffering. To give the bubbles a perfect (albeit short) existence is to defy the basest principles of life.




    I could really debate this all day - I didn't even address the spiritual definitions of life, vis-à-vis the soul - but I need to stop and eat some lunch. :)

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