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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. UFA




    Hattersley the Snow Elephante

    Gender: Male

    Age: 242 days

    Level: 1

    Health: 38 / 13

    Mood: delighted!

    Hunger: bloated

    Strength: average

    Defence: below average

    Move: fast

    Intelligence: clever


    I zapped Hattersley once the day I created him, and he immediately turned into a snow Elephante. Now that he is aged, I don't want to zap him again. I figured someone would love him and maybe lend him to their trusted friends. :)

    Hattersley is UFA.

    UFA: Please see the petpage of ~MutableFire for the rules and how to apply.


    Serious inquiries only - no PMs please, neomail mrscornflakes

    Thanks :)


    Edited 07.20.10


    Adopted by my pal PranksterChick, thanks!!


    p.s. Cujo_08 the Darigan Grundo was posted on the previous page as UFA...he now resides with me! :D

  2. Plus I'm all paranoid about dates now whenever I want to add my five cents to something...kinda sucks the fun out of posting on the forums. I've only posted like 4 things and I've already been in trouble 3 times (twice for not observing the dates of the threads I was replying to, and once because I forgot the seven word rule).

    I imagine this is probably why there isn't a ton of activity here.


    I'm new and such, and y'all don't know me yet, so please don't think I'm being critical or rude. I'm just making an observation. ^_^

  3. My sister got frozen because some random person off the NeoBoards accused her of 'hacking' their account. My sister was flabbergasted (how nice to use that word in a sentence) when she was frozen. Not only is she definitely not a hacker/spammer/rule-breaker, but also, she was a good-paying customer of Neopets: she had spent more than a few dollars on Neocash, and was a Premium user. Of course I was skeptical at first that she didn't do anything wrong, but now I believe that yes, TnT are freeze-happy. Accused of breaking the rules? No trial, no pleas, straight to execution. Now I'm fearful everyday that I'm going to get frozen. :(


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Stephé) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please do not bump an old topic that has been inactive for over 21 days.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Stephé if you have any questions regarding this action.

  4. Pro: Can't beat how quickly people post helpful stuff (Prime example: Tarla sightings)


    Con: People are horribly rude and incendiary.


    I would definitely recommend the NeoBoards to a n00b. I lie in wait in the 'Help' boards at times just answering questions. I like showing off that I know everything. :P

  5. Hi,


    I'm Rachel and I'm a grownup. :) I've been playing Neopets since September 12, 2001. (Yes, the day after 9/11.) I no longer have my original accounts because I gave them away in 2006 to a friend before it was against the rules to give accounts away...and naturally, they got frozen. After swearing off Neopets for a couple of years, I missed it too much and started a few new accounts.


    Anyway, I am a full-time college student, pursuing my B.Sc in Computer Science. I adore CSS and Photoshop. I also love pop culture, ie movies, music...all that general stuff. I especially loooove proper spelling and grammar. Sigh, English is a lost art.


    Anyway, I'm a whopping 31 years of age, so if there are any fellow senior citizens around here, please feel free to say hello. It's not that I don't like young people, I just get tired of talking about Justin Bieber all the time. :P


    That whole introduction was dorky. Anyway -


    Affectionately, - r

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